The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, June 30, 2005

    The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

    Song: Code Red - This Is Our Song

    In under 24 hours, it'd be all so bright and gay. The sun will come out again. Its light will never cease to shine. The rain would go away. The storm would fade away. Grey clouds would never be present. Clear blue sky. Oh that pretty picture.

    EMaths paper.
    It was alright. Few errors. More or less alright, I should think. To prevent myself from jinxing it, I shan't say I'm confident about it? But it wasn't as bad as the last few papers.

    Chemistry paper.
    It was alright too. When she said our time was up, I found out what I could've written for another mark. I thought it was quite.. fine. But nooo, everybody started comparing, this and that was wrong. Just trying to steer clear from all that comparing. I don't wish to know what other mistakes I've committed. Not yet.

    I've given up on trying to convince my cousin to watch Initial D. Why doesn't anyone wanna watch Initial D? Snort. It's Jay Chou! But whatever. Snort.

    Can't wait for tomorrow. Can't wait, can't wait.

    Granny's undergoing some... check up. In case of a weak heart. She's gotta go to the hospital, get something fixed in her heart to keep track of her pulse rate, so she's staying over at my uncle's place tonight. And possibly tomorrow. Quite.. scary. Imagine what you'd feel if you were told that you have a weak heart and you need more than just your muscles to pump it. *shudder* But at the same time, think it's best for her to stay with my uncle.

    1) He's retired.
    2) She won't be unhappy with anything there.
    3) She won't be bored.
    4) There're dogs to entertain her. Kay maybe scratch this thought, but hell.
    5) She probably always wanted to anyway. *cough*

    Gonna look for 98 degrees' album tomorrow. And possibly Jay Chou *grin* Still considering if I should get a Here We Come to replace my problematic one. We'll see!

    Can't wait.

    Wednesday, June 29, 2005

    Third Poem I've Ever Done.

    I just did a poem. *innocent* Just felt like it. Words.

    Life In Parts

    blurred; a stir.
    race against time.
    boredom; bugger.
    nearly like mimes.

    alone. trying to navigate.
    silence. uncertainty.
    school. love and hate.

    seek, search. problem.
    invade. comfort zone.
    explore. experiment.
    fetch. like dog and bone.

    mixed. jumbled.
    want to be me.

    Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    Questionaire #2

    Oops did I say back to studying? I got hooked on my friendster's messageboard. :p

    1.Most attractive feature of a guy is?
    2.Would you date anyone out of your race?
    yea. race/religion doesn't really bother me.
    3.Do you like older,younger or the same age?
    older. they -have- to be more matured. :p
    4.Would you date a guy who smokes?
    i wouldn't be attracted to that part of him. wouldn't kiss him for sure. lol.
    5.Does he have to be rich?
    nope. we can be broke together.
    6.Do you prefer taller, shorter or the same height guys?
    doesn't matter as long as he's not THAT way off shorter than me.
    7.Do like guys with facial hair?
    lol. i like clean shaven guys. =\
    8.Name four important things u look for in guys?
    humour. sufficient sensitivity. sincerity. he has to know more stuff than i do, and that's easy, knowing how apathetic i am to a lot of things.
    9.Would u date a guy your friend likes or used to?
    i.. think?
    10.Would you want a guy that is or is not a virgin?
    UMM... is. lol yes yes whatever, but i believe in sex only after... serious r/ships. and when i say serious, i mean dead serious. :p but doesnt strike me that much, at least not yet.
    11.Short or long hair guy?
    short, cos he's not to compare his hair with mine. LOL no im kidding. doesnt matter.
    12.HONESTLY, when it comes down to dating a person, do looks really matter?
    i suppose a little, for that bit of physical attraction. but otherwise, not really. he can't be that bad that you wouldn't even look him in the eye.. right?
    13.Do you like guys that are built or more skinny?
    built. lol guys shouldn't be thinner than i am! =p
    14.Do u want a guy who would pay for everything?
    he could if he likes. we could go dutch, doesnt matter.
    15.Do you like guys who are romantic or buddy-type?
    romantic. both actually. oops i'm demanding.
    16. When it comes to relationship, are you picky to choose ur partner?
    *ponder* i think?
    16. How many times you've fallen in love ever in your life?
    haven't fallen yet..

    I want to do moreee. :p


    It's been thousands of years since I did one of these. And yes I was bored.

    Are You?
    *sensitive = yes
    *easily hurt = perhaps?
    *calm = umm on occasions.
    *quiet = kind of. not when i'm in a fab mood though.
    *choosy = kind of?
    *active = not entirely..
    *very shy = heh, sometimes. some places. some people.
    *confident in urself = yes
    *brand-conscious = i'll be lying if i said no.
    *a good listener = i think?
    *easily bored = yes, quite easily bored.
    *outgoing = quuiite?
    *open-minded = kinda open to all issues.
    *an only child = nope. unless i don't count my brother as human. which is normal actually.
    *happy at the moment = not really.
    *tired = quite actually. neck aches too!
    *playing any online games = nope.
    *good at Chess = not at all.
    *tempted by chocolates = chocolates melt me.

    Do You ?
    *believe the term 'love at first sight' = call me naive but yes actually.
    *have someone you really care for presently = mmhmm with significance or not, i do care for a lot of people. (altogether now... AWW)
    *believe in love = yes
    *ever cheated on a test = yes i'm sure everyone has.
    *play the guitar = yea, i try.
    *play the piano = nope, but i've tried :S just doesnt turn out as well as it's supposed to be.
    *like your life = kind of...? i'm quite happy with my life.
    *like school = aim in schooling - to meet friends. :p but im bored of school.
    *like dancing = *grin* yea, but bad at it.
    *like sweets = yea but not much of a biggie compared to chocolates ;)
    *like travelling = to school, no. for a vacation or to meet people i like, yea.
    *own an Xbox/ playstation = nope
    *like Spongebob Squarepants = i like his laughter...
    *ride a bike = yea but probably lost my biking balance already.
    *read Harry Potter = nope. watch it though.
    *read a lot = not at all. i try to though.
    *yell at your siblings = umm have done that before, but dont do it much.
    *argue with your parents = sometimes.
    *feel like quitting this quiz = kinda. draaggy.
    *love McDonalds = i'm alright with it. don't LOVE it, don't hate it.
    *play basketball = nope
    *play badminton = yup
    *play tennis = yes until my bro gave up on me.
    *play bowling= YES!
    *swim = not much.
    *watch Disney channel = used to be a huge fan. not really now though.
    *love movies = yup!
    *like Oreo = YES. twist lick dunk.
    *like chips= alright with them.
    *do the housework = very little.
    *love your friends alot = yup
    *prefer your past life to present life = if only i knew my past life. but i think probably yes.

    Will You?
    *get more than 5 piercings = nope. but perhaps i'll settle for 3.
    *curse a friend = under unforseen circumstances *nervous laughter* i think i may have done so before.
    *hug a stranger = yea
    *sneak out at night alone = perhaps i will!
    *work for Donald Trump if you had a choice = he'll probably say, "You're fired!" but yes anyway.
    *further your studies overseas = yea wouldn't mind as hell!
    *try summoning a ghost for fun = no that's stupid.
    *try alcohol = have tried..?
    *love someone wholeheartedly = i think?
    *smokes = no. everybody knows how much i hate it.
    *ever hug someone = have hugged. will hug.
    *look someone in the eye = don't people do that all the time?
    *do stupid things that finally made u real embarrased = have done. inevitable to do so.
    *say sorry to someone = duh
    *thank someone = always do, always will.

