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Location: Singapore

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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, March 31, 2005

    worst day ever; god must hate me

    what a relevant title.

    like i told seige, even though there were a number of cute/hot guys that we spotted, there were more annoying people/bitches/bastards/jerks/assholes etc. 'in a perfect world, this could never happen.'

    in short, the concert was complicated, fun and un-enjoyable at the same time, and the chase was non-existent. mainly because i hadn't any idea where they were, etc (and i bugged lianne quite so much i felt bad. :p thanks babe!) and my cousin and i had quite an experience jaywalking from marina mandarin back to suntec. :p putting our life at risks, dashing across just before the cars could zoom past and knock us down. heh! that was kind of scary. but later on we did manage to jaywalk much more safely and calmly.

    and queuing was most annoying. having to sit there listening to the guys soundchecking the hall next to where we were queuing, having to sit while wearing a skirt, trying to think of what i could do to chase, etc. was frustrated already, really. until my cousin and i went to get some stuff from BK. it cheered me up quite a bit, for some reason. food makes the world go round. *grin*

    when they were allowing groups of people in to the venue, there was a lot of pushing, bitching, 2-faced people telling people not to push and end up pushing others instead. plain silly. and that's where only audrey, her sis, seige and i were left together. everyone else were pretty much separated.when pug jelly was on, i wasn't completely amazed or anything. it wasn't breathtaking, it wasn't nerve-wrecking, it wasn't very impressive, it was just an average jamming session. and at the very beginning of the song, this group was pushing pushing pushing, everyone fell from the left to the right. this perfect dominoes set. this lady's foot was poking me (and she was wearing heels mind you) her foot was below my cousin's bum. so basically she made the impact of that woman's foot on me worse. and because i was in an awkward position, lying on top of audrey (who was on my right) and it resulted in my left leg aching badly today.

    we decided to shift to the back after a lot has happened. this girl was humping on my cousin, then on me, and later on audrey. basically just grabbing us by the shoulders or any part of our backs, going insane, screaming, tugging us. (get off me!) and her friends began acting like they were high on ecstasy, doing funny motions and tunneling their way through to the front. and this annoying guy squeezed his way to the front, tried pulling his friend along, while it ended up pushing everyone everywhere. told them to stop pushing PLEASE (i always had PLEASE to come along with it.) and he said, 'this is not called pushing. just going in front.' *roll eyes* wow that's smart. what cheek. and this girl kept up to my side, speaking aloud to her friend, 'if you paid for free standing and you dont like people pushing why would you come.' i got the hint, girl. and it has to be said, i don't pay to get pushed and be fallen on. just for your info. i don't think anyone would pay to get pushed and fall again and again. cos umpteen times, i nearly lost my balance. and that would cause another domino fall. silly people don't think.

    and we went to the back after much hesitation and reluctance. but it was all good. took tons of videos and all. only had tons of regrets on the bit bout being too far from being able to get any picks or drum sticks they throw. and water. just lots of regrets. and i needed to pee so badly it was tough to jump much.

    don't get me wrong though. the guys were fab. they sang tons of songs. there was some david issue in between which i told quite a lot of people, and i figured there's no much of a point to say it again cos only lianne and my cousin seem to agree with me (teehee hey you) that was a fab point to note. and i was impressed with pierre singing 'i believe in a thing called love'. guitar solos were awesome as usual. impressed when david swapped with chuck and played the drums. fab! really good performances! :) and i took lots of vids. very glad i did!

    got home, gulped 2 glasses of ice water and a glass of milk down. ooh the throat!

    clearest picture i have. of sam cooper of pug jelly. simply because when it was simple plan, we were all the way at the back.
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    At Fri Apr 01, 12:38:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    maaan. i hope avril's concert wont be anywhere near what u experienced.

    At Fri Apr 01, 03:47:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i didnt know that girl did that whole hinting thing. what an ass. yea sure we paid for free standing but if i were to push u(when i obviously belong to the back), u snotty little bitch, u'd be pissed too, my darling.

    i so wanna see the vids, girl!

    At Fri Apr 01, 04:17:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    marc i hope you meet far nicer people. and try to enjoy the concert so you don't feel like you're wasting your time. :) i sure did feel like it for a while. until i tried my best to enjoy what's left, then it wasn't too bad!

    she did, seige. and she snuck up next to me, and said that to the friend on her right. which was partially the reason i decided to move back. which is why all of a sudden i said, okay let's go. lol i'll tell ya when grams isn't around so you can sneak down again!

    At Fri Apr 01, 04:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    lol right! let me wonder u wanted to move. that girl's an ass lah.

    damn we're sneaking around adventure adventure.

    At Fri Apr 01, 04:27:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *giggle* maybe you can bring another bowl down just in case. oh hold on to the dinner bowls you're gonna get today. *grin*

    *nod* no wonder why i gave up even though i really wanted to stay in front yea? :p

    At Fri Apr 01, 10:54:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger audrey said...

    ah that girl was so irritating. she indirectly scolded me when i shoved her hand away. grr. but at least simple plan was good.

    At Sat Apr 02, 05:18:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    true that. or it'd never be worth it. :p

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    next time, invest in knuckledusters. ;)

    i still think it's better than being soaked in beer, but at least i had somewhere else to go!

    (just realised this comment will make no sense to anyone besides annz. but oh well!)

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:05:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...


    being soaked in beer does sound better, actually! but flying cups mightn't be a good idea. :p *grin* and i still think having to curse at the crowd again and again is verrry amusing. :p

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:18:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    yea it was quite funny actually. :p someone threw a cup full of beer and it landed basically on david's foot, and he was like, "Yea I really needed my leg soaking wet, you fuckers."

    well, i thought it was funny.

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *bursts out laughing*

    that actually happened? david actually said that?

    *rolls on the floor*

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:33:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    *grin* you'd better believe it. and seb kept cursing at the people on the balcony near his side, because they kept chucking water on him.

    i think it was evian though, if it makes any difference.

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    gosh. were they trying to drain sp out literally, or were they there to umm watch their performance?

    and evian has a funny taste! :p okay so maybe it's still water, but... hmm :p

    i see why they enjoyed it here. *chuckle*

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    heh. the funny thing, is that the crowd weren't hostile or anything, they were enjoying the gig.. i just think most of them were just stupid really.

    and evian's lovely. it's got this silky feel to it. haha. don't tell me what it is spelt backwards, i already know. :P

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    heeeeeeeeey! i had NO idea it was spelt naive backwards!!! and i don't really like that taste. it's very odd. :p

    it's so hard to imagine the crowd not being hostile, after all that descriptions but it sounded really funny to watch! lol

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    haha. yea. i've had that slung at me a few times because i like evian. it's cheap here. lol.

    and the water coming out of the tap is yellow. ish.

    it was quite funny, but annoying, because drunk people crashing into you.. there's more inertia? lol. i spilt my vodka slushie over one of them. but it was his fault.

    At Sat Apr 02, 11:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    lol and why would you be naive just because you like evian? doesn't make sense the way you're being poked fun at :p

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. yellowish? *utterly disgusted*

    more inertia?? how did THAT come about. :p you and your funny theories! aww wasted vodka slushie cos of some idiot. *pats*


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