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    Thursday, June 23, 2005

    Movie Critic: A Lot Like Love

    Song: Bachelor Girl - Treat Me Good

    Caught A Lot Like Love yesterday.

    It has funny bits occasionally. Some of which did make me bounce off my seat laughing. There were sweet parts that just made you go, "awww".

    Eye candy wise, Amanda Peet was pretty at times. Ashton Kutcher was oh-so-god-damn-hot.

    Plot wise, there wasn't exactly a climatic part? It was just flowy. There wasn't anything that kept the viewers in suspense. Nothing much that made us wonder what's going to happen next. Or even if they tried, I predicted it so easily. So obvious!

    Anyway it just went on and on, and it didn't make me cry. It didn't make me tear at all. And that is terrible for a sappy romantic comedy. Everyone knows how easily I cry at shows. Hell, I did, at least, tear the first time I caught Finding Nemo. What do YOU think?

    It did surprise me that it failed at making me cry. I was quite expecting so.

    Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars. Only thing worth it was eye candy and the hilarious moments.

    Okay, that's the last movie before the exams. Sigh. More movies I want to / have yet to catch.
    Oooh suddenly I'm watching movies again. :p Anyway bought Bachelor Girl's album at Cash Converter's yesterday for 5 bucks. Apparently highly recommended by my friend. That's another cd to add to my collection. Saw a couple of Here We Come I was considering getting to replace mine. The last 2 tracks of mine keeps skipping. *sniff* I liiiike the last 2 tracks. Was tempted to get 98 degree's Revelation and 5ive's Kingsize. Also 5 bucks each. :p Ah well, I'll just be satisfied with what I bought first :p Was sooo into the boyband cds sold there. *chuckle* I'm such a teeny popper. LOL

    back to studying. snort.

    p/s: anyone did the second half of the physics paper? i don't know how to do like at least half of it. shit.


    At Thu Jun 23, 02:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    feeling jealous seeing ashton up there? haha. ooh war of the worlds, i wanna watch that. Oh i have not done any questions at all, for any subject.

    At Thu Jun 23, 02:46:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i oso dunno how to do half of it. and i bet im worse then u. rem the time we were doing the atmoshere and environment ws, i said it was easy, but ended up having more blanks than u.. =)
    neway, wad so nice bout hitchhiker's guide?

    At Thu Jun 23, 03:20:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, *grin* i could just pause the movie and stare and stare and stare and ogle at ashton forever. :p so so so so hot. war of the worlds looks good eh? :)

    esther, haha the physics paper SUCKS. :p so much application i'm lost. umm certain people's recommendations. mainly lianne's. oh well. :p seems nice enough.

    At Thu Jun 23, 03:54:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    haha. dun worry dear. im bored of bio too! haha. i decided to leave the last half an hr before i go for tuition to come online. lolx. i kinda gave up studying hehs...

    i also dunno how to do the physics!! sigh...prelims are sure gonna suck big time!

    nvm. we shall all be on the same boat=) haha. at least we have company. haha.

    and i haf no freaking idea how im gonna finish up the 12 bio essays! haha. u noe wad? i dun think im gonna bother doing it. oops! haha. sorry to mrs ngin. but it's hell crazy!!


    At Thu Jun 23, 04:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i'm trying to do it as i'm studying bio? quite much of just copying from the text. lol.

    i suppose we're supposed to seek comfort in finding company cos we're all in hot soup anyway? lol. not such a bad idea. :P welcome aboard!

    At Thu Jun 23, 11:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    i'm damnnn-ed too. =( help. lol xiaa

    At Fri Jun 24, 11:29:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    haha...everybody join the club!! lolx..



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