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    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    My Achievement

    Song: 3 Doors Down - Here By Me

    Oh god, finally I've completed re-studying Chemistry, doing all the bloody papers. I did ALL the freaking papers. All the mole concept worksheets, stoichiometry worksheets, QA worksheets, cedar girls' paper, previous year's prelim papers, oh god I can't believe it. I did those which my chem teacher went through but I didn't do, etc etc. I cannot believe it.

    Of course I can't remember all my facts yet, so revision will come later. Oh god I still can't believe I completed it. :p such a huge bulk of the work left undone is cleared. WHEW.

    I still have the Bio essay questions glaring at me, but I'll attempt not to panic and go on to Physics first. I want to complete all sciences, then go on to humanities, finally maths, then go back to the sciences again. No prizes for guessing which I'm most worried for. :p

    Fuck, I just realised I've only 7 days left. Okay deep breaths, don't panic. You can do this.

    I WANT TO GO OUT. *cries*

    mum: when're you exams?
    me: err uhh next week?
    mum: oh. you're not going out anymore.

    Little does she know I have plans. *scheming smile* :P

    Alright *sigh* back to the studying, or my plans would fall through.

    Anyway for some reason I keep thinking it's already 5ish near 6 now. Biological clock slightly screwed just because I woke up earlier than the usual 10-ish 11, the past weekend, to jog. *sparkle*

    And then, I had this huge packet of kitkats.

    Whatever :p Study study study. Oh I hate studying. Maybe I should psycho myself. No I don't hate studying. I don't, I don't. I do NOT hate studying. Rar. I've gone insane.


    At Mon Jun 20, 04:30:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    boo! wow. chem all done. hmm. i think i'm not going to touch the rest of my homwork for the time being. i'll stick to trying to finsh the revision first.

    i mean, the first week is for the CAs. so no lessons. and that means, no homework going to be collected! (: i'll just try to use the weekend after the CAs to rush thru the homework. (:

    may my plan succeed. haha. happy mugging.


    At Mon Jun 20, 05:37:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    wow u finished chem? i've only just started on each of the subjects. there's no time! haha but i can't get off the comp!

    At Mon Jun 20, 05:48:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha zheya, but some of them they might wanna collect right? like chinese?

    elise, i've ONLY started on chem... so...

    At Mon Jun 20, 09:05:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    u have plans?

    i'm gonna tell.

    AS IF. :)

    At Mon Jun 20, 10:13:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    bwahaha oh sweetie you know the chocolates i was telling you i was gonna get for you?



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