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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Sunday, June 12, 2005

    My Cousin's Getting Married!

    Song: Rooster - Staring At The Sun
    I'm tired of staring at the sun
    Can't stand the way you burn my eyes so I can't see
    Stealing every breath I breathe
    You push me into overdrive
    And I don't need this kind of high cos now I'm done
    You took everything while I was staring at the sun
    How my Saturday went: jogged, listened to the 3 doors down album a few times, watched Van Wilder on the preview channel, played the guitar (jammed to 3 doors down, lifehouse, maroon5, mcfly HEEHEE), played Yahoo! Graffiti. *cough* watched MTV Movie Awards as well.

    Very umm productive day, no? Was kinda moody yesterday as well.

    Today I plan to pray that my brother would bug the family out to shop. :p And I just realised I missed another homework out, the previous entry. Biology TYS MCQs, which I plan to complete today. And to start studying for Chem so I can start on the papers. It...will take a while. :p

    This morning was hilarious though. My cousin called me to inform me to go to her place earrrrly on Thursday to take the video for the tea ceremony. She was saying, there'd be a few of her friends who'll bring a lock for the gate, in order to lock the groom out of the house, only letting him in after all that usual teasing and bargaining for red packets. So exciting! The first wedding I actually remember seeing such stuff! :p She said she was worried that... knowing how ticklish I am, everyone'll have a headache watching the video I'd be taking, since I'm bound to laugh a lot. :p Oops?

    There's one thing though. She sounded so excited I was feeling so happy for her. We're not even that close, though she passes on her clothes to me all the time. I could hear the joy in her voice though, and it made me feel like, wow. True blue overjoyed bride. The girl who was always the mother of the immature crowd (my other cousins and I) is getting married. No big surprise there, just that it finally got drilled in to my head that it's not just a wedding I'm attending. Not just about making up, dressing up, being pretty and smile for the camera this Friday. (FYI: The wedding dinner's on Friday. Tea ceremony's on Thursday.) My cousin is getting married!

    AND I'm one of the important people for the tea ceremony cos I'm taking the video for them *sparkle* So I'll be included in her itinery as one of the "important people". Bwahaha. (Nevermind the fact that I'm important only because everyone else has work, army, school, etc. We can always leave trivial facts like that out. *innocent*)

    My cousin's getting married!

    Oh well, the times I saw her boyfriend (husband-to-be) with her, they already seemed like a married couple. But it's just that, it's never really crossed my mind that they're gonna settle down, exchange rings, serve the grandparents, parents, and aunties and uncles of all sorts tea, cut a wedding cake, live together, have children, that sorta thing? It's just basically Oh, they're together, how cute!


    Man, I wonder how it feels to be a bride in 5 days. :p She must've been grinning to herself in her sleep these days.


    At Mon Jun 13, 09:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...


    At Tue Jun 14, 09:53:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *pats* dont worry. you can see the videos. HAHA. *flees!*

    i'll tell you what happens :D btw cp's taking the video for the 'outside'. the guys area. and me the 'inside'. hahahhaha

    At Tue Jun 14, 05:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    argh crap. all the fun... the laughter... damn. and the red packet..I WANT ONE! Lol

    At Wed Jun 15, 10:13:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    wahahaha. i wonder if i WILL get a red packet. *hop hop hop*


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