Ugh. To think I actually went jogging. Because, remaining fit = healthy living = longer lifespan.
But, after all that inhaling of irksome cigarette smoke at the coffeeshop during breakfast, passive smoker = dying early.
So I completely went against the entire point of jogging, didn't I?
And that bloody faggot went on smoking though he realised I was fanning my nose, holding my breath, covering my nose and mouth, etc. Inconsiderate, stupid bastard. Drink your stupid coffee. Coffee is meant to be refreshing and yummy. Adding the taste of cigarette? EEW!? You have NO possible taste.
I continued sitting there though, because my dad wanted to watch the chinese movie shown on the tv there. Some SCV channel we don't have. Until I couldn't stand it anymore. I think the guy threw me disgusted looks and continued puffing his cigarette. Then I told my dad we should leave.
I can't believe he actually wasn't bothered by it. Eew. Smokers should piss off. And die. And get banished from the surface of the Earth and never return EVER. Unless they try to kick the habit of course. *nods magnanimous me*
And while walking back, every freaking people I saw was actually smoking. My goodness, what's becoming of my bloody neighbourhood? This 70 years old (thereabouts) lady was walking in the opposite direction, and I gave way to her. Only to whiff that filthy smell. I turned around and observed her. Oh yea, bloody cigarette in her hands.
I CANNOT STAND SMOKERS. (Yes I know all of you already know that. It just had to be reiterated.)
God damn it. GO AWAY.
Anyway, my mum got some FHM magazine from her hairdressers' earlier, and was referring to Maia (one of the Singapore Idol finalists) as being "dirty", simply because she's been posing... exposing herself a lot more.
Then again, hasn't that been what kept her on the show for that long? All the skimpy clothing and seductive motions? *cough* But it's like, *shrug* it's
so her. It's just the way she is. Nothing shocking or surprising! AND besides, it IS
FHM after all. For HIM magazine. I don't think guys want to see her in long-sleeve shirts with collar, in a bohemian skirt all the way to the ankle, etc. Since when does FHM show girls that were covered up anyway.
And if by exposing oneself a little more than usual would make you applicable to be labelled as "dirty", then... would all models be "dirty"? (Have you seen Jon Jonsson advertising on MTV for the '50 Most Stylish Videos'? My, he was in an umm... odd position, with only briefs on. *cough* but my, was he hot! *cough*) Tsk, my mum's getting a little narrow-minded now. I ought to show her the rest of the world! :p
On a more serious note, I wish everyone would stop talking about Direct School Admission (DSA) to me. I'm not applying for it and stop asking me about it. If you have the talent, you think you're close to having what it takes, go freaking apply. The papers won't publish "HA YOU LOOOSER, YOU DIDN'T GET IN!" if it was unsuccessful. So, there's no freaking risk. It's like a lucky draw dip. If you filled up your coupon and sent yours in, that's that. If you're awarded the prize, you have a choice of accepting it or not. So, what IS the deal?
No wait, I take that back. I don't want to know.
yup jon johnsson in his um.. outfit and position's a bit weird. mmm.
gah smokers. bleagh. i dont hate people WHO smoke. but i hate people TO smoke.i wish they'll realise it's slow suicide.
yeah. and murdering the rest around as well. *rolls eyes* selfish assholes. :p
what is DSA? :p
acronym for direct school admission. some policy whereby jcs would pre-select you and assure you a place in their jc, if you have some sort of sporting or performing talent. (obviously they'll pick the cream of the crop) or fab consistent academic grades. (most want fab PSLE grades + sec 1-4 grades) OR leadership qualities, but few are looking for that.
and of course together with a score of 20 and below for l1r5 in o's, and you're definitely in. (as opposed to like... a score of 10 for some jcs as their usual cut-off points.)
singapore's government should stop this madness. first they allow poeple to skip the 'o's and head straight for jc. and now this?
really, it's just getting ridiculous everytime. and just plain unfair to those who had to go through the old procedures in the past. (not that it would affect me in any way since i cant make it to jc. still..)
*shrug* they're in search of a "talent pool". so it's now, search for talent and shape their mind instead of search for mind, shape their talent...
well i mean there're both sides now. but soon it'll tilt a lot to "talent first".
oh heck care about DSA and whatever education policy that they come up with. whatever it is, it's bound to be SCREWED in some way. cos really, everything they've implemented that appears good will turn out to be screwed in the long/short run. yay. long live education!
i'm sure many of the people who went through the old procedures in the past had talents too.
in a way, yea, the government's trying to keep up with the time and stuffs..(lol "stuffs". ur compo.) but it still is annoying to me. heh
*raises eyebrow at minggie* woow. :p long live education. *utter shock* lol
haha you just proved my compo right. man, you just make me proud of it :p hahahhaa.
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