The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, June 06, 2005

    Dramatic Morning

    Song: McFly - Hypnotised

    This morning was a little too dramatic for my own good. My ears were itching, so natural human instincts would tell you to get a cotton bud to dig your ear. (DOH) So I stuffed it into my right ear, went a few rounds, then stuffed it into my left ear. I felt it scratching the interior, so I took it out only to see the remains of the stick. Where has the cotton gone to!?

    Yes, yes. In my ear. Panic attack! My mum desperately tried to take a look at the insides of my ear with a torchlight. Apparently nothing can be seen. She even had forceps ready. (They were sterilized! With hot water at least.) But she daren't take the risk, and made me go to the docs.

    It was time to leave home to meet Audrey, Elise & Jiawei though :p Okay, reluctantly I went anyway. The doc checked my ear with a torch (my mum's a genius afterall) but he couldn't see anything. So he had this special equipment he took from a toolbox (looked like one, but smaller). It was one that looked like a ear thermometer? Only that it's a... sorta magnifying glass to see the insides. He was astounded. Telling me how clear my ear is, that he could see clearly the passageway all way through to the ear drums. Then he observed a little more, observed my right ear, and then told me it's this tiny little fragment in it. Nothing to worry about it cos the wax would dissolve it (?) gradually. No point going through all the hassle trying to flush it out cos it's not obstructing the passage, and it'll "disintegrate" with time. WHEW

    And then, I had to pay $12 for consultation fees. Snort. I should've asked him more questions about the ear, played with his equipment and such. Darn.

    Anyway, met the co. for badminton much later *sparkle* good fun. Just like the sec 2 times! *sniff* Talk about nostalgia! I was wearing my sec 1 class tee, to add to that. Waaaa! *cries* We're playing again next Monday *beam* I think I shall jog tomorrow. Anyway, we were having a break in between and then we had this fantastic idea of taking a picture of our racquets.

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    And the smart one, aka ME, decided, hey, racquets next to the owner's foot!

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    Heh that was fun :p

    Yesterday, my aunt gave me another bag of clothes my cousin didn't want anymore. (That's the cousin that's getting married next Thursday.) That's one reason why I don't own most of the clothes in my wardrobe. My mum finds it tough to turn down free clothes, hence I got lots of clothes that are hers. And because of that, my wardrobe looks really full, so I don't need more clothes. Snort. And there was this period of time every top or bottom I wore was hers! Oh well, I'm glad I own slightly more stuff now. :p Her style is SO not my style. This is one of those I find easy to reject.

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    I look like CRAP in any of those fluffy tops, for some reason. It may look cute on a hanger or anything, but I look like c.r.a.p. in them. (Seigey baby, want them? HUR HUR! *runs*)

    Following are just random snapshots...
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    Heh. One of the very few occasions I wore it out.

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    My infamous addiction.

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    It's a frrreaking tiny baby lizard on the wall I spotted. TINY!!!

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    This gorgeous aisle set up at the void deck for this Malay wedding. The prettiest one I've ever seen set up downstairs :) Quick snapshot when I was in the lift cos I didn't wanna look like I'm being rude, taking a picture of this place I'm not invited to :p

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    Lianne! I found it! :p That's not the exact one my teacher gave me, but oh well it's close enough! The m-azing chocolate bar!

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    The magical instrument that works miracles. :p


    At Mon Jun 06, 06:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    *stares* nope, i dont want them.

    and i so love the beautiful decor for the wedding downstairs!! i was just telling that to my mom yesterday. lol

    and yep, i figured out which foot was urs. :)

    At Mon Jun 06, 06:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* soooo pretty right! i was downstairs to collect the clothes and then i saw. *sparkle* soo...nature-ish! the pathway was just filled with pretty leaves by the sides. i wanted SO BADLY to walk through it! :(

    you can have them *GRIN* 2 fluffy tops. HAHAHA

    and DUH my shoe. :p sadly can't see the pink socks. HAHAH

    At Mon Jun 06, 06:46:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    it was one of the nicest i've seen. it's all green-ish. like some garden for fairy tales. mmmmm

    At Tue Jun 07, 09:16:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    wow that's a lot of pics. n haha i'm part of the co.

    At Tue Jun 07, 09:40:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    yeah seige, for garden fairies! :p *imagination runs wild*

    haha elise, of course you are. you booked the court, to say the very least. :p


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