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Location: Singapore

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    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Tuesday, June 07, 2005


    Song: Mariah Carey - Fantasy

    Wow that song's old. Anyway this afternoon while I switched to MTV channel in front of my gran, Mariah Carey's "It's Like That" video came on, we saw Mariah in that dress with a super slit on her right leg all way up to the thighs, caressing (=X) herself? My gran started telling me about some market incident that revolved around pork legs. I nearly choked. Maybe it was pure coincidence. I'm quite sure she was watching the screen though. :p

    Had Literature seminar in the morning. Kinda liked it cos I think she was a good speaker. But, it was so freaking irritating at the beginning, with people's cellphones ringing or LOUD keypad tones beeping away. GOD DAMN IT CAN'T YOU MAKE IT SILENT?! I'd rather listen to vibrations, thank you! Thankfully gradually it all subsided, all attention on the speaker.

    Nearly met up with a friend after that, but didn't. So went home to chomp on my McChicken student value meal. Taking all measures to save money now. :p Went to HMV this morning to ask if they have Tyler Hilton's The Tracks Of... But they only have Tyler Hilton EP, which has only... 5 songs? When asked if they'd be shipping any to HMV anytime soon, the lady said not at the moment, unless I want to place an order and that would cost me $33. O...Kay. Maybe I'll resort to Amazon, Ebay or something when I'm a bit more desperate for it. Sampled 3 Doors Down though! SO gonna get that soonest possible. :p

    Anyway I was on my way home alone, so I got to thinking. "If you don't think crap is crap, then you don't know what the crap you're talking about." (- Cool Crap on MTV) No, seriously, I was thinking of what I think IS crap. Quite a few are feminism, don't mind me.

    1. I think the rule often implemented on females that they're not supposed to go out late is crap. The reason why it's done is because adults are worried that females would be grabbed, groped, touched or raped when they're out too late at night. Because us feeble females would be potential preys for some bastards out there. Is it actually fair for us to be disallowed to do something because of what MALES can do? Snort.
    2. I think letting guys out late, instead of females, is crap. If you disallowed all males to be out late, and females instead, wouldn't we all be safe then?! :P Why not spend the nights teaching them how to act like a proper gentleman!
    3. I think my gran being biased to males is crap. How can any female think that males should trample over us and let them lead us? Hello, aren't you a female!? She certainly hasn't mentioned that she had wanted to be a male. So that's ironic. To want to be a female, and think so highly of males. (I can safely blame her for making me biased against my own race or country *grin seige*)
    4. I think people who sit on the outside of the benches in extremely crowded buses (crowded means there are quite a few people standing, and are not alighting very soon) are crap. Does your bum occupy the entire seat? I'd be quite sorry for you if you do. Don't even THINK about pretending to look everywhere but at the people who are standing. Ignorant faggots.
    5. I think smokers are crap. (Everyone knows this. lol) Don't you DARE puff in front of me. Firstly I'm quite sure I'm clean when I go out. I don't wanna stink because of a stupid person's act. Secondly, it freaking STINKS.
    6. I think people who get offended because they're offered seats, being mistaken for pregnant ladies or old folks, are crap. It's not the people (who offer their seats)'s fault that you look that way. Those people are just being nice. Try to appreciate their niceties and SIT dammit.
    7. I think people who try to snatch cabs (ie running to flag a cab BEFORE you, when you're clearly there much earlier) are crap. Especially when you know they're there before you, don't jump the bloody invisible-but-is-there queue.
    8. I think people who jump queue are crap. *beam*
    9. I think people who jump others' queue, pretending to know the person initially queuing very well, are crap. How thick can one's skin get? When that person has expressions that clearly show I-don't-know-you-that-well-do-I, don't pretend to hang around and start chatting that person up, when all you want is your friggin order. SNORT.
    10. I think the way we're bought up here is crap. When people are celebrating their sweet 16s in the US, free of worries, making it such a big deal when they turn 16, we're here worrying about our block CAs, prelims, big O's. When you're 18 here it's no biggie as well. When you're 21 here, few just have barbeques. When on earth do we get to celebrate our age? When we're fragile and weak at 60?!
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    Trishaw spotted in the heart of sunny Singapore. Didn't think they were still around! I'd like to be sitting in a trishaw, transported from say Specialists' Shopping Centre to Wheelock! :p

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    Super smart way of keeping all the earrings I've got, considering they're all dangly. [Seige, I think I seriously lost my hoop earrings. *cries*]


    At Tue Jun 07, 06:34:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    *grins* i know seige. i know.

    oh crap.

    At Wed Jun 08, 12:40:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    haha i like no.2 & 10 is totally true! my bro suggested a yatch(spelling?) for a 21st birthday. now that would be cool.

    At Wed Jun 08, 03:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin seige* crap indeed.

    haha yacht? i think. that IS cool. only we don't have that sorta money :p

    At Wed Jun 08, 09:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    that's a strong point to use, to argue with your parents, isn't it? :p but that would mean you can't go out with guys you know late at night. LOL

    At Thu Jun 09, 10:49:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

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    At Thu Jun 09, 10:49:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    i saw cute guys at today's eng seminar =//// hee

    At Fri Jun 10, 09:04:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahahhahahaha *faint*


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