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    Thursday, June 16, 2005

    Last Night

    song: Kai - Count On My Love

    I wanted this on a separate post. :p [and shut up about the song. I'm listening to the cd.]

    Batman Begins was awesome. The action was really cool. I've told lianne and my friend that I think the batmobile is really ugly. I take that back. After watching it yesterday evening, I totally wanna sit in one. :p It is SO BLOODY COOL.

    And for some reason, when Katie Holmes appeared on the screen, I just pictured the playful her next to Tom Cruise and that disgusts me. *cough* Christian Bale is hot though. Lalala.

    And the theatre was freezing I'm telling you. Next time you're going to GV Plaza Singapura for a 2 hour long (Batman Begins was 2 hours and 20 minutes!) movie, bring a bloody sweater. Freaking cold. Suuuper freezing. I was trying to warm myself up, but was too engrossed in the show. Everybody was. :p I was like, ren3! SOOOOO cold.

    Hmm. Lalala. Anyway I wasn't back in time for Eye For A Guy 2's finale. (So sorry Esther, I know you were counting on a post about it cos you're missing it too. Oops. Unforseen circumstances :x) Only caught the last 10 minutes of it!

    Because I didn't catch the oh-so-darn-sad part of Howard being rejected, I realised that hey, Wolfgang and Denise do make a pretty compatible pair. We all want Howard to win because he's so freaking sweet. But Wolfgang and her go along pretty well too. Of course if I saw how sad Howard was for myself, I would've thought, HELL! DENISE YOU ARE BLIND! :p But I didn't. So maybe I make a less biased judgement! hahaha

    They look quite happy in love anyway.

    After the show there was this poll set up, for which guy should be chosen for Eye for a Girl. Howard, Jeff or Shan.

    Come to think of it, I don't see Howard eliminating girls each week. I don't see how girls are gonna impress him. I see more of girls getting impressed by him. Hmm.

    Jeff is so... out of place in such context. He's very average I would say. Can't think of how he'd fit in as a "bachelor".

    Shan. He's a better choice of the 3 cos you can totally imagine him flirting with all 10 girls and eliminating one each week? But that's gonna make his record of "cheating on 2 girls" worse. *shrug* I think he's the best of the 3 to be doing Eye for a Girl, but I don't think he should be it, all the same.

    I kinda felt like, upon reading how incredibly hilarious Christian is, how goofy he is, if he were on the show for a longer period of time, people would vote him to be in Eye for a Girl. :P Or Utt. hahaha

    2 cents worth.

    That being said, go watch Batman Begins. :p


    At Thu Jun 16, 04:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    It was freezing eh? haha *hem* interesting. I wanna go watch batman too & of course the bat mobile is cool. Oh n yes, christian is hilarious.

    At Thu Jun 16, 06:19:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    denise and wolfie look more compatible together eh? i mean, nothing against wolfie lah he's aight.

    i just feel sorry for howie. HEEE HEEE

    At Thu Jun 16, 06:34:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, *grin* the bat mobile makes me wanna be in it SO BADLY. sniff. the action was VERY... hmm i don't know the word to describe it. but it's awesome :p

    seige, yea they DO look more compatible. and i KNOW you feel so so so sorry for howie. *chuckle* i just don't feel that bad for him cos i didn't SEE IT!

    At Thu Jun 16, 09:48:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey just a blogghopper.

    PLAZA SINGAPURA's theatre IS darn cold. OMG, i rmbr watching madagascar and i just sat that, FROZEN! HAHAHAH.

    At Thu Jun 16, 10:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha hi anonymous. yea it's flippin cold isn't it!!! my entry is justified :p i was close to frozen *shudderrrr*

    At Thu Jun 16, 10:56:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    H O W A R D !!!

    oh man. it was so sad! rar. i dun like that wolf! ): howard looked like he was abt to cry but holding back and all and he didn't even look into denise's eyes. just staring down and stuffs when he was talking after denise told him that she was going to europe with wolfgang.



    At Fri Jun 17, 01:17:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    erp. it does sound very sad. but if i didn't catch it i wouldn't be quite as affected. =\

    didn't exactly like wolfie as well, in the beginning. but i guess they do seem more compatible..?

    i think the reason why we all love howard is because he's simply too damn sweet. :)

    At Sat Jun 18, 11:23:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yeah he is!!! howard IS sweet!! lolx. not to mention his creativeness! freaking sad la. darn! i thought he was gonna win. oh wells...

    i admit that wolfgang and denise had the eye connection thing. but he hardly did anything FOR her. howard is like full of surprises! haha. each time they meet up, he has a totally different thing in line for her. so yeah it's really kinda awesome to have a guy doing that just for u rights? *nods* lolx...


    At Sun Jun 19, 08:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hi sharon! had no idea you read my blog ;p

    yea it is sweet to have a guy doing all that for you. wouldn't you just feel like a princess being showered with all that? :p

    but perhaps she saw more in wolfgang off air than we did :P

    At Mon Jun 20, 02:02:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yeah i guess so huh? oh wells....wad to do? lolx...

    yupyups i read ur blog. it's interesting u see;) haha..go tag my board too kks?=))

    ok im supposed to be STUDYING bio right now. haha. wad am i doing here??? god knows..crap. i just deviated my studying attention and concentration after finishing ONE chapter on transport in mammals. lolx..

    im screwed for bio! ahahaha

    At Mon Jun 20, 05:48:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha tell me about it! im soo sooooooo soooooooooooooo screwed for bio


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