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Location: Singapore

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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Wednesday, May 04, 2005

    Yet Another School Day.

    I had 2 extreme reactions today. Some people didn't notice the braces were gone, until my closer friends pointed out to them. :p They said it looked extremely normal, like it was like that all the while. The other reaction was close to hyperventilating, oh my god, your braces are gone! Where'd they go! etc. :p That was hilarious!

    Anyhow, I was quite annoyed though, with a friend. It's quite irritating, when one studies darn hard for a certain test. And she gets to ace it, simply cos she wrote them all in a tiny slip of paper. With no expense of unnecessary time or effort, she's bound to get it all correct. (It's all memorising.)

    And I don't understand. That lesson wasn't until after recess. You had the entire morning (she comes really early to school), you had the entire recess. You even have the 3 entire hours of lessons before recess. I mean, you don't pay attention in class at all. Instead of smsing your hunny pumpkin pie, why don't you just take like half an hour and memorise the bloody thing? My closer friend memorised it during the morning itself. She smses in class too. She didn't bring her book back to study it as well. Why's it that she can study it the proper way and you can't?

    And it's not like an entire chapter. It's just a friggin' paragraph to memorise. God.

    Plus, every single lesson, you're smsing. We tell you to keep your phone. (Or at least I tell her not to make it obvious, cos I wouldn't say I've never peeked at my phone in class before. (Esther or Elise, don't kill me!)) That's all you ever do. And then whine about the lesson or the teacher. What is the entire point, geez! After you're done with a message? You would ask me what she's explained, and say you don't understand it. WELL WELL WELL, I'll tell you why. You weren't listening.

    And if you were memorising the bloody thing, hence not listening to the teacher's rambles, I'd understand. Or if you were trying to complete an assignment meant to be handed up already. I mean, shit happens. :p I'd still have been delighted to teach you what I know. But it's a complete waste of time. Why don't you pay me to be your tutor? God. E-V-E-R-Y lesson, mark my words. Maths and Sciences. I'm not being stingy here, but if I have to teach you everything from scratch, I can very well qualify to be a tutor. Or a teacher. And if it was something you've tried, but you don't know, then I'd still be delighted to help out.

    Perhaps it's the way my bro taught me. Everytime I have a difficult question, I sit there, shove him the question, expect the solution. But he'll squeeze me dry. And even after that, he'll never ever write out the entire solution for me.

    And it gets terribly annoying when she asks me a certain question, I attempt to explain to her. Before I can complete it, she nods her head as though she understands, grab my work and copies my solution. Yes, you're a fab friend. And I try to be one as well. But sometimes certain things have limits. It so shows how much you're trying, dear. And I totally wanna help you out.

    Gee. And with all due respect, I've mentioned the above not to bring you down, not to demoralise you, not to insult you or anything like that. Definitely not so we can ignore each other and never be friends again. God no. It's just about time for reflection perhaps?


    At Wed May 04, 04:32:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i know who this is about n just to add on, you should never cheat, it's just lying to yourself. n smsing in class! hmpf *narrows eyes*

    At Wed May 04, 05:18:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    oooops. i should've never let that one out. :p

    and like i told audrey, it's not like there're no others in such shitty condition for chinese (ie ME!). surely there's no need to resort to such despicable measures. :p god i hope noone fr my class reads this.

    At Wed May 04, 05:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    gee. i've done like the "memorising the bloody thing, hence not listening to the teacher's rambles" and "trying to complete an assignment meant to be handed up already."thingy but not to the extent of pretending to understand and then grabbing the assignment from u to copy.

    she doesnt even BOTHER to try.

    At Wed May 04, 05:48:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    oh shoot.

    i just read something i'm not supposed to huh? whoops. and yes, i know who you're talking about. heh.

    remember the compo thing i told you? i was pissed too. just didn't say anything cos i thought she just want to pass chi really REALLY badly. i guess i was wrong.


    At Wed May 04, 06:34:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    seige, *grin* i know. i totally understand that. hahaha. maybe she does try, only i never ever ever noticed that bit. haha

    OH NOOOOOO *spots zhe ya's comment*
    don't tell a single soul i had this entry! :p hahhaa and of course you know who i'm referring to. ahhhhh im trusting you! haha. and the compo thing took me by surprise! i suppose she DOES want to pass really badly. but i mean, I DO want to pass too!!! surely there's no need to play cheat. heh.

    At Wed May 04, 11:42:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    'i hope noone fr my class reads this.'
    too late...there's zheya and MEEEEEE... got nothing to do at this hour so just hop by and ooooops...haha...i think i know who are u talking about too =p
    -theredandjuicytomato LOL

    At Thu May 05, 06:03:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    germaine, thanks dearie. but it's not like i want her to be struggling when the big Os arrive. it's *shrug* difficult to explain. but all's better now.

    tomato, god you. lol i think esther read it too. zheya gave me this smirk when she stepped into the class and saw me. :P


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