translates: a cup of iced coffee)
Today was insane. I was indulged in picking on my classmate, it got so hysterical. It wasn't helping when the others were on my side, calling her an "irritant" (*grin zhe ya*)and just providing me with peer support. HA. Had such a blast. I was in such a mood to annoy her!
Anyway, I never knew how often people checked their friendster. (I know I do that a lot, but I didn't know the others do that too.) So one person asked me about the picture with Shan, and it went about. Bren started telling a few, and soon it speculated until it got out of hand. lol and some people happily wrote on the board how much I love Shan and everything. Super exaggerated. And they started acting like I hooked up with him, or he's my husband or something. GEEEEEEEEE. I just had a picture with him, and embarrassed myself. That's the end of the story! :p
And some people told me, 7 years of age gap isn't all that. It can still be worked out. HAHAHA. These people crack me up. No wonder I'm surviving my Sec4 years. :p So hilarious. Few said we do look like a couple, judging the picture on my cellphone. Bren refuses to admit that. HA. It was hilarious.
During lunch, Bren decided to order Kopi-Peng. (Wow, so phenomenal now.) I swear I had no clue what that was. I know (duh) it's related to coffee but weeeeell. Now I do know, and the coffeeshop near our school which serves that drink is faaaab. :p It rubbed off us really well too. We were hyper for this period of time. Then we were exhausted, but our bodily functions were still carried out fine. Just that deeeeep inside you know you're exhausted. Felt like the living dead.
Then it got worse, and we started having uncontrollable fits of laughter. Or giggles. We wouldn't stop laughing. I started tearing but I still couldn't stop laughing. It was terrifying, I swear!
Later on, it was all good. Returned to normal. Or maybe worse, cos I ended up
bullying picking on my classmate even more. :p We went to Parkway to get some stuff for Carnival Day (on Thursday). We'd be hosting old folks, so we were getting food stuff for them as souvenirs. And she decided to throw in a box of raisins into the trolley we were pushing.
I: Your box of raisins are such an eyesore.
She: You know what's an eyesore? Your picture on your phone.
That was the funniest thing I've heard all day. :p So anyway I conclude that caffeine has huge impacts on me. And I still have my bottle of mocha lying in the fridge. That I shall save for another day. I've had enough coffee for the day.
Anyway on Saturday I was watching X2 on HBO, and asking my cousin tons of questions about the show cos I didn't understand it.
She: How did you understand shows like Matrix and all?
I: I didn't watch Matrix.
She: Oh right.
And the other day I had a casual conversation with my bro.
He: ... yoda ...
I: Who's yoda?
He: *astonished* You don't know who's yoda?!?!
I: A character in star wars?
He: Oh my god where are you from?
I: I don't watch Lord of the Rings either.
He: You think you're from third world country, is it?
I: And I haven't read Da Vinci Code.
He: Oh my god. You think you live in Afghanistan, next to Osama, is it?
(P/S: If you noticed, I only name people who read my blog. I don't wanna end up sued when the rest finds out. lol)
-points at your last comment.
am i supposed to be honoured? haha. AND, you sure you not hooked on Shan? thou i gave you all the "peer support" you need, this, I DO NOT AGREE. (:
u live in a third world country. *nods*
*ding* (signs of a bright idea) I SHALL GO WORK IN A COFFEESHOP AFTER As!!! hohohohoho!
oooooooooiiiiiiiii. i know he's gorgeous and all, and i want him to win. that's allllll. :p
and nah, i'm more honoured you're reading this. AWWW LOL
shut up seige
yaaay minggie tell me where. then i can go kop food or drinks from you.
oh.my.god. you've never watched matrix, LOTR n just watched X2? they're like the greatest shows of all time! Legendary & iconic movies! of all people! you? n you don't know who yoda is n haven't read the da vinci code? *faints*
anna! me too din watch LOTR n matrix LOL. i only caught starwars 2 n i dun understand anything abt it!
and oh, shan's out.... :X
bless! thanks mainey!
*grin elise* don't make me insult LOTR again. hahahaa
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