    Back to studying. *huge yawn*

    School, Exams And Its Nonsense #6241

    song: MXPX - Responsibility

    Responsibility, what's that? *grin* This song cheers me up.

    English paper.
    What can I say? I usually rely on compositions, to be honest. They secure my marks. Comprehensions and summaries are unreliable. It was quite difficult to answer a few questions here and there. Average.

    Social Studies paper.
    First thing when I saw the theme (it was the one I studied for, the other theme we were told to study... I kinda risked it a little.) I was heaving a sigh of relief. Spoke too soon though. First question was alright, cos I started recalling most of the points. Second question is so friggin broad. And I only focused on one area. For a freaking broad question. Am I screwed or am I screwed? But I think it's alright. Fingers crossed.

    Literature Elective paper.
    Firstly, only 2 other classmates did the question I chose. First reaction from a friend who knew I chose that question, "ARE YOU MAD?!" *ponder* I was contemplating between the two questions, and the second question required a lot of comparison. I have too much details on one side, few on the other, so I decided not to risk that. The question I chose required a lot of details on sequence of events, which was probably worse now that I thought about it. I think I may have insufficient details. I kept repeating points and repeating WORDS. See the wonderful variety my vocabulary has. Fingers crossed too.

    A Maths paper.
    I thought it was alright when I was done with it? Left a 2 mark question blank. Couldn't do the sketch so figured it was alright to just leave a question alone. But when it was over, a lot of people talked about it, and I realised I may have misinterpreted some questions, or such. Confidence decreased slightly. But I didn't think it was that bad.

    Biology paper.
    One word. Goner.
    It was that bad. I had 3 marks worth of questions blank. I had the most rubbish rationalising to a lot of application questions. It wasn't about... forgetting my facts? It was about NOT KNOWING WHAT THE HECK THEY WANT. Fucking hell. Felt like I wasted so much time on so much studying and memorising and it's all gone to waste. Everytime I study friggin hard, they give stuff I don't know and don't give a crap about, that's it. I think I'll fail if I'm unlucky. Likely to get a C.

    Halfway through Bio, I was already giving up, counting the number of marks I may obtain. I think I'll pass. *nods self*

    Bloody hell. 4 more papers. I already forsee myself failing chinese, since it's essay writing and I NEVER pass a single composition so far. At least I have tomorrow off. Ugh.

    Sunday, June 26, 2005

    The Death Schedule

    Monday June 27th:
    Social Studies

    Tuesday June 28th:
    A Math

    Thursday June 30th:
    E Math

    Friday July 1st:
    Higher Chinese

    Should I jump off the roof tonight or tomorrow morning? *ponder*

    God, help me get through this. lol

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off to feast on my last meal. At least it's a fab one. Sarpino's Pizzeria takeaway, anyone? *sparkle* All for me! Farewell, lovelies.

    Saturday, June 25, 2005


    Song: Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn (Where Is Your Boy)

    [Warning: The following is of a touchy issue. If you're not comfortable reading about discussions on this, skip this entry.]

    I'd been wanting to talk about this since Lianne's entry on her beliefs.

    As many would know, I'm a Buddhist. Born into a Buddhist family, Buddhist relatives, everything, everywhere. I guess I would classify myself as a Buddhist "in name". I'm like that because I was born into it. I'm like that because the people who bring me up taught me this way. All my 15, soon-to-be 16, years of life, I've wondered if I were ever fit to be in this religion. I knew so little about it. I knew nothing about the Gods and Goddesses we worship in this religion.

    And the root of this Buddhist custom that I'm following is solely because of my granny, who's supposedly the most staunch Buddhist in the family. Even so, she takes beef. So I don't think people'd classify her as being a staunch believer either. I know I wouldn't.

    And trust me when I say this, I've tried praying like a Christian. To their God, with their ways of prayers. I've said, "Amen". I may not have been to a church but I certainly am confident enough to say I know enough to pray like one. (With all these evangelists around, are you kidding!?)

    [Note to Christians reading this: I do not consider Christians as evangelists. Only that I've encountered enough around to piss me off. I've seen enough people who would try to convert me despite knowing I'm of a religion nowhere near Christianity. I know not all Christians are like that, cos most of my friends aren't. And thank you for that!]

    To add to that, I've heard a fair bit of questioning about Christianity. I'm not sure if I can strongly believe in something with all that suspicions going on about it. I'm easily influenced, everybody knows that. If something isn't right, and especially the people I'm closer to have questioned it, it's certainly not something I can jump in and defend it.

    But even without all that, I've come to wonder, how can anyone believe so strongly in a mere... 'belief'? Is there really a need for religion around? Or need for different religions? I suppose all my life I've been praying to this supernatural being my mind has created for me. And the sole reason for that is to comfort me in times of fear, panic and anxiety. Just so that there's someone I can worship, and say, "God, help me get through this (shit)" and feel better after that. [Of course those in the brackets are optional.]

    If you look at it that way, however, wouldn't the universal God I'm referring to replaceable by the people around you? If I had someone to confide in all the time, or someone I know would calm me down and pull me through the shitty times, tide me through hard times, I don't think I would be praying.

    [Though being the superstitious person as I am, if a bad time occur once again after a long period of not having to pray to anyone, I would think, perhaps I've sinned cos I haven't prayed regularly. But I'm darn sure if I weren't that superstitious, I wouldn't have cared.]

    And to think about it, yes I haven't prayed in a long time. I've had new people to confide in to. I've fully utilised my handwritten diary. I've opened up to quite some people. Perhaps I could remain religion-less, in my own world. Perhaps it is true that people turn to religions only when they're scared. At least for me it is.


    from elise,

    Your Brain is 93.33% Female, 6.67% Male

    You have the brain of a girly girl

    Which isn't a bad thing at all

    You're emphatetic, caring, and in tune with emotions.

    You're a good friend and give great advice.

    What Gender Is Your Brain?


    from sharon,

    The True You

    You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed.
    With respect to money, you spend whatever you have.
    You think good luck might come your way, but if it does you'll be so surprised you'll burst out laughing.
    The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
    You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
    When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out.

    Who's the True You?

    hmm true enough. :p esp the bit on good luck coming my way. *chuckle*


    I'm only beginning to study for the papers on Monday. *panicks and dies*

    Friday, June 24, 2005


    Song: Good Charlotte - Walk Away (Maybe)
    Maybe I'm just scared
    To face the things I fear
    It's easier to walk away from everything
    This post shall be non-work related. Finally a more general topic.


    Have you ever felt yourself being scared but you don't know what you're scared of?

    Or perhaps you have a rough idea of what you're scared of, and you know that it's alright, but you're scared of it nonetheless?

    Even if it's not a bad thing?

    If you answer no to every question above, it just proves that I'm abnormal. It's okay to tell me I'm abnormal. lol

    And I like these particular lines from Missy Higgins' The Special Two.
    And you make boundaries you'd never dream to cross,
    And if you happen to, you wake completely lost
    Just because I know how that feels :p I'm so not a risk taker, everybody knows that. As much as I don't mind changes, certain changes just make me... I wouldn't say uncomfortable? But it takes a while to adjust and adapt. And absorb.

    Well, I say screw the way I was brought up. :p Screw it badly. I hate to think I'm being such a wimp because things are not according to the 'family plan'. The family plan is to go through primary education, secondary school, jc for 2 years, university, graduate, start dating, get married, settle down, earn big bucks. Seige is aware of this. lol But the thing is, because it's been such a mindset, if anything goes out of the way it's "supposed to be", I get freaked out.

