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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Sunday, June 05, 2005

    Worrying Begins... and it is only the beginning.

    song: Melanie C - Never Be The Same Again

    Heh. To think I hated Mel C then. :p I do like her songs.

    Anyway, I can safely say I've forgotten how it feels to mug intensely for an exam. I've not have a proper stretch of formal exams since the last end-of-years'. I don't remember how it feels to be so stressed I have to lock myself up in the room, and set the fan on timer so I know when I can finally stop and have a break. I've forgotten how it was to discipline myself to not stop so often to get little snacks to fill my not-so-empty stomach. I've forgotten how to study without having radio or any form of music blasting around either by the computer, mp3 player or radio. I've forgotten how to sit on the chair through for a few hours and complete a proper revision session. I don't remember how to!

    And with the pile of work left undone, I'm planning for a shopping spree later on. I am SO screwed. 3 weeks to go. I haven't done my homework. I haven't re-studied. I haven't revised. I think my sciences are pretty screwed. I need to seriously stop fooling around. But the thing is... I've forgotten how to!

    And the most appropriate two words that could fit the entire situation?

    Shite happens. :P

    I'm not about to start listing the amount of work to be done. The mental list in my head already scares me. AND everybody's away or on some holiday. Or busy doing something which I am not aware of. Maybe they're studying. For some reason, I hope they aren't. :P I hope they haven't started like the state I'm in. I hope we're all on par. I hope everyone panicks like I do.

    I'm so going to hell. lol


    At Sun Jun 05, 04:06:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ahha! finally someone i know that haven't started revision. and yes, i'm as evil as you. i hope the rest haven't started too.

    gosh. it's scary how similar we think. cos i'm planning a shopping spree too! oh my. we're so screwed. bleh.

    well the bright side. "all work and no play makes jane a dull girl" at least we know we're not dull huh? x)


    At Sun Jun 05, 04:44:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    erm... i haven't started either. like at all. n i'm still super distracted. n wow u mugged like that before? think i could never do that.

    At Sun Jun 05, 07:39:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ello. im sorry to say that i have started. but only on my hw. cos i have no choice! im going for ONE WHOLE PATHETIC wk of hol. and u tink i can study after that? OBVIOUSLY not. so bo bian loh.but also quite screwed lah. haven started revising.
    oh well.
    nvm. u go shopping. i watch movie. u slacking. i oso slcking. thats why we always see each other online wad rite?? lol.
    Esther, ur fellow slacker. *winks*

    At Mon Jun 06, 11:14:00 am GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    hahah. i'm trying to finish my hmwk. RAR! ah huang, jiayou together! xiaaaaaaaaaa

    At Mon Jun 06, 01:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    wow, so pleased with the responses :P

    zheya: hahaha we're all evil beings :p we're not dull but we're screwed! AHHH lol

    elise: i did, miraculously. only for a day or something. one of the most productive days. that was perhaps last year, though. super distracted as well!

    esther: i've started on homework too! haha. not very comforting though. i don't think i'd do very much within that one week you're away, so you have nothing to worry about :p we should like chase each other off when we see each other online!

    xia: i'm -trying- but uhh umm yar. :p thanks anyway!

    At Mon Jun 06, 05:41:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i dont need to say much babe. u know me. lol.


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