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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Saturday, April 23, 2005

    the undeniable punk

    With that, of course I don't mean myself. I hardly fit the word "punk". Completely off track.

    Anyhow, we were at cafe cartel today ("we" refers to my parents, bro and I) and there were some magazines we could browse. So, obviously, my brother picked it up, and he started flipping through. Being the usual pathetic me, I began observing the bit on horoscopes. Then, I read this bit on Aries. They spoke of the celebrities who fell under the individual zodiac signs.

    Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day told this story. There was this guy who approached Billie Joe and asked, "What's punk?" Billie Joe then kicked the garbage can and replied, "This is punk. The guy then kicked the garbage can and asked, "This is punk?" Billie Joe responded, "No, that is trendy."

    How enlightening. That said, from the true punk eh? Not something we'd think of.

    Anyhow, it was our school's speech & prize giving day today. I'm so glad the most embarrassing minute of my entire life is over. :p You can't believe how nervous the lot of us were. I just wished I could dig a hole in the ground and bury myself. We kept doing last minute "oh my god"s again and again. The teacher in charge who was there to arrange us wouldn't stop laughing at how nervous we were. You think it's easy, but it isn't! :P Even if it meant just standing there. I heard laughter, giggles, murmurs amongst the crowd, and I knew they were commenting on the pictures flashing on the screen. Somehow they just made me feel like laughing, I was trying so hard not to bite my lip. I just scanned the crowd for my parents, and saw my mum grinning, looking at the screen and back at me. I don't think I could've stood there without laughing, if I looked at my friends instead.

    And it's so much worse than making a speech. Cos if so, I could, perhaps, it may all go away once I start reading from the script with the speech rehearsed a thousand times. But just standing there, looking at everyone while my citation went on and on about how great I am, it was really amusing. Especially when I knew the script was exaggerating. I'm not all that, and I don't say that just to pretend I'm so darn humble. *Cough* I don't deserve all that praise, I swear. I don't do as much as they think I did.

    Anyhow, having the ex principal back as the Guest Of Honour was the most brilliant thing I could ask for, for the last speech day in this school. I swear, I was nearly moved to tears when she began her speech explaining why she insisted she had to come back this year. Simply because when she left our school, she left this sec 1 batch that just entered, and this batch is graduating in a few months time. That would be us. She truly left the greatest impression on me. I think I had an entry on how wonderful she was on my very first blog ever. Sigh. It made me kind of nostalgic. I couldn't remember how it was like, listening to her speeches. She's perhaps the most genuine speaker for the day. Oh well. I think everyone misses her. Some of us were considering going to ACJC cos she's the principal there. Haha. Then again it's sooooo bloody far. Sniff. I miss her.

    Oh and after that, my bro and I were at the pet shop near my school, playing with the little cocker spaniel. She is so pretty. Sniff. We wanted to get her so badly! $1.2K though. My bro was saying I'd have to walk her everyday. Hell, I wouldn't mind! He could potty train her. Heh. But my gran...

    Anyway my uncle's cocker spaniel gave birth to 4 (I think) puppies, and sold one away. Maybe if we do decide to get one afterall, we could get one from him. *grin* Just maybe!


    At Sun Apr 24, 08:17:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    CONGRATULATIONS! me n audrey were screaming like mad when they announced your name in case u didn't hear.

    At Sun Apr 24, 08:17:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    first comment was by me -elise

    At Sun Apr 24, 11:51:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* i dono who was screaming who wasn't. my heartbeat was deafening lol. but thanks you guys ;) you're the sweetest!

    At Sun Apr 24, 12:06:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger audrey said...

    we were right at the back. second last row or something. screaming like mad. everyone around was staring i think. haha! and that part of mrs chan's speach (insisting on coming back to see us) was super touching.

    At Sun Apr 24, 12:11:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    aww thank you. :p when i was walking to the back, didn't see you guys! ms lui was scary though. everyone was staring when i was walking back to my seat, so i began running back. lol

    and yeah sigh, i miss mrs chan.

    At Mon Apr 25, 06:04:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    dont be so humble, my dear. if u got the praise, it means u deserved it. *gives a pat on ur back*

    grams would definitely freak out if u guys got the dog.and yea, having a pet would mean great responsibilities. u have to ensure that ur pet is well taken care of. but hey, if u're responsible enough, go get it. just ensure that it doesnt poop on ur neighbour's doormat.:)

    At Wed Apr 27, 02:25:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    it's not being humble! i swear! lol even if i try! hahhaa. it's just something i don't think i quite deserved getting, really. :)

    and yeah. my bro's thinking of calling our future dog green day. *raises eyebrow* and of course i'll think of something else. :P grams will FLIP!


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