    Anyway the point is, I like things planned and if anything goes wrong I would be upset. I don't like to take things as they come. I don't like to sit and watch to see what happens. I like to be able to expect them.

    Oh well I guess that's just... life. I'm now convinced that I would die if I were thrown out into the world out there. lol

    [insane mode]
    omgomgomgomgomgomg OH MY GOD. I completed the 12 Bio essay questions. No wait, 11 cos I don't know how to do one. But I actually did 3 yesterday and 8 today. OMG.

    I copied mostly from the textbook but do I care? Do I care?

    I DON'T!!! TRALALALALA *throws confetti in the air*

    AND i studied nutrition and transport in both human and plants today. the stupidest heaviest chapters. TRALALALLALALA
    [/insane mode]

    Thursday, June 23, 2005

    Movie Critic: A Lot Like Love

    Song: Bachelor Girl - Treat Me Good

    Caught A Lot Like Love yesterday.

    It has funny bits occasionally. Some of which did make me bounce off my seat laughing. There were sweet parts that just made you go, "awww".

    Eye candy wise, Amanda Peet was pretty at times. Ashton Kutcher was oh-so-god-damn-hot.

    Plot wise, there wasn't exactly a climatic part? It was just flowy. There wasn't anything that kept the viewers in suspense. Nothing much that made us wonder what's going to happen next. Or even if they tried, I predicted it so easily. So obvious!

    Anyway it just went on and on, and it didn't make me cry. It didn't make me tear at all. And that is terrible for a sappy romantic comedy. Everyone knows how easily I cry at shows. Hell, I did, at least, tear the first time I caught Finding Nemo. What do YOU think?

    It did surprise me that it failed at making me cry. I was quite expecting so.

    Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars. Only thing worth it was eye candy and the hilarious moments.

    Okay, that's the last movie before the exams. Sigh. More movies I want to / have yet to catch.
    Oooh suddenly I'm watching movies again. :p Anyway bought Bachelor Girl's album at Cash Converter's yesterday for 5 bucks. Apparently highly recommended by my friend. That's another cd to add to my collection. Saw a couple of Here We Come I was considering getting to replace mine. The last 2 tracks of mine keeps skipping. *sniff* I liiiike the last 2 tracks. Was tempted to get 98 degree's Revelation and 5ive's Kingsize. Also 5 bucks each. :p Ah well, I'll just be satisfied with what I bought first :p Was sooo into the boyband cds sold there. *chuckle* I'm such a teeny popper. LOL

    back to studying. snort.

    p/s: anyone did the second half of the physics paper? i don't know how to do like at least half of it. shit.

    Wednesday, June 22, 2005


    song: a1 - Nothing But Trouble

    [been listening to bosson and a1. Oh the bloody good ol' times. sniff. I'm getting slightly nostalgic.]

    aaaanyway, *beam* My aunt called my gran to tell her I looked fab in one of those pictures we took during my cousin's wedding tea ceremony. *sparkle* The one I took with the bride and all her friends. Whee. that made me very happy. :p Considering I was rather... shabbily cladded that day.

    But I remember having a bad hair day. Hmm. But if she called specially to say that... it shouldn't be too bad then.

    Can't wait to see the photos!

    And then my mummy told me I look pale today. Hmm. She thinks it's my lack of exercise. I just went jogging two mornings ago, mummy! *raise eyebrow* and I should be fine. Maybe it's the lack of ice cream in my daily dosage. lol

    And I'm feeling it. I'm gonna be depressed for the next few days because I know the end is near. The holiday spirit's already ceasing. Block CAs are coming to devour me in 5 days.

    I'll just say my farewell now, in case I don't come back after 5 days. In case something mighty bad happens. In case I jump off the roof even before the holidays end.

    Oh maybe I should write a will. Hmm. The money should go to...

    Wait a second. I should go shopping with the money before I do all that foolish stuff. Doh *thwaps self* So stupid of me.

    On a lighter and less insane note, I'm going out in about 4 hours *hop* I'm so sick of all the physics I've been trying to absorb. Ugh. Must start on Bio tomorrow.

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    My IQ

    Your IQ Is 90

    Your Logical Intelligence is Average
    Your Verbal Intelligence is Average
    Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
    Your General Knowledge is Below Average

    A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

    *amused* Very accurate. Almost. :p

    My Achievement

    Song: 3 Doors Down - Here By Me

    Oh god, finally I've completed re-studying Chemistry, doing all the bloody papers. I did ALL the freaking papers. All the mole concept worksheets, stoichiometry worksheets, QA worksheets, cedar girls' paper, previous year's prelim papers, oh god I can't believe it. I did those which my chem teacher went through but I didn't do, etc etc. I cannot believe it.

    Of course I can't remember all my facts yet, so revision will come later. Oh god I still can't believe I completed it. :p such a huge bulk of the work left undone is cleared. WHEW.

    I still have the Bio essay questions glaring at me, but I'll attempt not to panic and go on to Physics first. I want to complete all sciences, then go on to humanities, finally maths, then go back to the sciences again. No prizes for guessing which I'm most worried for. :p

    Fuck, I just realised I've only 7 days left. Okay deep breaths, don't panic. You can do this.

    I WANT TO GO OUT. *cries*

    mum: when're you exams?
    me: err uhh next week?
    mum: oh. you're not going out anymore.

    Little does she know I have plans. *scheming smile* :P

    Alright *sigh* back to the studying, or my plans would fall through.

    Anyway for some reason I keep thinking it's already 5ish near 6 now. Biological clock slightly screwed just because I woke up earlier than the usual 10-ish 11, the past weekend, to jog. *sparkle*

    And then, I had this huge packet of kitkats.

    Whatever :p Study study study. Oh I hate studying. Maybe I should psycho myself. No I don't hate studying. I don't, I don't. I do NOT hate studying. Rar. I've gone insane.

    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    From This Moment...

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Incomplete

    The wedding dinner last night at Sheraton was quite so mesmerizing. The gorgeous bride with her suave groom walking down the aisle, embracing us with their presence and the sense of joy, as Shania Twain's From This Moment came on. Everything was so perfect. It was a perfect song. Perfect bride in a perfect gown. Perfect groom in a perfect suit. Confetti and flowers were thrown. It was just quite so overwhelming. I wasn't kidding when I told seige I could cry watching that scene.

    It was just... so sweet. So so sweet.

    It was so... picture perfect. I can't find a better description, really. Or I could easily blame it on the lack of variety in my vocabulary. :p

    That aside, it's so annoying when the older generation think of how the 'older ones' should get married first.

    I mean, please.

    My mum was saying something about a cousin of mine (who's a month older than the bride) marrying late. Doesn't really matter does it? They're all still young. She's still in the midst of accomplishing something in her career. She's still enjoying seeing sights of the world. She's only 26!

    Then she said the next to wed should be this other cousin who's... 30 I should think. Thereabouts. Possibly a year or two older than 30. Little did she know that he's broken up with his girlfriend *cough* But it's quite... silly of him to bring her home, to bring her to our granny's birthday celebrations, when they weren't even in a steady relationship. I mean, who does that!? One is bound to go out with another for the longest time before introducing that person as your special half to the entire world. Yes I mean entire world. You don't know how many relatives show up at a big event like my granny's wedding. Practically lots of people I don't even know. :p

    Digressed *cough*

    My gran was even more exaggerated. She raised a concern about the groom's twin brother (identical twin brother!) who's 2 hours older than the groom, not getting married before the little one does. HELLO!? 2 HOURS? WHO CARES?

