tee hee hee

Thanks, Melv!
You're welcome, Shan!
Was out today, anyway. I can't believe I actually did bother to travel from Tampines (2nd stop from the East) to Boon Lay (extreme end of the West). I can't believe it. God, I'm so bored of travelling. But it was fun to meet my friend up :) I'm actually exhausted. Lol it was considered a pretty inactive day. I blame it on the travelling, so sue me. :p
Anyway on my way there, I got so bored I started drumming the seats of the train, and this woman looked at me, annoyed. I should've taken a picture of that expression on her face. Heh. Okay, I sound way annoying. It wasn't very obvious drumming, but she was two seats away from me, so I suppose it was audible. Or maybe the seats were vibrating a little. Hell, it was Clementi, Dover that area when the train was getting deserted.
I am SO glad I brought my mp3 player along, or I'd die of boredom, I swear. Blasting Reel Big Fish, Save Ferris, Blink182, McFly, ooh it was fun. :p
Okay, I swear I'm tired.
Watched an episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway (yea downloaded it) last night. Boy, cracked me up so badly. I now know what show to catch when I'm down! *beam*
Anyway, when I was back in Tampines (home sweet home!), saw some... buskers. No, I wouldn't call them buskers. They were performing for charity. Or to raise money for some organisation of theirs or something. Basically people, thick paint, freeze. Supposedly acting as statues? Boy, were they good! Quite common to see them in Tampines, but usually I'm with others and they'd drag me away once they see me taking out my cellphone about to take a picture. :p

Not to forget some bummers kept walking past me. HELLO, what do you think I'm doing with my cellphone flipped open, aimming at them so obviously, not in an angle where one has it to sms. DOH. Several times, people just walk past me. And because I have terrible photography skills, they always end up with the passers-by faces on it. Ugh
So anyway, it was a beautiful evening. Check out the orange streaks in the sky.

I'm such a sucker for gorgeous sceneries, views and skies.
Ming Li made me do this.

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minggie! Bring your friends along! She's playing 3 songs and page turning for 2, so you get to see her a total of 5 times. Isn't that awesome! Quick get your tickets now!
you were? were ya at jurong point at any point in time? :p
oh man i didn't expect everyone to put in the page turning bits into the advert. -hides in a hole- thanks anyway! haha
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