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    Sunday, May 01, 2005

    And Finally...

    Song: Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes

    You have NO IDEA how long I've not been out.
    You have NO IDEA how long I haven't been to the cinema.
    You have NO IDEA how long it's been since I've bought a CD.

    And I did that all, yesterday. *grin* And I don't feel like I've splurged, cos god knows how long I've been saving up for a bloody day like yesterday. Besides failing to convince my cousin to have dim sum with me for lunch, it was fun. :p

    We actually caught The Pacifier, even though I've caught that on Friday when someone brought the pirated vcd to the lab. :p With Pringles of all sorts, we were having a movie-watching thing during our last day of CCAs, that was cool. Haha. That was probably one of the few movies available in a theatre near home that we were interested in, and we had no plans in going far, like town or whatever, so we just caught that.

    Hey, at LEAST we caught a movie before the prices rised! (Supposedly today I should think?)

    Anyway, the show was lame. The plot was lame, rather. At least there were twists, but it was hilarious, what they put Vin Diesel through. It was like Bridget Jones, having to put the actress through all those humiliating bits. :p But Vin Diesel was hilarious. The whole Peter Pan dance? The wrestle? Poor macho man! *chuckle* Good laugh.

    And, yes yes, FINALLY, I got myself to buy a CD. Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway. *sparkle* (Now Marc, I know you must be hell proud of me. lol) I can't believe how long it's been since the first time I said I'm gonna get that album. Finally, finally!

    CDs I'm planning to get next: (if my cousin doesn't get them)
    Got to skip more recesses now! :p It's quite amazing K. $20 a week as allowance, I actually saved $13! That's how much I saved by skipping recesses, woooow. :p And that includes a burger from BK for one of the lunches!

    Plus, went jogging yesterday, after skiving for 2 weeks! I practically had stitches throughout. *shudder* It was bad. And my brother and I were at SAFRA tampines AGAIN, hoping to bowl, but no. After waiting for an hour, our names remained on the waiting list, so we just booked a lane for today instead :) *hop* Bowling later on! Bring it on, Remy!

    p/s: Who said anything about working doubly hard since there's a long weekend? *innocent* Happy Labour Day!


    At Sun May 01, 07:43:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    ooh, you're going bowling? niiiiice! :p

    and good on you for the jogging! i meant to do that today.. but it's raining really hard (for scotland), and it's absolutely miserable out. oh well, have to wait and see if it clears up. :)

    At Mon May 02, 09:50:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* yup yup! it was fun!

    ahh, i see. it actually rained here in the afternoon for 10 seconds. *laugh* what happened to the gym? :p you applied for the membership right?

    At Mon May 02, 05:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    yes, i did! but it's abt a 15 minute walk to the gym, and it really was miserable out. :p later on it dried up, and i went for a walk in the botanic gardens instead. it's even closer than my gym! haha.

    At Tue May 03, 05:46:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *giggle* and nicer scenery, no? fresh air too. *chuckle*


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