The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, May 05, 2005

    I Don't Wanna Be..

    Restless minds; curtain calls follow fanfares
    Troubled hearts; just a walk down the hall
    Restless hearts; you take a punch just to land one
    Troubled minds; it's only fair after all
    Mountin, the trail, but you've got it in sight
    Sometimes the only way is jumping
    I hope you're not afraid of heights
    Reach in my pocket for a bill that isn't there
    And to face all of the undoings
    Still isn't more than I can bear
    ~Gavin DeGraw's Meaning

    I bought Gavin DeGraw's Chariot CD. *hop* It's almost like a CD a week now, eh? *bounce* And I can't wait to listen to it. I can't believe I actually found it, really. Couldn't find it anywhere in Tampines - Music Junction, Sembawang Music Centre, CD-Rama, etc. Couldn't find it at HMV, Borders... And then, on this very fine cool day, I found it at Sembawang Music Centre in Parkway. *grin*

    And then, I had to borrow some money from my friends to make sure I got it or I'd never see it again! That was the only copy I saw lying around! How amazing is that! :p And the following took place through sms.

    Seige: Get it. I'll pay you later.
    I: How about you don't pay me, and I keep it?
    S: No no, I WILL pay you later.
    I: No no no no, you don't pay me. It's mine!
    S: No no no I want it, it's mine!
    I: No no no no no I wanna be a proud owner of Chariot!
    S: You're a bitch. I hate you, you know?

    More or less along those lines. *chuckle* Sooooo happy I found it!

    Anyhow, I felt reeeeally bad for bitching about a certain person previously? I felt sooooo bad when I saw her, I felt like digging a hole in the ground and never to surface ever again. But later on, we became pretty umm good friends. I mean, she's always been a great friend. lol. But we've decided to help each other for Chinese, cos we completely suck at it? So yeah, I should pretty much take back my words. :) It was much better today, anyway.

    Eye for a Guy 2 yesterday? Oh geez. I'm beginning to realise that a 30min show is hardly enough. Bachelor? Bachelorette? Joe Millionaire? Man Hunt? ALL the other shows like this are an hour long. Half an hour is just, tooo damn short. Excluding the advertisements there's barely 20min worth of a show. It's so monotonous. It's like a short challenge goes on. Winner gets picked. Losers still get to pull her aside. Some showdown happen. Elmination. Woh woh woh, it's all happening too quickly, isn't it? You hardly get to judge anyone! More than half the guys there are practically soft-spoken, judged on the 20min show!

    And, Aaron? What's with Mr. Stuttering Average? I would've said he was quite a cute looking Singaporean, but I take that back. Such a turnoff. My bro actually made this comment. "Hello? Don't you learn how to talk to girls in JC? You think you join JC to waste time one is it?" *raises eyebrow* So THAT's what he learnt in JC eh. Anyway, it's a sure-boot for him anyway.

    Got my retainers today. Ugh. So umm plastic-y. I'll live with it I guess.


    At Thu May 05, 09:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    i saw shan over the weekend at coffeeclub.. haha.

    anyway, i think aaron went to poly lah. haha...

    At Thu May 05, 09:47:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    well if he did go to poly i think he'll be even better. lol.

    anyway, u little blood related bitch, u must be thanking heaven everyday for making me ur cousin. if u're not,u better start! lol. god first a1 now gavin.


    At Fri May 06, 02:39:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i still feel damp from running in the rain yesterday. haha. eye for a guy! it's so hilarious, especially howard. n shan? hot. in the preview, next week he asks the new guys, 'what do u wanna do when u grow up?' haha can't wait.

    At Fri May 06, 03:27:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    melv, you saw shan? oh my goodness. i'd approach him if i were you, but of course you wouldn't be interested. *cough* poly even better what. the guys would see the girls in their own dressing. now they would learn so much more, wouldn't they? :p

    seige, i know darling. it's hard to be my cousin. HAHAHA at least i'm training your tolerance level see? *sparkle* silver lining of every umm grey cloud?

    elise, hahaha shan's sharp with these sorta qns. afterall he's the most mature guy there. *cough*

    At Fri May 06, 03:37:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    yah man. why would i approach shan wee? hahaha.

    i still think he's cocky. hahaha.

    At Fri May 06, 06:08:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha he's umm SHARP. *nods self*

    is he as cute as he is on tv? lol

    At Sat May 07, 05:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    yea he DOES seem cocky! or more like, Competitive.

    ok ok i know. "he's sharp!"


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