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Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, April 14, 2005


    The Bottom Line
    Hold back a little. Keep a few secrets. Be a mystery, not an open book.
    In Detail

    What a nice surprise. You've actually crossed paths with someone you believe may be among the last remaining intelligent, charming and interesting people on the planet. And speaking of interesting, if they're available and you are too, this could be truly interesting. If either of you isn't quite available, however, things could get tricky, especially during the coming weekend. Better think this over.

    *cough* very umm interesting. perhaps accurate? *shrug* but umm very interesting.

    Happy Birthday, Audrey! :) I love the note I wrote you *grin*

    And yes, in case you needed to know, the Chinese test today sucks so badly. I don't know if I can struggle with a pass, at all. So much for trying so badly to keep awake last night. Thank goodness I had a phonecall, or I'd have just snoozed off. Then again, all that studying didn't help much anyway. Growl.

    You hide behind The Beauty Mask, you like to look perfect in everybody's eyes, you like people to envy what you have, you don't like to analyize things you just take them the way they are, that's why some people might say you are irrational and shallow, but you like your life this way, you don't like to ask for help, you have a lot of friends but you feel that no one is a true pal.
    What kind of masks you hide behind? (i added pix)
    brought to you by

    In your eyes, people see life... You see yourself
    as just an average person! You enjoy life, love
    wildlife, but also enjoy time with those who
    know you best. You like to get outdoors and let
    your mind wander over all of the mysteries god
    gave to you. You don't really have a certain
    sanctuary because you're so well-rounded, but
    you like having fun and adventures, but can
    also be found sitting quietly about, reading a
    book. You have a pretty good life ahead of you,
    never trade it for anything else :)

    What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    At Mon Apr 18, 06:18:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thx for the present! and the note. very interesting...haha.


    At Mon Apr 18, 06:56:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha, but of course *grin*


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