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Location: Singapore

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The current mood of annz89 at
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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, June 13, 2005


    Song: Missy Higgins - The Special Two

    Haiyah. Look missus. All my dad did was to throw away a piece of chicken neck. NO BIGGIE, MISSY. WAKE UP!!

    And there is NO need to drag my mum into this stinking trivial matter. There is no need to give her a curfew. There is no need to complain about the time she goes out and returns. She is fucking 52. I think she has the right to decide.

    And my dad is sick of you grumbling all the time. That is why he always flares up when you fuck up. Not because he's spent so much that he's getting all flustered lately. He doesn't like you poking into his business or watching every move he makes.

    And there is NO need to snap at me, telling me I always don't dry the dishes and put them back where they belong, when I fucking did, and you just don't know. Don't bloody assume your way around this fucking house.

    When you're pissed with my dad, don't fucking drag anyone else into it. There are just too many things my mum has done that you don't fucking appreciate. For example, when we went out yesterday (as a family) she decided to stay at home cos YOU were gonna be at home alone. When we're back, what happens? You complain about her in the kitchen. And I can't understand what is wrong with having a big appetite. You don't seem to like my mum's eating habits very much.

    Whenever I come home from a lovely day, usually exhausted, my poor ears have to be tortured all over again. All that pissy moody thing you're going through is getting overboard. Like why don't you start by (with all due respect) shutting up.


    At Mon Jun 13, 09:13:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    thanks sweetie :) i know, it happens all the time. just sometimes it rubs me the most horrid way ever and i have to resort to such measures - whining in my blog. lol

    At Mon Jun 13, 09:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    oh the amazement..

    one level apart makes a hell of a difference.

    girl, i seriously get what u're saying. *shakes head* u know who to rant to! :P

    At Tue Jun 14, 10:11:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin seige* shut up already.

    so, when are we moving out? lol

    At Tue Jun 14, 03:03:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    heyy. i've wrote about u in my blog! come see come see! hahah


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