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    Thursday, April 28, 2005

    The Truth About Apples

    I was pretty inspired to start concentrating on my studies after a very inspiring talk by our FM. The truth about apples. She encouraged us to hang in there, no matter what happens, drive on. She taught us that everyone has their own capabilities, it differs from person to person, there is simply no point in brooding over losing out to your friend for a certain score, etc.

    And it may seem like doh, some cliche aesop's fable or something. But it was really sweet.

    She began to tell us this story about apples. This grandma told her granddaughter, who was really dejected by all the disappointment she faced, after all the extra hard work she put in, to have an apple a day. Reason being, when an apple is slit horizontally while sitting on the table, no matter how bruised the apple is externally, or how perfect, when slit open, it's always in the shape of a star. Regardless of what happens, the star inside the person, no matter how perfect or bruised externally, will shine through. Some day, some way.

    Then, she proceeded to take out this large bag from her humongous desk in the lab, filled with god knows how many apples. And gave us one each.

    And despite it being cliche and everything, because the entire story was told so genuinely, her sincerity could be felt by many. I do know my friend teared (*grin* sorry dear I had to spill that out. At least you're not named!) and I was holding them back. It was one of the most touching scenes in school!

    This is how the star looks like, when the seeds are removed.
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    At Thu Apr 28, 07:25:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Awww... wish i was there. It sounds so touching. ok. so i shall be more motivated to study. hereby removing myself from slackers united.

    At Thu Apr 28, 07:26:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *chuckle* if you can bear to leave. :p my motivations are usually quite temporary. ahhaa

    At Thu Apr 28, 08:25:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...


    At Thu Apr 28, 08:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    wow! an inspiring story...

    but i dont see that when i eat my apples. lol

    At Fri Apr 29, 01:40:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    oh bless, that's so sweet. :)

    At Fri Apr 29, 11:45:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    At Fri Apr 29, 06:37:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    seigey hun, that's because you don't chop it up that way :) not the normal way anyway!

    At Fri Apr 29, 10:10:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger ida said...

    mrs ngin is like the sweetest right. i wish she was my teacher =(


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