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Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Friday, May 27, 2005


    I know the previous defend-Shan entry kind of shocked a few. But I'm glad to say those people who actually knew me, were open to it. They either understand my point of view or are open to it. I just felt that a need for that sorta entry arose because of some people's blinded opinion of him that annoyed me wouldn't stop shooting at me. Everyone's just been telling me he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's rude, he's a loser, he's not gentlemanly at all.

    But, I think if you put yourself in his shoes, there would be a reason to react a certain way. And the certain way, from the way I view it, completely contradicts any reason to make him deserve the boot. At least the good should overrule the bad. I'm not saying he's not cocky at all, or anything, cos I do agree he had snide remarks on the guys etc for every episode. I just felt that, well, he didn't exactly deserve the bad comments, especially the ones on his reaction towards Denise's offer of friendship. So.

    Anyhow, got back our report books today.
    First reaction, fuck.
    Second reaction, *inhales deeply*
    Third reaction, I'm gonna die.

    I can't decide how I should break the news to my parents. At the same time I think it's so stupid to be so affected by such trivial matters. So sad that our life revolves around aces in academic here. Without it, it's like the end of the world. Bah, whatever.

    Was out with Bren & Bi Xia today. Had lunch at parkway. That was fun, at least. :)


    At Fri May 27, 08:33:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said... was BREN and Bixia..of cos it'd be thanks huang anw for listening to my constant rantings on some person..and brightening up my not so bright days..heheh

    At Fri May 27, 08:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *sparkle* i'm such an angel. hahaha. you're welcome :p

    At Wed Jun 01, 06:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    tralalal. =) h ey. btw, i saw those buskers too! bixiaa


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