    But that was before the wedding of course. :)

    That aside, my gran pissed me off before the wedding dinner last night. Because someone noticed my necklace on Thursday (one that's worth a lot, from my dad years ago) she wants me to wear that bling bling again last night. Whatever for? SHOW OFF.

    Okay, if you know me well enough, when one wants me to do something, I deliberately don't do it. Not because I'm being rebellious. Because it's just my nature not to. Similar to the logic I raised previously about wristbands and such. And my gran is already such a show off, I didn't expect her to want me to be an item for her to show off. Oh look, my son bought this diamond necklace. Looks so nice on her. Bling bling bling.

    And I'm not rejecting that idea solely because I didn't want to be showed off to the world because of a bling bling. But because I was wearing god damn long earrings, mind you. They were nearly touching my shoulders even with my head stretched upright. Now everyone knows that it's just not right when you have 3 long thingies with stars hanging from a ear, nearly reaching your shoulders, and then next to your shoulder - your neck, you have another bling bling, that's hanging slightly loosely.

    So I was strongly objecting to it, pissing her off, and in turn pissing myself off. (She was in such a pissy mood anyway.) And my bro was asking why I'm so against that idea. The wise one - ME, then told him. Less is more. Wow, I'm a genius. :p Then I went on to sing the Joss Stone song that's titled Less Is More. *chuckle*

    But he replied, less is less, more is more.

    Snort. Guys. Snort.

    But it did help that I felt very pretty last night :p It's the first time the make-up looks perfect. *grin* My mum helped me with the eyeliner this time so it's nearly balanced. *cough*

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    If you observe properly you can see the pretty dress that's on me. :p

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    The gift for everyone on the dining tables. Lovely heart shaped milk and dark chocolate sitting in a very pretty box.

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    Okay, this has a story. A little cousin got the bouquet, gave to his mum, his mum has the entire bouquet so she offered me roses. And of course I happily took one. :p

    Friday, June 17, 2005

    How Small Is Singapore?

    Song: Papa Roach - Scars

    How freaking small is Singapore?

    During the wedding when we visited the groom's parents' place, we found out that one of his relatives used to be close neighbours with the bride's friend. They watched her grow up. Everyone was surprised! Noone knew they'd meet there. The bride's friend had no idea who the groom was, when they were still neighbours and vice versa.

    While last night I just found out that Taffy and I were at the same place, at the same time, watching the same freaking movie, and had no idea. That scared the hell out of me. This sheer coincidence is so scary. So scary.

    And like my brother said, we all have friendster connections. Most of us are like related to someone who's related to someone who knows someone, etc etc. Most of them take less than 3 links.

    Singapore's so freaking tiny. :p

    That aside, wedding dinner tonight! I'm not as excited as I was already. :P I don't like the expected questions and expressions I'm gonna get for wearing a dress. And I don't wanna be overdressed. (OH SEIGE! Your reassurances! I need them now. lol) Hope my bro manages to borrow a cousin's car to drive us tonight. *chuckle*

    Thursday, June 16, 2005

    Last Night

    song: Kai - Count On My Love

    I wanted this on a separate post. :p [and shut up about the song. I'm listening to the cd.]

    Batman Begins was awesome. The action was really cool. I've told lianne and my friend that I think the batmobile is really ugly. I take that back. After watching it yesterday evening, I totally wanna sit in one. :p It is SO BLOODY COOL.

    And for some reason, when Katie Holmes appeared on the screen, I just pictured the playful her next to Tom Cruise and that disgusts me. *cough* Christian Bale is hot though. Lalala.

    And the theatre was freezing I'm telling you. Next time you're going to GV Plaza Singapura for a 2 hour long (Batman Begins was 2 hours and 20 minutes!) movie, bring a bloody sweater. Freaking cold. Suuuper freezing. I was trying to warm myself up, but was too engrossed in the show. Everybody was. :p I was like, ren3! SOOOOO cold.

    Hmm. Lalala. Anyway I wasn't back in time for Eye For A Guy 2's finale. (So sorry Esther, I know you were counting on a post about it cos you're missing it too. Oops. Unforseen circumstances :x) Only caught the last 10 minutes of it!

    Because I didn't catch the oh-so-darn-sad part of Howard being rejected, I realised that hey, Wolfgang and Denise do make a pretty compatible pair. We all want Howard to win because he's so freaking sweet. But Wolfgang and her go along pretty well too. Of course if I saw how sad Howard was for myself, I would've thought, HELL! DENISE YOU ARE BLIND! :p But I didn't. So maybe I make a less biased judgement! hahaha

    They look quite happy in love anyway.

    After the show there was this poll set up, for which guy should be chosen for Eye for a Girl. Howard, Jeff or Shan.

    Come to think of it, I don't see Howard eliminating girls each week. I don't see how girls are gonna impress him. I see more of girls getting impressed by him. Hmm.

    Jeff is so... out of place in such context. He's very average I would say. Can't think of how he'd fit in as a "bachelor".

    Shan. He's a better choice of the 3 cos you can totally imagine him flirting with all 10 girls and eliminating one each week? But that's gonna make his record of "cheating on 2 girls" worse. *shrug* I think he's the best of the 3 to be doing Eye for a Girl, but I don't think he should be it, all the same.

    I kinda felt like, upon reading how incredibly hilarious Christian is, how goofy he is, if he were on the show for a longer period of time, people would vote him to be in Eye for a Girl. :P Or Utt. hahaha

    2 cents worth.

    That being said, go watch Batman Begins. :p

    The Wedding

    Song: Kai - Will You Still Love Me

    Ultimately sappy song lol *cough* Anyhow. Just came back from my cousin's tea ceremony, with eyeliner rubbed, mascara smudged (*grin lianne* guess which mascara I was using!), eye shadow almost non-existent, lip gloss long gone.

    uncle: what happened to your eyes?
    i: oh i got bashed up
    uncle: wow look she got bashed up.
    aunt: you did your eyes yourself ah?
    i: yeah
    aunt: wow, well done.
    uncle: she got bashed you still say well done.
    i: i enjoy bashing myself up.

    15 years of getting teased, I've learnt how to save myself. *nod* I've grown. For some reason everyone noticed my make up today. It's not the first time I have make up on, people. Gee!

    bride: you put make up ah?
    i: yeah just for your wedding man.

    another cousin: do you have make up on?
    i: yar
    he: why is one eye deeper than the other?
    i: cos i made myself up.
    he: oh
    i: does that answer your question?
    he: i thought the first thing you learn in art class is balance.
    i: apparently i don't.
    he: (to bride) look, she has make up on!
    bride: yea I know.
    he: and one eye's deeper than the other.
    bride: hey not bad k. when I was her age I don't know anything about make up.

    Anyway it was lovely. My cousin (the bride) was absolutely stunning. I wouldn't even say gorgeous cos that'd be an understatement. She was completely exhausted but always cheerful. I wasn't taking any video today though. Just helped to carry the gown around, helped about, just smile and be pretty. I'm having a bad hair day though, quite unfortunately. I look messy in most photographs. But hell. :p And the couple were really really cute together. The groom was sabotaged to shout from outside the house the 3 magic words and unless the bride (locked up in her room) was satisfied, her friends weren't gonna let him in.

    And, they made him have this dish. Sour + sweet + bitter + spicy stuff. (Translated directly from mandarin) They had lime, they had some sorta leaves thingy, wasabi, and a spoon of coffee POWDER. The groom was seriously about to puke before that. But sheer determination to see his bride kept him going :p Or so I would describe it. haha. And when we went to the groom's parents' place, he had diahorrea *cough* The bride's friends were seriously feeling guilty after that. *chuckle*

    Anyhow, I got red packets. *hums* Haven't figured what I'll do with them yet. OH YES. I NEED A BLOODY SCHOOL BAG. *nod nod nod*

    Tomorrow night's dinner would be super exciting. All the footages of today, lots of sabotages. My cousin had a snapshot of them drunk at a karaoke lounge, conveniently getting knocked out one on top of the other (*COUGH seige* yes that one) and he's trying to get it sent to the bride's friends so they can complete the video. Exciting!

