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    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, May 26, 2005

    Shan Wee

    Before I get responses about how arrogant you think Shan (from Eye For A Guy 2) is, and how he deserves to be out, or how annoying his reaction to Denise was after he was informed that he was eliminated, I'd like to justify my reaction. (I'm still depressed that he got the boot.)

    For those who missed last night's episode, this was what happened. Shan sang this sappy romantic song for Denise (He had a beanie on his head while playing the guitar, for some reason. And when he was done, he took it off. Gee. That, is weird.) and nearly kissed her on the lips, except she decided to quickly kiss him on the cheek so there was a boundary set there. Cheeks, the max. It was sweet though. I'm sure she was deeply touched. She seemed so, anyway.

    Before that, however, he was interrogated by Denise's friends, like the other guys. And he admitted to having cheated on two ex-girlfriends. Then they got touchy, and every single one of them then told Denise how they felt Shan was unsuitable for her.

    *roll eyes* Come on, people. Think for a second here. If the people he cheated on were like years ago, then would that still matter? (They didn't specify. They didn't question when that was.) So it's like, next girlfriend, oh no you've cheated on two? And the next, and the next. So basically even if he's learnt from the previous two (or not, but granted the benefit of the doubt), he's never ever gonna be given another chance ever? Not only is there not gonna be a third, there is gonna be NO future girlfriends, don't you think? I think he's being honest here. Dude, I think most normal people would pretend to say, nope I haven't cheated on anyone. That gesture to actually admit (not one but two) was quite amazing. He's being incredibly open. And honest.

    Fine, you may argue that he's annoyingly over-confident when he spoke of how he feels they're both "physically attracted to each other", and the numerous times he repeated that, like Oh I'm so hot, she's so hot, we totally fit. (Which is true by the way. LOL *cough* Yes I'm trying to be unbiased.) That was a bit of a turn off, I would not deny that.

    But given the amount of time they've spent together, I'd be quite amazed if she managed to see how kind-hearted he is, this and that. How much time did they actually have together, alone? How much did she get to know about him? Mostly everything would be judged by the exterior, don't you think? Even if anyone pretends to be a perfect guy etc, she wouldn't be able to tell if it's his true self, would she? It's too short a period of time. So either way..

    Finally, the godly reaction. When Denise eliminated him, she spoke to him (the usual routine) and said something about hoping to be great friends. He, promptly, gave that snort. It was like *snort* "Great friends" *snort* and a bit of rolling eyes expression. That silenced Denise for a moment. But she went on to say other stuff, and then stretched her arms out hoping for a hug. He deliberated for what seemed like ages before hugging her anyway.

    Now, that I can totally understand, and in fact, almost immediately empathise with him. He must've really liked her to react that way. Believe me. It's like, he bares his heart and soul in this song which he sang to her, expresses his feelings and attraction to her, etc. Then she breaks his heart by eliminating him (= not giving him another chance), AND expects him to accept her offer to be a friend.

    Come on, any idiot would understand that one would take some time to accept the situation. Rejection hits hard. Yes, okay, he irritated a certain amount of viewers with his snide remarks on the other guys. But he's being sharp, and perhaps insecure? Nobody picks on the others like him because they're just "heh-heh", go on with life, sort. But to have reacted that way, he must've liked her quite a lot.

    And this bit I read on his moblog at Eye for a Guy's official site I found made most sense, was that the rest who got eliminated simply hugged her and understood her reasons for eliminating them? They probably didn't feel a thing towards Denise. They're joining "for fun", try their luck, oops lady luck wasn't by their side, fine, they accept it. But to react Shan's way, DUH-UH he had feelings for her.

    ARE THOSE PEOPLE DODOS OR WHAT. I'm not insulting Denise here, cos it's her friends who swayed her decision. Afterall she DID have fab impression of Shan on that night. Until they gave her the booboos about Shan.

    So annoyed.

    (Not to mention, I still feel like a dork for telling him I hope he wins. I do hope he wins. And I'm being open then and there. But THE LOOK he gave me after that. It looked almost familiar. Nearly like one of the looks he gave Denise when he snorted. But obviously there was an attempt to sugar coat it. I didn't understand it last weekend. I understand it now. And I feel like such an idiot.)

    I'll get over it, I know. It's just one of those times I get pretty affected by characters, and people's contrasting views on them (or him for this matter). Oh well.

    Carnival Day today was alright. The old folks were really nice. Lovely to see how you can make them smile. Some people annoyed me today however. But thanks Bren, for the coffee which I didn't get to drink much. Heh.



    At Thu May 26, 08:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    thank you.

    i understand your point of view of shan's situation. but hmm. ok. not continuing. haha

    At Thu May 26, 10:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    shan..well..another point of view would be he had too much pride to like accept rejection and instead belike frens when there were still other guys who had to chance to be more den frens..haha..but of cos we're not ruling out your pt of view..HHEHEHEE...and no prob..i like making coffee..ahhahahahahahha..

    At Sat May 28, 01:05:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    anw he's out dun brood over it.i know it's a waste since he had come tis far....

    i prefer him to jeff, y isnt jeff out yet huh??

    At Sat May 28, 01:05:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    erm thats me

    At Sat May 28, 09:29:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *shrug* jeff's kind of a silent killer, isn't he? :p but i think he -might- win. him or howard.

    At Sat May 28, 09:00:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm glad you feel the same way I do.


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