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    Monday, May 09, 2005

    I Have A New Cellphone

    Song: Kelly Clarkson - Where Is Your Heart

    "Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    Often I hear people complain how others hold them back yet I've come to the conclusion that the only thing that can stop one from getting off their own ass is their unwillingness to stand. For moving forward often brings a fear of succeeding, of trying, of doing, of hardwork, of failure, or of change. And those fears somehow give way to hundreds of excuses and reasons why a person can't do something when in fact, they can.

    For the only real limitations one faces are those that are self-imposed. It's why some who start with nothing can sometimes rock out more than those who have all the advantages - it's all a matter of what a person wants to do and what they actually will do.

    - Quote from

    Just thought she made a lot a sense :) Food for thought eh? Lots of things sometimes I say, I'll do this and that. But later, complain that I won't be able to do it, when I know I can but I just can't be arsed to. Or I worry about taking risks of all sorts. And then I need tons of reassurances from people, and when I don't get that, I don't do it. Even if I want to. How retarded. *thwaps self*

    And the title is direct enough. *beam* Please, please, please, feel free to feel envious!
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    It was such a last minute thing, it was unbelievable. I was yelling at my brother to enter the m1 shop with me on Mother's Day. And then I caught sight of this affordable cellphone amongst all the extremely expensive ones. Then we spotted the LG salesperson (who was EXTREMELY LOVELY, I wish I caught her name. I'd have wrote in to compliment their service.) and she began showing me how amazingly light the cellphone was, and user-friendly (though I'm still taking time to get used to it) and it has a blooody camera *chuckle* That's LG F2100 for you.

    My, my. We stepped into the shop, looked around, I got excited, I got a phone. LOL. So it was quite funny last night. I was on the phone, as usual, and at the same time, deleting my messages off that cell, cos it was going to be passed on to my mum. :p And looking at all the messages, reading them out to the owner of the messages, it was hilarious. Think my mum would faint if she saw them. So of course I had to make sure the inbox was empty, the outbox was cleared, etc. :p Some messages were flirting basically, some were on chasing, funny messages to read back on, I wish I didn't have to delete them. :p And of course my cousin's rants and TV reviews and such. :p

    Well, one thing I miss about Nokia is its ability to store tonssssss of messages. The old one I had, I was storing 90++ messages in the inbox. And it wasn't "full" yet. But the LG one only accepts 30, i think. 30 max. Ah well, I'll live with it. :)

    I had a bad day though. First of all it's Monday. Second of all, I slacked the entire weekend. I spent it chatting, and going out, and coming online. So I sort of panicked when I went to school today, uncertain of what I've not done, or what I've not brought, etc. And worst of all, we got back several test papers. I'm not happy with any of them. So it's quite... depressing. Guess I have to try to study now, since my chat partner's away! lol

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    Pasir Ris Park, view from Fishermen's Village


    At Mon May 09, 05:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...


    (now i know u're all wondering why i'm happy instead of being jealous.. )



    At Mon May 09, 05:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    HAHHAAHHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA i love you seige. :) and you know what that means. a camera with me on the go? ooh dangerous!

    i... could draw you one mainey! don't get so disappointed *pats*

    At Mon May 09, 08:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    168 for 2year contract :)

    could've traded in my 3120 for 100bucks, and get my LG for 68! but my dad said i should pass it down to my mum. lol

    At Tue May 10, 06:37:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ooh new phone! maybe u could have sent some of the messages in your old phone to your current one instaed of deleting them.
    - elise

    At Tue May 10, 08:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    but it wouldn't be the same :) cos it'd be under my mum's name in my inbox. or mine.

    and the max is 30 in this new inbox, remember? so constantly am having to delete msgs!

    At Tue May 10, 10:31:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hahaha my phone can store as many messages as i wan in e inbox!

    now it's over 1000 alrdy :pPp


    At Wed May 11, 05:54:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    ONE THOUSAND? NO KIDDING! my gosh. sniff i'll miss nokia. LOL

    At Thu May 12, 05:31:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yea no kidding.. lol but damn lag...



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