I had such a deliciously (you'll find out why) fun day today *sparkle*
Started off with another Literature seminar at the Regional Language Centre (RELC) which is situated in the most secluded area ever, I had no freaking clue how to get there. All hail Bi Xia's uncle for driving us there :p and back. And it's only 15 years (close to 16) after I was born that I realise Newton is just after Orchard. *runs into the wall*
I thought it was freaking far. Like perhaps just before Bishan or something. How would
I know!
Anyhow, I was incredibly sleepy, for some reason. To such extent that if I were to close my eyes for longer than I usually do to blink, I would fall asleep. And I found myself waking up, which meant I actually nearly did doze off! Heh I was trying all sorts of different methods. By pinching myself, shaking my legs, blinking so hard. Then I received an sms from a friend to meet later on, and I woke up! LOL [Seige, I sms-ed you cos I was hoping you'd reply back something that'd wake me up but NOOOO you just ignored my msg!]
So anyway, Bi Xia's uncle dropped me off at Lido and then I realised it's a long walk to Somerset from there. Snort. Fine, I'm lazy, whatever. :p (Yea I was meeting my friend at Somerset or I wouldn't be such an idiot to walk all the way there.) And then, I walked past this wall of graffiti which was so impressive.

I loooove looking at those sorta graffiti for some reason. Catches my attention as hell. And there were tons of photographers around along the streets of Orchard Road, the heart of our sunny island. They looked like they were hidden among the bushes while trying to find a good spot or angle to take a picture of certain buildings like Wisma Atria and Taka... it almost felt like they were paparazzi trying to snap a picture of me. Oh *flusters*
Anyhow, my friend & I were at Gramophone and the staff there was lovely. We were having quite some fun, and trying out cds we thought were worth buying. And I couldn't decide to buy...

or not, and my friend just handed the CD to the staff to have a listen to, and the guy was like, "HELLO?! It's 3 Doors Down! No need to test one!" :p but he did anyway. Lovely company, we spent quite some time there. Needless to say, I bought it (DUH the picture) and feeling incredibly broke, hiding it from my brother for a few weeks first or he'd kill me. (First Vanessa Carlton, now 3 Doors Down, you very rich, is it?) :p
Then anyway, we headed to Suntec's swensens for some yummy yoghurt. Just sat down to chill out for a while, before I headed over to airport (and not to mention, being incredibly late.) to meet seige. It's not my fault! The train took forever to arrive!

I call that picture the middle platform. :p The empty middle platform. I swear it took forever! And I desperately needed to p... I desperately needed to visit the ladies. *sparkle* And THEN, we headed to swensens (AGAIN *grin* but this time I don't pay a cent) to have proper lunch, and ice cream of course. Now, my poor cousin feels poor. *pats*
We went plane-watching for a bit before heading off. Fun fun fun. We were acting like plain idiots in Swensens. And they almost didn't charge us for the ice cream. No wait, they didn't. Until we told them about it. Sigh, we're such angels. :p
I know it doesn't sound like an incredibly fun day, but I was terribly entertained :) I'm exhausted as well, so I can't be bothered to describe much either. :p I just had fun. Whee!
hahah. I NOE YOU LOVE ME AH HUANG. =) i knew it! i knew u haf been secretly admiring me! hahha. anywayx, you went out wif a GUY. oooooh. i can sense adultery. i ll tell your lovely lover brenda.hahaha
*raise eyebrow* do you not have guy friends? :p
secretly admiring you YOUR HEAD LAH. lol
and anyway the only 'guy' that i referred to in my entry was the gramophone staff. lol
i didnt reply? oops. lol. er... lecture babe.. yes *looks away*
anyhow, i do feel broke! but it was worth it ;P I needed that little airport trip so much!! and though we didnt EXACTLY have the time to really observe the planes, it was fun imagining eh? and rmb our pact? *winks* yr 2013.
as for the fact that we actually told them that they didnt charge us.. WE'RE SO STUPID!! but of course, angels we are. :D
*grin* I really liked the airport trip. guess we did need the trip. :) didn't have much time to observe the planes? well we had air india GLARING at us! lol
and we really are stupid. oh well. the wise ones say honesty goes a long way. WOW IT RHYMES. im gonna start worshippin myself in a sec. :p
"we had air india GLARING at us!"- i was thinking more like, watching it actually TAKE OFF?lol
"im gonna start worshippin myself in a sec. :p" - Have u ever stopped? lol :P
hahaha okaaay. but we DID have air india glaring at us!
and it stops whenever i take a break! *sparkle*
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