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Location: Singapore

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    Wednesday, June 22, 2005


    song: a1 - Nothing But Trouble

    [been listening to bosson and a1. Oh the bloody good ol' times. sniff. I'm getting slightly nostalgic.]

    aaaanyway, *beam* My aunt called my gran to tell her I looked fab in one of those pictures we took during my cousin's wedding tea ceremony. *sparkle* The one I took with the bride and all her friends. Whee. that made me very happy. :p Considering I was rather... shabbily cladded that day.

    But I remember having a bad hair day. Hmm. But if she called specially to say that... it shouldn't be too bad then.

    Can't wait to see the photos!

    And then my mummy told me I look pale today. Hmm. She thinks it's my lack of exercise. I just went jogging two mornings ago, mummy! *raise eyebrow* and I should be fine. Maybe it's the lack of ice cream in my daily dosage. lol

    And I'm feeling it. I'm gonna be depressed for the next few days because I know the end is near. The holiday spirit's already ceasing. Block CAs are coming to devour me in 5 days.

    I'll just say my farewell now, in case I don't come back after 5 days. In case something mighty bad happens. In case I jump off the roof even before the holidays end.

    Oh maybe I should write a will. Hmm. The money should go to...

    Wait a second. I should go shopping with the money before I do all that foolish stuff. Doh *thwaps self* So stupid of me.

    On a lighter and less insane note, I'm going out in about 4 hours *hop* I'm so sick of all the physics I've been trying to absorb. Ugh. Must start on Bio tomorrow.


    At Wed Jun 22, 01:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    Shopping away all your money? So you. I pity your kids, they won't get money as an inheritance. They'll probably inherit loads of clothes and cds instead. If you're gonna jump off a roof, tell me, i'll do it with you. Hmm... Orchard would be a cool place to die. Oh n i thought the past tense of 'clad' is 'clad'?

    At Wed Jun 22, 02:24:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    haha...i so agree with u! bahs!

    the pprs on the first two days? basically SCREWED! can't exactly think of a right word u see..haha

    craps. i'm getting migrains from studying? argh! i hate plants chapters. they are soooooooo freaking dead dead dead!

    and oh! im thoroughly SICK of studying nutrition AND digestion! gosh! stupid chapters...........

    darn it. i have 5 more days to finish everything! LEAST we have wed all to ourselves ehs? consider us lucky den. that'll be mugging physics and chem day! hahahaha.


    At Wed Jun 22, 02:52:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, you're so eviil. how can it be 'so me'? :p i'm normally quite nice. hahhahaha. at least they get to sell my cds to cash converters or something and gain back money. see, it's valuable treasure i'm leaving behind. :P clothes they can re-wear. maybe by then it'll be the retro look. bwahaha.

    orchard eh. hmm. we'll consider that. :p is the past tense 'clad'? oops i have no clue.

    sharon, why's everyone mugging bio already!! *PANIC* i haven't yet!! slooow downnn waaaait for meeee! :P i haven't touched all that disgustingly long and starchy chapters. ugh.


    At Wed Jun 22, 02:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    muahaha... retro? okayyy... ooh jumping off the top of heeren would be cool.

    At Wed Jun 22, 03:00:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    please. i noe ppl who have FINISHED! yes...finished EVERYTHING! sheesh.

    after the first wk of extended studies...i have been slacking..basically not studying. then here comes the block cas in 5 days..crap!

    oh and i heard from rachel. esther yap started studying everything FIVE WEEKS before! so she finished everything. and prob yiwei too. goodness. how did they manage it?! i have absolutely no idea.

    cos i sure was doing nth the past 2 wks! rar..


    At Wed Jun 22, 05:47:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ello!. wah lao. you can go shopping.. so good..

    At Wed Jun 22, 06:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    when u're jumping, give me a call. whaddya know? we cant be bron together, but we'd die together! :P

    lol u're too awesome to do that, rmb? lol

    At Thu Jun 23, 09:02:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, heeren? i was thinking paragon since we can't shop there, we die there. :p

    sharon, omg i didn't know that. certainly didn't know that. and you just told me. *panic attack* how the heck do they do that! i don't have that sorta discipline! i've been slacking toooooo.

    esther, didn't go shopping. just caught a movie :)

    seige, *grin* good point. i'm awesome. LOL

    At Thu Jun 23, 01:09:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yeah neither do i have that kinda just gets the better of me. i normally study as and when i feel like it. but kinda impossible right now. esp when i totally do not feel like studying AT ALL. and there's FIVE MORE DAYS to finish everything up! hahaha. and i still have no idea wad im doing here sick of studying bio basically. wad's new anyways? hehs

    At Thu Jun 23, 01:09:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    oh btw...that was me. sharon. haha forgot to leave name. sorry! hehs.

    At Thu Jun 23, 01:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha i've just started and i'm already bored of bio. HEEELP. :p


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