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    Monday, April 18, 2005

    Back In Action

    Which reminds me. I caught Looney Tunes: Back In Action the other day on HBO. Pretty lame. Quite glad I didn't catch it in the theatres. Suddenly remembered that I made my very own layout of that millions of years ago!

    And I caught Ghost Ship on HBO as well (I quite like HBO hee) which was fairly scary. More action than horror and I liked the storyline. Though, sure enough, I did spend some time hiding my head behind the pillow. My bro tried to spook it up and scare the hell out of me cos he knew very well I was terrified of horror films! Growl.

    The computer's back, finally. I actually survived the entire weekend without using it at all. I amaze myself sometimes. *sparkle* It's like... empty. And lots of pop-ups and that's driving me crazy. But I'm just quite glad I can email and blog again. :)

    School's been so-so. I find myself a little more hardworking than I was in the beginning of the year, so I suppose that's good. The results -should- take a turn for the better, gradually. Chinese is always a red mark though so that's worrying. The rest seem to be improving, so yay. We'll see as I continue to monitor the progress. Only that since the computer's back, the progress may become umm sloooower. :p

    Terrible headache of mine, I can't get it off me! I have remedies for flu (eat oranges. It helps for at least 5 minutes), sore throats (strepsils, especially the orange ones. Helps temporarily as well.) But I can't find any remedy for headaches. Ack. I slept for half an hour earlier! It's still hereeeeee *whine*

    Eye For A Guy, season 2, begins in 2 days from now! *bounce* I'm pretty excited to watch it, actually. I'm quite sure I'll be amused. Denise Keller (helloooo?) on a show to search for a guy? *blink* Doesn't she get guys throwing themselves on her quite enough? :P Okay maybe not as exaggerated. But I hardly think of local guys being good enough, or adventurous enough for her, at all. It'll be so embarrassing. I shan't speak evil of them, in case they turn out quite.. impressive. And some of them aren't -that- bad looking.

    (And I still think Mark Zee from the previous season's quite cute.)


    At Tue Apr 19, 12:07:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    yea Back In Action IS lame. Space Jam's better. Or maybe it's just that we caught it at a different age. lol

    HBO. Yes. i caught a bit of 13 Ghosts. it's disgusting. lol. OH and Final Destination 2.You should've just seen the last part.ew? lol

    At Tue Apr 19, 12:22:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    you can do what my brother does to improve his chinese! switch his handphone to chinese and send everyone messages in chinese. hohoho.

    At Tue Apr 19, 10:55:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    seige, *grin* space jam was much more fun to watch!!! 13 ghosts? final destination 2? nope didn't catch them. :p from your 'comments' on them, i doubt i'd wanna watch them either!

    minggie, eek. there's soooo few characters. and i'll have to switch back when msging non-chinese! :p though ive tried that before..

    At Wed Apr 20, 02:27:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    final destination. wasn't that the one with devon sawa? i used to really like him when i was like.. 13. :p

    which is almost 10 years ago. omg.

    At Wed Apr 20, 03:29:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    devon who? *blink* no clue :p wow when you were 13 i was like... umm uhh 7? primary 1! lol


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