The Writer

Location: Singapore

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The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    From This Moment...

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Incomplete

    The wedding dinner last night at Sheraton was quite so mesmerizing. The gorgeous bride with her suave groom walking down the aisle, embracing us with their presence and the sense of joy, as Shania Twain's From This Moment came on. Everything was so perfect. It was a perfect song. Perfect bride in a perfect gown. Perfect groom in a perfect suit. Confetti and flowers were thrown. It was just quite so overwhelming. I wasn't kidding when I told seige I could cry watching that scene.

    It was just... so sweet. So so sweet.

    It was so... picture perfect. I can't find a better description, really. Or I could easily blame it on the lack of variety in my vocabulary. :p

    That aside, it's so annoying when the older generation think of how the 'older ones' should get married first.

    I mean, please.

    My mum was saying something about a cousin of mine (who's a month older than the bride) marrying late. Doesn't really matter does it? They're all still young. She's still in the midst of accomplishing something in her career. She's still enjoying seeing sights of the world. She's only 26!

    Then she said the next to wed should be this other cousin who's... 30 I should think. Thereabouts. Possibly a year or two older than 30. Little did she know that he's broken up with his girlfriend *cough* But it's quite... silly of him to bring her home, to bring her to our granny's birthday celebrations, when they weren't even in a steady relationship. I mean, who does that!? One is bound to go out with another for the longest time before introducing that person as your special half to the entire world. Yes I mean entire world. You don't know how many relatives show up at a big event like my granny's wedding. Practically lots of people I don't even know. :p

    Digressed *cough*

    My gran was even more exaggerated. She raised a concern about the groom's twin brother (identical twin brother!) who's 2 hours older than the groom, not getting married before the little one does. HELLO!? 2 HOURS? WHO CARES?

    But that was before the wedding of course. :)

    That aside, my gran pissed me off before the wedding dinner last night. Because someone noticed my necklace on Thursday (one that's worth a lot, from my dad years ago) she wants me to wear that bling bling again last night. Whatever for? SHOW OFF.

    Okay, if you know me well enough, when one wants me to do something, I deliberately don't do it. Not because I'm being rebellious. Because it's just my nature not to. Similar to the logic I raised previously about wristbands and such. And my gran is already such a show off, I didn't expect her to want me to be an item for her to show off. Oh look, my son bought this diamond necklace. Looks so nice on her. Bling bling bling.

    And I'm not rejecting that idea solely because I didn't want to be showed off to the world because of a bling bling. But because I was wearing god damn long earrings, mind you. They were nearly touching my shoulders even with my head stretched upright. Now everyone knows that it's just not right when you have 3 long thingies with stars hanging from a ear, nearly reaching your shoulders, and then next to your shoulder - your neck, you have another bling bling, that's hanging slightly loosely.

    So I was strongly objecting to it, pissing her off, and in turn pissing myself off. (She was in such a pissy mood anyway.) And my bro was asking why I'm so against that idea. The wise one - ME, then told him. Less is more. Wow, I'm a genius. :p Then I went on to sing the Joss Stone song that's titled Less Is More. *chuckle*

    But he replied, less is less, more is more.

    Snort. Guys. Snort.

    But it did help that I felt very pretty last night :p It's the first time the make-up looks perfect. *grin* My mum helped me with the eyeliner this time so it's nearly balanced. *cough*

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    If you observe properly you can see the pretty dress that's on me. :p

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    The gift for everyone on the dining tables. Lovely heart shaped milk and dark chocolate sitting in a very pretty box.

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    Okay, this has a story. A little cousin got the bouquet, gave to his mum, his mum has the entire bouquet so she offered me roses. And of course I happily took one. :p


    At Sat Jun 18, 09:56:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey huang! you're gorgeous! the dress fits you really well. (: lovely.


    At Sun Jun 19, 08:54:00 am GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    1. that cousin of yours could have been in a steady relationship, that's why he brought his girlfriend to meet the family. alot of steady couples DO break up. 2. reverse psychology works on me too. 3. that dress is nice. 4. Less IS More.

    At Sun Jun 19, 08:43:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    mwahahah thanks zheya! :D:D brought smiles to my face to hear such flattering compliments. hahaha

    elise, but he only knew her not too long ago before he brought her back. :) thanks for #3 though ;)

    At Mon Jun 20, 09:02:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    HOW could they be sooo identical when they're born 2HOURS APART?*scratches head* If it wasnt for the hair, i would never have been able to tell the difference.

    and yes, it was picture perfect. my parents liked it cos it was simple. :D i liked it cos it was so sweet. and she was sooo beautiful.photogenic as well. WHERE ARE THE GENES??? lol

    btw,how's ur rose doin?

    mine aint coming back to life. lol

    At Mon Jun 20, 10:16:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha i thought twins usually about there? 2 hrs?

    yea THE GENES!! COME TO MAMA! NOW!! :p

    my rose has wilted. it's still standing though cos of my wonderful mug. but uhh im considering throwing it away. quite gross. lol

    At Tue Jun 21, 10:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    lol just threw mine away. it DOES look gross.

    well i dunno but i used to know of a pair who were bron 10 mins apart..

    At Wed Jun 22, 11:18:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    oh. hmm i have no idea then.

    i dont wanna throw away mine. :p i wanna do a.. 'he loves me, he loves me not' but the petals look grossss. lol


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