    Very sweet and lovey dovey stuff going on today. I had quite enough of couples for the moment. :p One can only take so much mushiness. Hahaha.

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005

    Movie Talk

    Song: Fall Out Boy - The Pros and Cons of Breathing

    Heh. I'm gonna be catching Batman Begins in several hours time. (*ducks from Lianne* I swear I'll catch Hitchhiker's soon! Soon soon!) Coincidentally, there're tons of reports about the show on today's Life! papers. It's meant to be out officially tomorrow...

    Anyhow, it just struck me that I know nuts about Batman. I haven't read any of the batman comics. I have never watched any Batman movie. Batman, Batman & Robin, Batman Forever? None. Oops. I do know they exist though, if that helps.

    I just realised I'm quite a movie-idiot afterall. Name me several red hot movies out there, chances are I haven't watched them. Name me some tween chick flick with happy endings, I've probably watched them. lol Namely Mean Girls, 13 Going on 30, Crossroads (oh god. This was a mistake!), Cheaper By The Dozen, Freaky Friday, Uptown Girls, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Wimbledon, 50 First Dates, Spot, Princess Diaries (the first one), What A Girl Wants, Charlie's Angels... amongst the many others.

    And NO, I'm not that big a Lindsay Lohan fan. I just happen to watch a lot of her shows, kay?

    The only red hot shows that I do catch... that triggered lots of talk... are umm Spiderman (the first one), Oceans Eleven and Oceans Twelve. Umm Harry Potter? heh.

    I've wasted a lot of money on crap movies. *innocent* Though I do enjoy most of the teen flicks I've watched (keyword here: most), they were probably not exactly worth watching in the theatres.

    Well what can I say, thank god for HBO. lol

    Hope Batman Begins is easy to comprehend. *shudders at the thought of bugging my cousin throughout X2 when it was shown on HBO*

    Monday, June 13, 2005

    Immature Bickering We Seek Thrill In

    I know it's the thousandth time I'm blogging. Whatever. :p My bro just set up the router properly and we're both online at the same time (that almost never happens) and we're just excitedly sending nudges to each other, annoying the crap out of each other. (Whew my msn sounds are turned off.)

    [featuring Armatage Shanks. : Bro & untitled: Me]

    Scene 1: The beginning. First impressions - the nick.

    Armatage Shanks. says:
    wat a stupid nick...everybody now..UNCOOL!!
    untitled says:
    armatage shanks is SO i-like-green-day-so-i'll-copy-the-title-of-their-song
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    but bcos it has to do wif green day, it is...everybody now..COOL!! how cool? ICE COOL
    untitled says:
    such a copycat. tsk. so green day produces fans who have no sense of originality? tsk tsk
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    but u cant play the guitar..
    untitled says:
    HELLO? what has that got to do with aaaanything?

    Scene 2: Second impression - The Display Pic

    untitled says:
    your display pic is SO ugly
    untitled says:
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    ure jealous...stupid sailboat'
    untitled says:
    and you can't appreciate it. tsk.
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    yucky mucky
    untitled says:
    look at YOURS. big big EEW?!
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    untitled says:
    bwahahaha. silenced?
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    silence of the lambs...baa baa..
    untitled says:
    ** i wish that you would shut up! lalala
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    i wish that you would shut up! twinky winky
    untitled says:
    twinky winky?
    untitled says:
    or tinky winky?
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    twinky winky!! i dun care..
    untitled says:
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    yes u.
    untitled says:
    tsk. don't indulge in self denial midear. not good for your health
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    whois midear
    untitled says:
    what's whois. ha.

    ** I was blasting a Good Charlotte song and it had that line and we were both singing to it. Hence.

    Scene 3: Plain bullshite

    Armatage Shanks. sends Class Schedule.htm
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    help me print!
    untitled says:
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    untitled says:
    bite me :P
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    or u'll never b able to sing
    untitled says:
    i can sing as and when i want to
    Armatage Shanks. says:
    oh wait..u alredy cant...
    untitled says:
    i can SO sing. you're just jealous

    Snort. :p


    Song: Missy Higgins - The Special Two

    Haiyah. Look missus. All my dad did was to throw away a piece of chicken neck. NO BIGGIE, MISSY. WAKE UP!!

    And there is NO need to drag my mum into this stinking trivial matter. There is no need to give her a curfew. There is no need to complain about the time she goes out and returns. She is fucking 52. I think she has the right to decide.

    And my dad is sick of you grumbling all the time. That is why he always flares up when you fuck up. Not because he's spent so much that he's getting all flustered lately. He doesn't like you poking into his business or watching every move he makes.

    And there is NO need to snap at me, telling me I always don't dry the dishes and put them back where they belong, when I fucking did, and you just don't know. Don't bloody assume your way around this fucking house.

    When you're pissed with my dad, don't fucking drag anyone else into it. There are just too many things my mum has done that you don't fucking appreciate. For example, when we went out yesterday (as a family) she decided to stay at home cos YOU were gonna be at home alone. When we're back, what happens? You complain about her in the kitchen. And I can't understand what is wrong with having a big appetite. You don't seem to like my mum's eating habits very much.

    Whenever I come home from a lovely day, usually exhausted, my poor ears have to be tortured all over again. All that pissy moody thing you're going through is getting overboard. Like why don't you start by (with all due respect) shutting up.

    Sunday, June 12, 2005

    My Cousin's Getting Married!

    Song: Rooster - Staring At The Sun
    I'm tired of staring at the sun
    Can't stand the way you burn my eyes so I can't see
    Stealing every breath I breathe
    You push me into overdrive
    And I don't need this kind of high cos now I'm done
    You took everything while I was staring at the sun
    How my Saturday went: jogged, listened to the 3 doors down album a few times, watched Van Wilder on the preview channel, played the guitar (jammed to 3 doors down, lifehouse, maroon5, mcfly HEEHEE), played Yahoo! Graffiti. *cough* watched MTV Movie Awards as well.

    Very umm productive day, no? Was kinda moody yesterday as well.

    Today I plan to pray that my brother would bug the family out to shop. :p And I just realised I missed another homework out, the previous entry. Biology TYS MCQs, which I plan to complete today. And to start studying for Chem so I can start on the papers. It...will take a while. :p

    This morning was hilarious though. My cousin called me to inform me to go to her place earrrrly on Thursday to take the video for the tea ceremony. She was saying, there'd be a few of her friends who'll bring a lock for the gate, in order to lock the groom out of the house, only letting him in after all that usual teasing and bargaining for red packets. So exciting! The first wedding I actually remember seeing such stuff! :p She said she was worried that... knowing how ticklish I am, everyone'll have a headache watching the video I'd be taking, since I'm bound to laugh a lot. :p Oops?

    There's one thing though. She sounded so excited I was feeling so happy for her. We're not even that close, though she passes on her clothes to me all the time. I could hear the joy in her voice though, and it made me feel like, wow. True blue overjoyed bride. The girl who was always the mother of the immature crowd (my other cousins and I) is getting married. No big surprise there, just that it finally got drilled in to my head that it's not just a wedding I'm attending. Not just about making up, dressing up, being pretty and smile for the camera this Friday. (FYI: The wedding dinner's on Friday. Tea ceremony's on Thursday.) My cousin is getting married!

