The Writer

Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, April 21, 2005

    closed EYE FOR A singaporean GUY 2

    Oh my. Did anyone catch that show last night? I'll tell you the highlights.

    Denise Keller: I don't set expectations, or I'd be very disappointed.

    *chuckle* My brother and I, seemingly the only two people, found it the most hilarious line of the entire show. *cough* and the only two people who caught that sentence as well! Since everyone else I asked haven't really got a response towards that.

    Okay, thing is, cute guys, there were a few. One in particular, would be Shan. perfect10 deejay? I should think. He's cute teehee. The "strong silent type" as I quote my classmate. Most umm composed, cool and steady yet not cocky at the same time. Just charming and laid back, not trying too hard. I do like him :)

    Then there's Howard. Funny? Yeah. Bitchy? Yes too. He sang this strange song he made up that bitches about every other guy. *raises eyebrow* Okay funny, yes. Entertaining, yes. *shrug*

    Then there's Jeffy.
    Denise: What kind of woman turns you off?
    James: Girls with umm big hoop earrings
    (Denise was wearing big hoop earrings)
    Denise: I turn you off?

    ==Later on, James tried to apologise to Denise in case he made a wrong impression===
    James: Err.. I jus want to tell you that jus now it was a joke lah, I hope you don't take it the wrong way...
    Denise: Oh yeah yeah, I know it's a joke...

    James: I don't have a ring to give you (the previous guy gave her a ring), so can I get a kiss instead? Ok times up. *leaves*
    Denise: *blink*

    HUUUH? okay so he's a strange guy.

    And then there's Regan. Who claims he likes dee-pa-chur mode. (Depeche Mode) Then all the guys started making funny noises about it, cos clearly he's memorising something here.
    Denise: Oh so what song of theirs do you like?
    Regan: Err... the one... *stammers* the one where they sang about..the girl?

    All guys started going, EVERY SONG IS ABOUT A GIRL!
    Regan: No no no, I'm serious.

    Bro: Uh oh he needs to go home and do research again.
    that is sooooooo stupid.

    Did I mention that Shan is cute? Oh yea I did. Yes, Shan is cute. :)

    Anyhow, yesterday my cousin and I had this "tell all" session, and it made me realise how important she is to me *grin* My baby! She understands like every bit of my life. Okay she suck (she's doing this clingy hugging thing on me, "aww you're talking about me!") lol. But it's lovely. Things I thought were quite embarrassing and all, she just completely understands, and most of the time, already have guessed many things that crossed my mind. And when I ask how this all happens, she simply puts it as the 16 years we have together, the inevitable bond and equal mindset. Okay so maybe I added a little more details to that. Still. :)

    I do feel extremely blessed that I actually have someone here, growing up with me. The entire life!

    Oh no she's going insane. *runs*


    At Thu Apr 21, 08:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i wasnt going insane!!!

    i was just telling you what kind of guys turn me off. lol.

    ANYWAY, yes, Shan is cute, Howard is funny, James's screwed, but Regan' the real loser. i felt sooo embarassed for him.

    hah i'm bad.

    At Thu Apr 21, 08:10:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    oh wow. so many typo errors in one comment.

    i'm good.

    At Fri Apr 22, 03:12:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha. you are.

    anyway you're bound to agree with me cos you helped me with that entry REMEMBER?

    you were going insane and you still are insane!

    At Fri Apr 22, 04:14:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    shan is cute but he's cocky like jeffy.

    ah whatever. there's a link for their moblogs

    At Fri Apr 22, 06:18:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    he's not cocky! jeffy is! :p ookie i'll check that out!

    At Sun Apr 24, 07:45:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Shan's the new P10 dj? Omg!!! Where have I been?

    At Sun Apr 24, 08:23:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i watched that episode! and i do agree that shan is cute :)


    At Wed Apr 27, 02:27:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    diane! *laugh* yeah saw him on some programme and he introduced himself as the new P10 dj ;)

    jean, i know! he's cute isn't he! *grin*


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