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Location: Singapore

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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, April 25, 2005

    saturday's issue

    Was at my uncle's place for dinner, while my aunt amused me by trying to teach me certain yoga moves and positions. *grin* And she's planning to lend my mum and I her book. *bounce* Exciting! All began when my mum happily announced to my aunt, a yoga-freak (lol), that we were learning yoga in school! Hmm.

    Anyway, my brother and I decided to go bowling after that. And turns out that all their lanes were taken. So, we just had our names up on the waiting list. I bugged my brother to play pool, and we did. Only to experience the quickest pool match ever, ever. *raises eyebrow* I thought I wasn't too bad at pool, after the experience with marc & co. Wahey, what do you know? I suck.

    Forget that, I gave up after 2 rounds. We ended up playing the 'spot the difference' game. The one whereby you're given 2 pictures and you're supposed to spot... the difference? It was hilarious. There were 3 options. Male, Female and Both. My brother, the smart alec, clicked on Male. What came out looked like porn pictures of guys. It was hilarious!

    There were a picture of this guy, completely naked, taken from the back, but of course his butt was cut off. And Another, of the bod of this guy, only with briefs? And suchlike, you get the point. :p It was so hilarious. Some of them had one nipple missing, etc. My brother kept doing this, "eee, so gay" over and over. And I have this uncontrollable urge to laugh. I couldn't stop giggling but we went on for quite a bit! :p It was soooo hilarious. I wouldn't mind doing it over and over. (NOT that I was feeling dirty or horny or anything *COUGH* so wrong!)

    Then my brother decided to be, you know, a proper person. He clicked on "Both" with a pic of a guy AND a girl. What appeared was pictures of sceneries and all. SO.BLOODY.TOUGH. If the people behind us hadn't been waiting, I think I might've dragged him to play another game with the male photos. SO HILARIOUS! :p I mean, well don't these stuff make games thrilling? I mean, well. HAHA

    (Yeah, you can find that machine in SAFRA Tampines. :p)

    Anyway, we proceeded to bowl after that bit of drama. I completely sucked for 2 games. I had scores like 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5... etc. With a brilliant score of 61 for the first game, while my brother thrashed me with 123. And 50 for the next game (lol this was unbelievably embarrassing) and he had, again, 131 or something. Then I finally found the right weight for myself, and right posture, and all that. I had *grin* 102! Now, wasn't that a lovely improvement from a undeniably miserable 50? :) But he had 183. With 3 consecutive strikes and 2 other strikes somewhere else. Some spares as well.

    God, save me.

    He went on with this whole arrogant routine.
    "They call me Remy." (Remy Ong's our national bowler, if you don't already know that.)
    "I'll need to wear shades soon, cos I'm too cool for that!"
    "We should play in the middle lane next time, so all the girls can watch me."
    "We could have my score projected on big screen!"
    "*gasp* I'm so good at being good at bowling and so sucky at being sucky at bowling. Oh my god, how awesome is that?"

    *raises eyebrow* When we went home, I was on the phone with a friend till the wee hours, who's another arrogant person but lovely too. *cough* Hilarious shite. :p Alright, I should attempt to go study soon.


    At Mon Apr 25, 06:09:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    ur brother's ego is as big as the pumpkin at cold day he's andy roddick, and another he's remy ong? hilarious.

    ur phone bills are gonna get soo high. lol*winks*

    At Mon Apr 25, 06:11:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahahaha the ego is so much heavier than the earth. larger too. massive. i'm so not impressed. :p

    so annoying some people have free incoming. so i'm the only one suffering, in the case of phone bills! bah!

    At Mon Apr 25, 06:17:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...


    At Mon Apr 25, 06:19:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i have. :pPp


    At Mon Apr 25, 06:28:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i don't either. which is why we suffer. cos those free incoming freaks would ask us to call them. *GROWL*

    not that i was complaining. lol

    At Tue Apr 26, 03:46:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    *grin* your brother's ego eclipses the sun. :p

    and i want to play the spot the difference game agaaaainn! the games machine at dubs used to be my constant companion. i MISS it! so much! next time we must go and play together k? *grin* your bro too, if he absolutely must. haha.

    At Tue Apr 26, 05:15:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    bahaha ur bro's hilarious. has an ego that could drown my bro's. n tt's saying alot.

    At Wed Apr 27, 02:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    if my bro does come along, he'll drag down the score cos he'll cause too much laughter. :p and then he'll gloat about how wonderful he is. *raises eyebrow* i looove that game! :p

    brothers *snicker* that's not something about my bro i should be proud of, i'm supposing? :p

    hahaha i think it's in the hormones of all males. tsk. :p


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