    AND I'm one of the important people for the tea ceremony cos I'm taking the video for them *sparkle* So I'll be included in her itinery as one of the "important people". Bwahaha. (Nevermind the fact that I'm important only because everyone else has work, army, school, etc. We can always leave trivial facts like that out. *innocent*)

    My cousin's getting married!

    Oh well, the times I saw her boyfriend (husband-to-be) with her, they already seemed like a married couple. But it's just that, it's never really crossed my mind that they're gonna settle down, exchange rings, serve the grandparents, parents, and aunties and uncles of all sorts tea, cut a wedding cake, live together, have children, that sorta thing? It's just basically Oh, they're together, how cute!


    Man, I wonder how it feels to be a bride in 5 days. :p She must've been grinning to herself in her sleep these days.

    Saturday, June 11, 2005

    The Progress

    The Homework List: (thanks zheya :p)
    Other stuff to be done:
    That's basically everything. And plans to buck up on Chinese, ie reading lots and lots of Chinese stuff? Not gonna be carried out, as usual. Bah. At least I did quite some homework! :p I just had to look at the striked out stuff *innocent*

    But with half the holidays gone, I think it's a cause for panic and worry. *deep breaths*

    Friday, June 10, 2005

    Fun Fun Fun!

    I had such a deliciously (you'll find out why) fun day today *sparkle*

    Started off with another Literature seminar at the Regional Language Centre (RELC) which is situated in the most secluded area ever, I had no freaking clue how to get there. All hail Bi Xia's uncle for driving us there :p and back. And it's only 15 years (close to 16) after I was born that I realise Newton is just after Orchard. *runs into the wall*

    I thought it was freaking far. Like perhaps just before Bishan or something. How would I know!

    Anyhow, I was incredibly sleepy, for some reason. To such extent that if I were to close my eyes for longer than I usually do to blink, I would fall asleep. And I found myself waking up, which meant I actually nearly did doze off! Heh I was trying all sorts of different methods. By pinching myself, shaking my legs, blinking so hard. Then I received an sms from a friend to meet later on, and I woke up! LOL [Seige, I sms-ed you cos I was hoping you'd reply back something that'd wake me up but NOOOO you just ignored my msg!]

    So anyway, Bi Xia's uncle dropped me off at Lido and then I realised it's a long walk to Somerset from there. Snort. Fine, I'm lazy, whatever. :p (Yea I was meeting my friend at Somerset or I wouldn't be such an idiot to walk all the way there.) And then, I walked past this wall of graffiti which was so impressive.

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    I loooove looking at those sorta graffiti for some reason. Catches my attention as hell. And there were tons of photographers around along the streets of Orchard Road, the heart of our sunny island. They looked like they were hidden among the bushes while trying to find a good spot or angle to take a picture of certain buildings like Wisma Atria and Taka... it almost felt like they were paparazzi trying to snap a picture of me. Oh *flusters*

    Anyhow, my friend & I were at Gramophone and the staff there was lovely. We were having quite some fun, and trying out cds we thought were worth buying. And I couldn't decide to buy...
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    or not, and my friend just handed the CD to the staff to have a listen to, and the guy was like, "HELLO?! It's 3 Doors Down! No need to test one!" :p but he did anyway. Lovely company, we spent quite some time there. Needless to say, I bought it (DUH the picture) and feeling incredibly broke, hiding it from my brother for a few weeks first or he'd kill me. (First Vanessa Carlton, now 3 Doors Down, you very rich, is it?) :p

    Then anyway, we headed to Suntec's swensens for some yummy yoghurt. Just sat down to chill out for a while, before I headed over to airport (and not to mention, being incredibly late.) to meet seige. It's not my fault! The train took forever to arrive!

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    I call that picture the middle platform. :p The empty middle platform. I swear it took forever! And I desperately needed to p... I desperately needed to visit the ladies. *sparkle* And THEN, we headed to swensens (AGAIN *grin* but this time I don't pay a cent) to have proper lunch, and ice cream of course. Now, my poor cousin feels poor. *pats*

    We went plane-watching for a bit before heading off. Fun fun fun. We were acting like plain idiots in Swensens. And they almost didn't charge us for the ice cream. No wait, they didn't. Until we told them about it. Sigh, we're such angels. :p

    I know it doesn't sound like an incredibly fun day, but I was terribly entertained :) I'm exhausted as well, so I can't be bothered to describe much either. :p I just had fun. Whee!

    Wednesday, June 08, 2005


    Song: Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down

    See what holidays do to you? They deprove your self-disciplinary level to zilch so even if you set your mind to complete 2 Chinese essays in an entire day, the most you can do is one, even though by right it should take you only about an hour. They make you completely addicted to the computer. (Or at least me.) And worst of it all, it gives me too much time to think. That always leads to something bad. :p

    Today, it just hit me. I found myself pondering, am I actually antisocial / unsociable?

    Perhaps I'm just extremely selective with my group of friends. With certain people, I practically have the role of being a "listener". So if you ask me, what do I talk to them about? Well, nothing really. I just listen. It's kind of odd.

    If I'm with not-all-that conversationalists, what I'll be facing is awkward silences, while I pretend to look around as though there're tons of interesting sights.

    And with others whom I DO talk to, it's all daily routines, so what's going on with me, what I've been doing, etc. While I'm quite opinionated, or so I think I am, I don't tell people about it. (Hence, the blog, thank god.) It's possibly only my cousin, whom I can tell about issues I think is right or not, whether this or that is crap or not. Maybe it's because I know her way past the judging-one-another stage. Maybe it's because I know she's likely to agree with me, or just think nothing of the topic. I don't exactly like to say something whereby people would start making a huge hoohaa of it?

    But it's quite sad, to know that I only confide in one person. And because I gradually can't be bothered to tell others much apart from daily routines, I don't fit the bill of being 'articulate' or 'opinionated'. It doesn't bother me however, hence I'm beginning to wonder if I'm antisocial.

    All that being said, it isn't true that I dislike the company of others though. I do. I love it, in fact.

    Thing is, let's face it. If I haven't met a friend (even a good friend) for a week, I'd just ask how that person is and vice versa. If I haven't met my cousin for a week, I'd have truckload of stories to fill her in with, sights I've seen, my thoughts, what irked me within that week, what I'm looking forward to, my worries, etc. That's the difference. Huge margin eh?

    I wonder if I should be worried.

    That aside, I AM worried about the rate I'm going. I don't think I'll be able to complete my homework PLUS study AND revise in time for the block CAs. Funny how some people don't believe me when I say I have been slacking like nuts. There must be too many people around who say they've been slacking but haven't, leading to those misconceptions about me. Tsk.

    Tuesday, June 07, 2005


    Song: Mariah Carey - Fantasy

    Wow that song's old. Anyway this afternoon while I switched to MTV channel in front of my gran, Mariah Carey's "It's Like That" video came on, we saw Mariah in that dress with a super slit on her right leg all way up to the thighs, caressing (=X) herself? My gran started telling me about some market incident that revolved around pork legs. I nearly choked. Maybe it was pure coincidence. I'm quite sure she was watching the screen though. :p

    Had Literature seminar in the morning. Kinda liked it cos I think she was a good speaker. But, it was so freaking irritating at the beginning, with people's cellphones ringing or LOUD keypad tones beeping away. GOD DAMN IT CAN'T YOU MAKE IT SILENT?! I'd rather listen to vibrations, thank you! Thankfully gradually it all subsided, all attention on the speaker.

