The Writer

Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, May 23, 2005

    *inhales deeply*

    Song: Vonda Shepherd - Tell Him

    Sam's birthday yesterday. It was a last minute decision to buy a cuddly bear and a slice of cake for all of us (4 others and me) to share. So, poor little me had to run around in Tampines Mall, when majority of the shops were not open for the day yet. Thankfully Toys'R'Us was open. And Cottage Pies. :) Despite setting off at the time I planned to, before these gift plans came about, I wasn't late! Some people (like Seige) would be amazed. LOL I wasn't late!

    Because it was a shared gift, I didn't want to meet her alone and spoil the surprise. Clever little me decided to wait for the rest. I was there at 11.10am. Birthday girl and friend arrived shortly after me. I decided to evade her as long as I could. I immediately headed for the escalators. Then the friend called me. I told her to go towards Wisma. Tell the birthday girl I was late.

    After they have safely evacuated the train station, I went back down, waited... and waited... and waited. During which I had numerous calls rushing me, while I rushed the people I was waiting for. Finally, one arrived at... 11.50? With her boyf, who left soon after knowing his girl was in safe hands (ie me HAHA kidding) and then we waited a little while more, and the other person came. It was noon. So BASICALLY, if you did the math, I waited, not so patiently, for 50 minutes. 50 entire minutes. Which is 5/6 of an hour.

    Anyway we had lunch at Breeks. It was all fun, really. We asked the guy for a candle there. "Is it someone's birthday today?" As I quote my bro's reaction. Well, candle? Birthday? Whatever made you think so? DUH. We went off to take neoprints. 6 of us squeezing into one. Oh it wasn't easy!

    Later on, the lot proceeded to watch Star Wars Episode III while Bren and I went around walking a little more, cos her boyf (snicker :p) was gonna meet her later on, and her cellphone's batt was flat. So they were communicating through MY cellphone. After much persuasion, I just stayed around with her. (BOY, did I not regret it.) We decided to go Heeren anyway. Lo and behold! There was a Perfect 10 event "Perfect 10 Dares You To..." going on. And this tall, gorgeous figure just caught my attention at first glance. My my my MY! None other than Shan Wee, P10's brand new deejay, as well as one of the contenders still running for Eye For A Guy 2 to win Denise Keller's heart.

    He looks so much better upfront, I swear. So much better than he does on TV or in photographs. It's just his presence. Swept me off my feet. My heart skipped a beat. I went weak in the knees. I told Bren I wanted a picture with him. *grin* We decided to go to the other side where we'd be nearer to him. We happened to see schoolmates. One of whom was an ex-classmate. They didn't see us, or heard us when I called out. I couldn't really be bothered anyway. But I knew one of them wanted to take a picture with Shan as well, while her friend told her not to be a wimp cos she was scared. :p

    Man, these people don't understand. I was terrified!!! He is gorgeous, I swear. So anyway, after watching a few stunts going on on stage, Bren was saying she'll take a picture for me. It was up to me to approach him. Deep breaths, here goes nothing!

    Standing a centimetre away from him, I was dying inside. His back was facing me, and he's such a giant, I had no idea how to attract his attention. I was nearly poking his waist, before I began tapping his arm. Such a little girl, tsk. Said hi, told him my name, handshake. (I was too terrified to hug him lah.) Asked if it was alright to have a picture with him, pointed to Bren. Couldn't control my grin, hence it turned out retarded. (I KNOW. Look at the picture. I was having that retarded grin, while he was all cool and everything. I can't help it okay?)

    I was pondering how it was gonna turn out because he was so tall. Standing next to me, I wasn't sure if my cellphone's camera was able to capture both of us. :p Then next thing I knew, he bent all way down, positioned himself next to me. Tadah!

    Then I did the most retarded thing telling him I hope he wins. OH MY GODDDDDDD. It wasn't even a "good luck". It was a "I hope you win".

    I am SUCH a RETARD.

    I can't believe it.

    I want to die right away.


    Anyway, without saying goodbye I went to Bren, dying to see the picture, and literally ran farther away SCREAMING. I am such a tween. I was screaming, adrenaline rush, going insane, jumping and everything. Hahaha I am SUCH a retard. Heh. (Thanks for tolerating me, Bren!)

    The stunts going on stage (ahem, I DID pay attention to them) were pretty much similar to what's like MTV's I Bet You Will. People doing silly dares for little money. Amongst the more gross ones were competing who could melt a bar of chocolate under their armpits. And getting someone else in the crowd to lick it. Dead sick.

    Her boyf came shortly after so I left. :p and when I told my bro about the whole Shan incident, he told me not to be such a bimbo. Snicker.

    Went to Sakae Sushi at the airport last night for dinner. I'm SO not a Jap food person but oh well, it wasn't too bad. I was pretty much full from the sushi itself. I can't believe I ordered rice. Couldn't finish them. Must've been the Beef Lasagne from Breeks that afternoon ;) And we went to Cold Storage to do a little grocery shopping there. *sparkle* We now have coleslaw, finally after keeping the dressing for it for ages. Ben & Jerry's. More chocolates. (My bro's idea. not mine.) Cereal. COFFEEEEE. FOR MEEEEE. *hop hop*

    Yes, I think with that, I may finally get down to doing a little more work later on. Slacked the ENTIRE weekend.

    Yes, Shan IS hot. That picture's everywhere now. My blog, my display pic, my friendster. :p


    At Mon May 23, 04:22:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    you told shan 'i hope you win'? bahahahaha hilarious. n u ran away screaming? i can so imagine it. anyway he's HOT n i think has the most chemistry with denise. we shall see.

    At Tue May 24, 08:56:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger adora said... *tumbles out of chair onto the floor and rolls around in a terrible fit of laughter and hyperventilation for about 10 minutes*

    At Tue May 24, 09:25:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    shut up elise. :p im embarrassed enough. but i DO hope he wins! so im being straightforward here!

    shut up adora. lol i shall avoid seeing you tomorrow. oh crap got meeting. blaaah. :p

    At Wed May 25, 04:32:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    bahaha adora's SO funny! n how could you ask me to shut up! that's something i'm afraid i'm not capable of.


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