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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, May 16, 2005

    You See There Got, Got.

    On yesterday's Sunday Times, at the Think section...
    Her favourite Singlish anecdote is about the salesgirl in an apparel store who is asked by a customer - using proper English - whether a piece of clothing came in medium size.

    The salesgirl's puzzled response is: "Hah?" So, the customer has to say: "This colour, medium size, got?"

    The salesgirl's reply: "You see there got, got. Not there, no got."
    First thought that came to my mind. Been there, done that. Exact scenario's happened over and over. Except that the salesperson's language grasp isn't as atrocious as to say "not there, no got." It'd be more of "not there means don't have" or "no stock". But I've found myself doing that many times. First, ask using proper English. I always result getting a puzzled response. Hence, having to rephrase it in another manner before I get "orhhhhhh" - sign of being understood.

    And, that occurs so often at the coffeeshops. One thing I hate about coffeeshops? I have problems ordering. I feel so weird saying, "Uncle, kopi". It just feels like I may blurt out "coffee" and it wouldn't be "correct" anymore. I don't want them to be shooting me those sort of looks like I'm some snobby lil missy who's trying to flaunt her standard of English here in a "lowly thought of" kopitiam.

    There are many words in Singapore that are used, in a sense, that's extremely local to Singapore. For instance, the word "take". We say, "Take your lunch" or "we take dinner". This is not found in Standard English. Usually, it's used for something unpleasant such as "Take your medicine" or "Take this!" as you punch someone on the jaw.
    Heeeeey. I knew "take your lunch" and such sounded weird, but I didn't think it was meant for unpleasant instances. Very interesting article, anyway! Did make me think!

    Tons of articles have been published, on how a blog isn't exactly an avenue to say anything you desire. If that is the case, why are they called "online diaries"? If a diary isn't an avenue for you to voice out everything you want to, I don't know what is. Anyhow, because the IT law states that anything published on the net can be used against me, I shall watch my insults in future. :p Lest you see me on the papers, hotter than hot, more popular than the AcidFlask, A*Star whatever shite there was. And racist comments. Though I cannot stress enough how I pick on Chinese more than I do on other races, though I'm 100% pure Chinese. *shrug*

    Pictures taken yesterday, while I was watching and listening to my brother jamming. (Now, even if I don't want to listen to him jam, it's not like I can stuff my ears with ear muffs and still not hear him. Nothing beats his amplifiers. *roll eyes* Lucky for him it wasn't too bad.)

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    My bro's amplifier for his Ibanez

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    The pedal for distortion

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    He wouldn't let me take him so he kept standing close to me, knowing I wouldn't be able to capture the entire thing. blah. :p

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    His ginseng-look-alike plant. He calls it Gins.

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    My ultra colourful QA book. Yes I was actually attempting to study while he was jamming.

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    Snapped this off American Idiot's lyrics book. I LOVE this picture. It's currently my cellphone's wallpaper :)

    Yea I just had the urge to snap everything I see. As usual. *sparkle* In the midst of getting over having to miss Rooster's showcase. *mutter* Nevermind. There're other things in life I'm sure I won't miss. *snort*


    At Mon May 16, 09:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i'm sorry this is out of the blue, but 'Gins'? hahahahah.

    anyway, yea u cant exactly say ANYTHING on a blog. even though it's called an online diary. just like the recent case of that dude who got caught because of certain insults he wrote on his blog.

    so baby, u should have a personal diary to write down everything else!:)

    At Tue May 17, 05:44:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i've felt awkward at 'kopitiams' too because they stare at you when you say coffee. oh do u know how many times i've been mistaken as a sales girl? 6!

    At Tue May 17, 05:45:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha i'm not great myself, mainey. just enough to understand a proper question, and to answer back properly as well :p

    LOL seige, you mean i've never told you before? HMM. :P but i knew you'd notice that. *cough* cos you notice the rubbish. bwahaha

    and i DO have a personal diary. i'd go insane not being able to pen CERTAIN things down. *cough*

    At Tue May 17, 06:08:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, yiiikes. i always go to coffeeshops clad in drenched clothes (from sweat) mostly t-shirt and shorts, cos im usually there after a jog. so... unlikely to be mistaken for a salesgirl. whew. :p


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