    Nearly met up with a friend after that, but didn't. So went home to chomp on my McChicken student value meal. Taking all measures to save money now. :p Went to HMV this morning to ask if they have Tyler Hilton's The Tracks Of... But they only have Tyler Hilton EP, which has only... 5 songs? When asked if they'd be shipping any to HMV anytime soon, the lady said not at the moment, unless I want to place an order and that would cost me $33. O...Kay. Maybe I'll resort to Amazon, Ebay or something when I'm a bit more desperate for it. Sampled 3 Doors Down though! SO gonna get that soonest possible. :p

    Anyway I was on my way home alone, so I got to thinking. "If you don't think crap is crap, then you don't know what the crap you're talking about." (- Cool Crap on MTV) No, seriously, I was thinking of what I think IS crap. Quite a few are feminism, don't mind me.

    1. I think the rule often implemented on females that they're not supposed to go out late is crap. The reason why it's done is because adults are worried that females would be grabbed, groped, touched or raped when they're out too late at night. Because us feeble females would be potential preys for some bastards out there. Is it actually fair for us to be disallowed to do something because of what MALES can do? Snort.
    2. I think letting guys out late, instead of females, is crap. If you disallowed all males to be out late, and females instead, wouldn't we all be safe then?! :P Why not spend the nights teaching them how to act like a proper gentleman!
    3. I think my gran being biased to males is crap. How can any female think that males should trample over us and let them lead us? Hello, aren't you a female!? She certainly hasn't mentioned that she had wanted to be a male. So that's ironic. To want to be a female, and think so highly of males. (I can safely blame her for making me biased against my own race or country *grin seige*)
    4. I think people who sit on the outside of the benches in extremely crowded buses (crowded means there are quite a few people standing, and are not alighting very soon) are crap. Does your bum occupy the entire seat? I'd be quite sorry for you if you do. Don't even THINK about pretending to look everywhere but at the people who are standing. Ignorant faggots.
    5. I think smokers are crap. (Everyone knows this. lol) Don't you DARE puff in front of me. Firstly I'm quite sure I'm clean when I go out. I don't wanna stink because of a stupid person's act. Secondly, it freaking STINKS.
    6. I think people who get offended because they're offered seats, being mistaken for pregnant ladies or old folks, are crap. It's not the people (who offer their seats)'s fault that you look that way. Those people are just being nice. Try to appreciate their niceties and SIT dammit.
    7. I think people who try to snatch cabs (ie running to flag a cab BEFORE you, when you're clearly there much earlier) are crap. Especially when you know they're there before you, don't jump the bloody invisible-but-is-there queue.
    8. I think people who jump queue are crap. *beam*
    9. I think people who jump others' queue, pretending to know the person initially queuing very well, are crap. How thick can one's skin get? When that person has expressions that clearly show I-don't-know-you-that-well-do-I, don't pretend to hang around and start chatting that person up, when all you want is your friggin order. SNORT.
    10. I think the way we're bought up here is crap. When people are celebrating their sweet 16s in the US, free of worries, making it such a big deal when they turn 16, we're here worrying about our block CAs, prelims, big O's. When you're 18 here it's no biggie as well. When you're 21 here, few just have barbeques. When on earth do we get to celebrate our age? When we're fragile and weak at 60?!
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    Trishaw spotted in the heart of sunny Singapore. Didn't think they were still around! I'd like to be sitting in a trishaw, transported from say Specialists' Shopping Centre to Wheelock! :p

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    Super smart way of keeping all the earrings I've got, considering they're all dangly. [Seige, I think I seriously lost my hoop earrings. *cries*]

    Monday, June 06, 2005

    Dramatic Morning

    Song: McFly - Hypnotised

    This morning was a little too dramatic for my own good. My ears were itching, so natural human instincts would tell you to get a cotton bud to dig your ear. (DOH) So I stuffed it into my right ear, went a few rounds, then stuffed it into my left ear. I felt it scratching the interior, so I took it out only to see the remains of the stick. Where has the cotton gone to!?

    Yes, yes. In my ear. Panic attack! My mum desperately tried to take a look at the insides of my ear with a torchlight. Apparently nothing can be seen. She even had forceps ready. (They were sterilized! With hot water at least.) But she daren't take the risk, and made me go to the docs.

    It was time to leave home to meet Audrey, Elise & Jiawei though :p Okay, reluctantly I went anyway. The doc checked my ear with a torch (my mum's a genius afterall) but he couldn't see anything. So he had this special equipment he took from a toolbox (looked like one, but smaller). It was one that looked like a ear thermometer? Only that it's a... sorta magnifying glass to see the insides. He was astounded. Telling me how clear my ear is, that he could see clearly the passageway all way through to the ear drums. Then he observed a little more, observed my right ear, and then told me it's this tiny little fragment in it. Nothing to worry about it cos the wax would dissolve it (?) gradually. No point going through all the hassle trying to flush it out cos it's not obstructing the passage, and it'll "disintegrate" with time. WHEW

    And then, I had to pay $12 for consultation fees. Snort. I should've asked him more questions about the ear, played with his equipment and such. Darn.

    Anyway, met the co. for badminton much later *sparkle* good fun. Just like the sec 2 times! *sniff* Talk about nostalgia! I was wearing my sec 1 class tee, to add to that. Waaaa! *cries* We're playing again next Monday *beam* I think I shall jog tomorrow. Anyway, we were having a break in between and then we had this fantastic idea of taking a picture of our racquets.

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    And the smart one, aka ME, decided, hey, racquets next to the owner's foot!

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    Heh that was fun :p

    Yesterday, my aunt gave me another bag of clothes my cousin didn't want anymore. (That's the cousin that's getting married next Thursday.) That's one reason why I don't own most of the clothes in my wardrobe. My mum finds it tough to turn down free clothes, hence I got lots of clothes that are hers. And because of that, my wardrobe looks really full, so I don't need more clothes. Snort. And there was this period of time every top or bottom I wore was hers! Oh well, I'm glad I own slightly more stuff now. :p Her style is SO not my style. This is one of those I find easy to reject.

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    I look like CRAP in any of those fluffy tops, for some reason. It may look cute on a hanger or anything, but I look like c.r.a.p. in them. (Seigey baby, want them? HUR HUR! *runs*)

    Following are just random snapshots...
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    Heh. One of the very few occasions I wore it out.

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    My infamous addiction.

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    It's a frrreaking tiny baby lizard on the wall I spotted. TINY!!!

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    This gorgeous aisle set up at the void deck for this Malay wedding. The prettiest one I've ever seen set up downstairs :) Quick snapshot when I was in the lift cos I didn't wanna look like I'm being rude, taking a picture of this place I'm not invited to :p

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    Lianne! I found it! :p That's not the exact one my teacher gave me, but oh well it's close enough! The m-azing chocolate bar!

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    The magical instrument that works miracles. :p

    Sunday, June 05, 2005

    Worrying Begins... and it is only the beginning.

    song: Melanie C - Never Be The Same Again

    Heh. To think I hated Mel C then. :p I do like her songs.

    Anyway, I can safely say I've forgotten how it feels to mug intensely for an exam. I've not have a proper stretch of formal exams since the last end-of-years'. I don't remember how it feels to be so stressed I have to lock myself up in the room, and set the fan on timer so I know when I can finally stop and have a break. I've forgotten how it was to discipline myself to not stop so often to get little snacks to fill my not-so-empty stomach. I've forgotten how to study without having radio or any form of music blasting around either by the computer, mp3 player or radio. I've forgotten how to sit on the chair through for a few hours and complete a proper revision session. I don't remember how to!

