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Location: Singapore

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    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Friday, May 20, 2005


    Song: Vonda Shepherd - Hooked On A Feeling

    [Honey, I miss you. I forgot many incidents I want to bitch to you about. *pout* I've been too angelic lately. Damn, I hate you working and going for your orientation. :p I may be living life quite well lately, but STILL. LOL and I wanna watch Monster-in-law. *whine*]

    Anyway, yesterday I was out to buy mugs for Carnival Day (this coming Thursday). My gosh. I'm convinced I'm desperate for a shopping spree. Walking along the linkway to the malls, I was stopping to look at earrings going at 2 bucks a pair. Observing the rings on display. None that was very intriguing though, but spotted a few pretty earrings :)

    When I stepped into the mall, I saw some sale going on at the main atrium. Jeans were going at 15bucks! Woooooo. Began looking around at designs, colours, etc. Nothing very nice though. :p Then I finally went to look at mugs. But before I did, looked at this little gift corner, pondering if I could get any of those for a few people whose birthdays are coming up.

    The actual agenda for that little outing yesterday was to get the mugs and head home. I swear. :p

    ANYHOW, going to town on Sunday! OH I LOVE long weekends. *grin* Finally. I think, if I don't spend too much on lunch that day (my friend's idea, not mine) I might hop off to get Vanessa Carlton's Harmonium, on that same day. And perhaps grocery shop after that, and head home to prepare dinner. That's... if there isn't anything going on that day. *cough* Gonna try out her deeeelicious looking brocolli and bacon pasta, if... well we'll see how it goes!


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