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    Sunday, May 08, 2005

    Spoilt Parents

    Song: Gavin DeGraw - Change Is Gonna Come

    Visited Ericsson Pet Farm yesterday. *beam* Those dogs and kitties, they just melt me! Such cuties! I absolutely love the gorgeous Husky there. My gosh. Yes I've fallen in love with a husky. But it's absolutely gorgeous I swear. I would've taken a picture but that bloody idiot there warned us that photography isn't allowed. Pah.

    And there was this little American bulldog puppy my bro kept poking fun of through the glass panel. It was so adorable and active. It started wanting to bite my bro, but of course there was the glass that saved my brother's fingers? It then moved backwards and charged at my bro. It practically leapt and jumped straight into the glass. *chuckle* So adorable. So so so SO adorable.

    Then there was this little kitty that was sooo playful. It's in a metal cage, so I could slip my finger through. When it wanted to put its paw on me, I withdrew the finger. Then it stretched its paw out of the cage and tried so hard to reach for my finger. I just played with its paw a little and then it decided to try to do a tumble, sideways, and its eyes were glistening. SO adorable. Until.. it decided to try to scratch me later on. *grumble*

    Another kitty I played with was mewing at me. So soft, gentle and high pitched. :p When I tried to slip my finger through the metal bars (my, it sounds like a prison), it withdrew to the very end of the cage. When I just stood back and watched it, it began walking very slowly to the side of the cage I was at, and playfully stretched its paws out, yawned the biggest yawn ever, then sat there. SOOOOOOO adorable. Sniff.

    I want a pet. :p

    Anyway, we then went to Fishermen's Village at Pasir Ris Park, watching people fish in this confined area, whereby fish are released every hour or so. *raises eyebrow* And my brother and I were discussing how smart those people are. They buy a fish, people pay to fish them, and most of them just leave the fish with them too. Most of them don't bring their catch back. So, those people get to sell the fish to the restaurants. How bloody smart is that? Buy them once, sell them twice.

    But I thought it was so pathetic. First of all, the confined space, ie pond, is so pathetic. Second of all, the fishes are released for people to fish! Get it? Fishes released to be caught. In an hourly basis or something. When we reached there, NOBODY got a fish. At 6.30pm, they released fishes and suddenly everyone caught a fish, or more! That's so pathetic! Where is the thrill, if everyone gets a fish?!

    Anyway, at dinner, we were sitting at this place with several large tables joined together. We took one end, and there were enough for another family to fit in the other end. Then, this family came. Chinese family. There is the mum, dad, daughter, maid, and grandma. The mum looks... 25-28 years old. So does the dad. The grandma remains silent throughout. The maid looked 20. The daughter.. possibly 2 or 3 years old. So anyway, when they arrived, the maid was carrying the daughter in her arms, and they had seats. So the daughter remained sleeping, leaning against the maid. Then, the mum decided, hey wake the daughter up, it's gonna be dinner time.

    So, the maid sat up properly, tried to wake the daughter up, held the daughter's hands and began clapping them, trying to do some nursery rhymes or hi5 motions, etc. In the midst of trying to humour the daughter, the daughter (still sleeping) was wobbling cos she was leaning, the entire weight, on the maid. The mum began making noise. (If the maid was sitting too straight up, since the daughter was leaning on her, the daughter's head would begin falling for the table in front of them.) Don't let her head fall. Why're you doing this to her head. This and that, IN MANDARIN. And she clearly can speak English, so she's plainly making things difficult for the maid. So annoying. The maid tried to lean backwards a little, and still humour the daughter, trying her best to wake her up. But nothing worked.

    For goodness sake, it's not gonna hurt the daughter if her head wasn't leaning back on something. And it wasn't even close to hitting the table. Why cushion it, when you want the girl to be awake?

    Then the mum tried to talk the daughter up. She ruffled her hair, spoke sweet nothings to her. But the daughter remained soundly asleep. (Almost like she got knocked out.) When the maid went on trying to wake her up, her head was moving about and the mum began that row again. Don't.... Why... Stop... You... etc. Oh.My.God.Shut.Up. And the entire time, the mum didn't even have to lift a finger to carry the daughter or anything. For goodness sake. She just stood there comfortably in the chair. Watching the maid do all sorts of strange stuff, mocking her for doing them wrongly, but she's not doing much, herself!

    And then there was a lot of coaxing the daughter, ensuring she's properly cushioned, making sure the maid's not doing anything to the daughter that would make her uncomfortable sleeping, ensuring not a strand of hair would be lost. I just couldn't stand the mum. And the dad? Useless bum. Sitting there, watching the vendors. Wondering what food to eat. Ignoring the mum and daughter entirely. The grandma just stared at the daughter, but said nothing, like if she did say something, trouble would arise and stuff. The mum was the limit.

    Later on, when the daughter did finally wake up, the mum kept asking, do you wanna walk around first? (SEE? SHE COULD SPEAK BLOODY ENGLISH BUT SHE HAD TO SPEAK MANDARIN TO THE MAID. oh my god.) I thought, okay, maybe the mum would hold her hand, walk her around. Or carry her, bring her to see the fishes and what normal things a mum would do? No. The maid still had to do it. She had to carry the daughter, bring her to each stall, see the food being cooked. Look around, the coconut trees, the benches, etc. Ugh.

    Spoilt kids? The daughter may turn out to be spoilt. But that's only because she has such a spoilt mum. Ugh. If I were the daughter, I'd like to know that MY MUM was the one carrying me around when I was a kid. (And my mum did, though we had a maid when I was that young. Thank goodness.) I'd like to know that my mum brought me to see fishes. And not my maid who was instructed to. *rolls eyes* Spoilt mum. Useless dad. Ooh I'm harsh.

    Happy Mummy's Day. LOL

    Bought my mum this pack of facial masks. *chuckle* If she doesn't like it, oh hell, she could teach me how to use them. *nod me* HAHAHA. Out for dinner tonight!


    At Sun May 08, 04:36:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha we want a spitz. or husky. but husky's way too big to fit into a HDB. sniffle.

    on second thought, a bulldog's REALLY cute to fit into a HDB. :p

    At Sun May 08, 05:17:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ahh pets! they're so cute! i want a dog(small one)or a duckling. love the way small ducks walk! oh my bro wants a husky too. haha.

    At Sun May 08, 05:17:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    that was me -elise

    At Sun May 08, 11:11:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Shawn said...

    its more of a passion that's been oppressed by many years of studies, rather than an obession :P

    At Mon May 09, 04:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, haha well your house has the space for a pond for a duck. the husky we were was sooo charming.

    shawn, that's.. quite sad to hear. lol


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