    And with the pile of work left undone, I'm planning for a shopping spree later on. I am SO screwed. 3 weeks to go. I haven't done my homework. I haven't re-studied. I haven't revised. I think my sciences are pretty screwed. I need to seriously stop fooling around. But the thing is... I've forgotten how to!

    And the most appropriate two words that could fit the entire situation?

    Shite happens. :P

    I'm not about to start listing the amount of work to be done. The mental list in my head already scares me. AND everybody's away or on some holiday. Or busy doing something which I am not aware of. Maybe they're studying. For some reason, I hope they aren't. :P I hope they haven't started like the state I'm in. I hope we're all on par. I hope everyone panicks like I do.

    I'm so going to hell. lol

    Saturday, June 04, 2005

    To Go Or Not To Go

    Song: Good Charlotte - Walk Away (Maybe)

    I'm currently undergoing some tormenting and gruelling session with Elise over sms, while she tries to convince me to go, relentlessly. So, smart ol' me decided to list down the pros & cons and decide if I should go afterall!

    Reasons to go:
    1) Good Charlotte almost never comes here.
    2) It's GC, hello!?
    3) I LOOOVE GC!
    4) It's just after my block CAs. So it's a good break...?
    5) My bro's probably going, so I could hitch a ride back cos he's probably gonna hail a cab back.

    Reasons not to go:
    1) On the other hand, it's just before my Prelims! I neeeed to do well. *peers at Lianne*
    2) It's being practical and realistic. Like I'm not gonna get distracted, and want to chase them and all that.
    3) $69! lol (this isn't the main issue though, for some reason. I've been pretty magnanimous with money lately. comfortable with spending. what a curse.)
    4) It's gonna be havoc. I don't wanna be part of some fight going on in the crowd. Or have to go through all that shite I went through at SP's.
    5) It's on a TUESDAY night.

    This doesn't help a single bit does it? I still can't decide. *cries*

    On a brighter note, I jogged 7 rounds without stopping today. Instead of the usual 5.5 rounds rounded up to 6. Or 4.5 yesterday *snort* (But I DID run 6 full rounds last week.) Blimey, 7 rounds is a personal record, mind you. Without stopping. My usual 2.4km run in schools? I usually stop at least once by the 4th or 5th round out of 6. I ran 7 without stopping!!!

    Think I'll start worshipping myself in a bit, if I go on. *sparkle*

    Jogged yesterday, jogged today, badminton on Monday, perhaps jog again on Wednesday. Ooh I'm desperate to look fab in that bloody dress for my cousin's wedding, I'm telling ya. So exciting!

    Thursday, June 02, 2005

    Local Advertisements

    Song: American Hi-fi - I'm A Fool

    I know, I know. I'm picky. So sue me.

    Today's topic. The PCK Musical. The multi-million dollars project.

    So, how does it try to convince the viewers to watch? By telling us they'll be singing and dancing (fair 'nuff, though they did play some horrendous singing at the background. Fine, that's their character afterall.) and by ending off saying...

    "Oi! Come and see us ah!"

    That is SO consumer friendly I'm telling you. It makes me feel like going straight to Sistic to purchase my tickets instantly. AHHHHH It's PCK!!!

    *rolls eyes*

    Oh yeah, I've been told that I'm darn annoying when I roll my eyes. And it happens quite often. :p Quite funny actually. However, "PCK The Musical" is one advertisement I can roll my eyes at EVERY single bloody time. Such an eyesore. Heh.

    The Great Singapore Sale's on! *sniff* Somebody who's willing to sponsor me, call me RIGHT AWAY!! I wanna get..
    1) A BAG - for school.
    2) Necklace *sparkle* (seige, i'm still trying my luck. lol)
    3) Earrings! (No, I don't have enough yet.)
    4) Tops! Tons of it! (I've been wearing the same few over and over!)
    5) ummm a pair of jeans?

    I'm still thinking of more. 1 is a necessity. The rest are nearly necessities. *sparkle*

    *switches to Eye For A Guy 2 Mode*
    So anyway, last night's episode was awesome. Only watched the last 10 minutes (which means I only caught the bit Denise went to Howard's place, and the elimination bit), due to umm unforseen circumstances. Howard is SO sweet! The video is, at least. The trailer for next week - Howard kissing Denise? That was a wee bit odd. Somehow I wished either Shan or him won, but I never figured how odd it'd look when Howard gets to kiss Denise!

    Apparently what I heard about Denise's trip to Wolfgang's, last night, from those who caught the show, were that Wolfgang's a bit effy. Mysteriously perfect. I felt, from the start, that he's a bit... reserved? Sorta. Whatever external we see of Wolfgang's so... model-answer-ish. We don't see another side of him. It's like he's been taught what to do, how to go about doing it, what exact words to say, etc.

    And I'm not saying this because I'm biased, but the episode seemed kind of tame? No more lashings from oh-sharp-one, Shan. Just felt like the episode lacked something. :p *cough* No I'm not being biased.

    Anyhow, the thing I heard about Jeff was that there were awkward silences between Denise and Jeff last night. Darn I missed that bit too. I suppose, that's why she chose Wolfgang over Jeff. I was actually hoping she'd choose Howard first, followed by Jeff. Oh well! (I still think Shan didn't exactly deserve the boot last week. Imagine how this week would've gone! I'm quite sure she would've chosen Shan over Jeff. No doubt Jeff's a fab guy, they don't exactly connect.)

    Blah. My thoughts don't have a say in the show ANYWAY. lol

    As for Harmonium... all I can say is that, I hope it's the sorta cd that requires you to listen to it a couple of times before it rubs you the right way? I only like 2 - 3 songs at the moment. My $18.90! I've decided I'll save up for Destiny's Child's Destiny Fulfilled next.

    Wednesday, June 01, 2005

    Fashionable. Not.

    It's about time I made this post. Been dragging too long for this. Just 2 issues that I need to bring up.

    1) "ME" Shirts

    Are Singaporeans gonna get over the "me" frenzy ever? Finding "me" in a maze is so passe. Besides, the whole idea of being individualistic (Hello? Why else would you think it says "me"? Like special ol' unique moi.) is completely scrapped. Everybody has a "me" on their shirts. And I just realised how I'm insulting some of my friends cos they have them. :p Okay I shall stop. It's just... too many people are wearing it. It's like those Hang 10's "Singapore" shirts.

    2) Wristbands

    Let's just take a moment and think it over. The original rubber wristband is yellow and it says LIVESTRONG on it. And melv bought me that from U.S. when it wasn't hot at all. When it was barely known. I happily wore it for a few occasions. And then everyone has one, importing from god knows where. That's still fine. Until...

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    They come in all colours, some of which say "Beauty" and "Princess". I'm aware that there were few original wristbands which were for the cause of raising awareness of Breast Cancer, etc. I know the blue ones were meant to say Believe... something. Believe in Yourself? I can't remember. But they were all with a purpose behind it, and for freaking charity.

    Now, they're just accessories. Bought anywhere and everywhere. Pick your own words to go with it. Okay, I'm just gonna admit that some people carry it off fairly well. Still, the entire meaning is lost. It was there to raise awareness, to raise money for charity. I personally remember Andy Roddick having the blue one on and I thought, ooh awesome looking. Now everybody just copies one another. That's... not trendy, is it? Not original either. I don't think I'll be wearing my LiveStrong anytime soon.

    (No offence to anyone who wears it. I mean, I know tons of people who wear it. Most of you carry it off well, I swear. [P/S: Don't kill me, you guys!])

    Anyhow, today, I bought...
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    Yay *beam* finally.