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    ramblings, basically.

    Sunday, April 03, 2005

    Generally Apathetic

    I've always known I was one politically apathetic person, but I never knew I was ignorant to more issues than just the politics. That, until one evening during dinner, the pope was on the news, and there were several questions I shocked my brother with.

    Who's this guy?

    Where's this place?

    Is he like a leader globally or just in that country?

    Okay, before gasps are made, I would like to add that it was the mandarin news so I had no idea when they were saying 'pope' in mandarin. Hence, the discussion.

    And it's sad to add that it was only today did I have a clearer view of who this guy is, what he has done, what he meant to people, and all that. I just never knew of such existence? And I had no idea there were leaders of a certain religion globally. I always thought it was just assistants, as of priests and all in churches, and nuns and monks in temples. I had no clue. And needless to say, I had no idea he was Polish. And no idea what his contributions were. All I knew then was that he wasn't in a very good medical condition. Critically ill?

    Until today when I read through the 4 full pages of it thoroughly, in the newpaper no doubt (I can't be arsed if it were the Straits Times really. It'd usually not catch my attention so well on issues like that). I had no idea he sort of resolved things between Poland and the Soviet Union! Then again, it can be understood since I'm not big on Historical facts. :)

    Still, I had no idea there was the existence of such a person and I kind of feel bad about it? And I honestly cannot imagine anyone as saintly as he is. I mean, who has not cheated in school in his/her entire life? I know I did. As angelic as I am in school (Honest! It's not about being thick-skinned or anything), it is difficult to deny that I have not cheated at all in my entire schooling life, or had no cheating intentions.

    Then they mentioned about how he forgave people who wanted him dead? It's quite miraculous that despite that amount of people who wanted him dead before and the numerous times he nearly saw death, he lived till this day. Still, it's not something many normal people would do. No matter how well the relationship between the person who wanted to kill you of his/her own will and you turn out to be in the future, there's bound to be this little bit of moments in between you would think back and bear some grudges here and there. I mean, he shot you twice!

    I read on, and they mentioned about the potential leaders that might take over his position. They had pictures of the 'candidates' and 3 out of 4 of them look identical. *cough* That's beside the point. Anyway, I kind of felt like, gosh wouldn't it be quite bad if one of them got it, and he's not as umm saintly as the other? And would the others not feel a tinge of jealousy or envy at all, if he's not selected? (This is assuming being saintly would mean not feeling jealous at all, and all that.) I do know it takes a good loser to accept defeat graciously but honestly, would people not feel inferior or a little jealous or unhappy for not being picked? I know I would. And would that mean that person's not behaving appropriately as a potential pope?


    Now, why the hell am I comparing myself with a pope. Or any potential ones.

    Scratch the boring topic. Just felt like making it known that I DO read the papers. Just perhaps not in details all the time. :p


    At Sun Apr 03, 06:17:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ur eng like totally rocks loh

    At Sun Apr 03, 07:04:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    how abt his views on abortion? and divorce? and homosexuality? and contraception? *shrugs*

    you could also argue that he's ruined many lives.

    but you could say that about most religions.

    At Sun Apr 03, 07:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i'm assuming that was esther, why thank you :p i'm flattered, though i hardly think it does. :P

    *grin lianne* you know what? i don't know bout his views on abortion, divorce, homosexuality and contraception. *giggle* whatever was stated was thoughts reflecting on what was mentioned in the papers.

    which obviously wouldn't mention the bad side of him. :p so i had no clue. now the impression changes!

    At Sun Apr 03, 07:16:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    haha. *nods* i figured. just pointing out. :)

    like the article i sent you said, i really don't know how a celibate male is relied upon for his judgement on sex and whether or not a woman should use contraception.

    At Sun Apr 03, 07:38:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* there ARE many things i don't know. :p

    and the bit when they quoted his speech? goodness i had NO clue what the HELL he was talking about. :p could people like speak english? i don't understand what's coming out of his mouth. :p


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