The Writer

Location: Singapore

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The current mood of annz89 at
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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Tuesday, June 28, 2005


    It's been thousands of years since I did one of these. And yes I was bored.

    Are You?
    *sensitive = yes
    *easily hurt = perhaps?
    *calm = umm on occasions.
    *quiet = kind of. not when i'm in a fab mood though.
    *choosy = kind of?
    *active = not entirely..
    *very shy = heh, sometimes. some places. some people.
    *confident in urself = yes
    *brand-conscious = i'll be lying if i said no.
    *a good listener = i think?
    *easily bored = yes, quite easily bored.
    *outgoing = quuiite?
    *open-minded = kinda open to all issues.
    *an only child = nope. unless i don't count my brother as human. which is normal actually.
    *happy at the moment = not really.
    *tired = quite actually. neck aches too!
    *playing any online games = nope.
    *good at Chess = not at all.
    *tempted by chocolates = chocolates melt me.

    Do You ?
    *believe the term 'love at first sight' = call me naive but yes actually.
    *have someone you really care for presently = mmhmm with significance or not, i do care for a lot of people. (altogether now... AWW)
    *believe in love = yes
    *ever cheated on a test = yes i'm sure everyone has.
    *play the guitar = yea, i try.
    *play the piano = nope, but i've tried :S just doesnt turn out as well as it's supposed to be.
    *like your life = kind of...? i'm quite happy with my life.
    *like school = aim in schooling - to meet friends. :p but im bored of school.
    *like dancing = *grin* yea, but bad at it.
    *like sweets = yea but not much of a biggie compared to chocolates ;)
    *like travelling = to school, no. for a vacation or to meet people i like, yea.
    *own an Xbox/ playstation = nope
    *like Spongebob Squarepants = i like his laughter...
    *ride a bike = yea but probably lost my biking balance already.
    *read Harry Potter = nope. watch it though.
    *read a lot = not at all. i try to though.
    *yell at your siblings = umm have done that before, but dont do it much.
    *argue with your parents = sometimes.
    *feel like quitting this quiz = kinda. draaggy.
    *love McDonalds = i'm alright with it. don't LOVE it, don't hate it.
    *play basketball = nope
    *play badminton = yup
    *play tennis = yes until my bro gave up on me.
    *play bowling= YES!
    *swim = not much.
    *watch Disney channel = used to be a huge fan. not really now though.
    *love movies = yup!
    *like Oreo = YES. twist lick dunk.
    *like chips= alright with them.
    *do the housework = very little.
    *love your friends alot = yup
    *prefer your past life to present life = if only i knew my past life. but i think probably yes.

    Will You?
    *get more than 5 piercings = nope. but perhaps i'll settle for 3.
    *curse a friend = under unforseen circumstances *nervous laughter* i think i may have done so before.
    *hug a stranger = yea
    *sneak out at night alone = perhaps i will!
    *work for Donald Trump if you had a choice = he'll probably say, "You're fired!" but yes anyway.
    *further your studies overseas = yea wouldn't mind as hell!
    *try summoning a ghost for fun = no that's stupid.
    *try alcohol = have tried..?
    *love someone wholeheartedly = i think?
    *smokes = no. everybody knows how much i hate it.
    *ever hug someone = have hugged. will hug.
    *look someone in the eye = don't people do that all the time?
    *do stupid things that finally made u real embarrased = have done. inevitable to do so.
    *say sorry to someone = duh
    *thank someone = always do, always will.

    Back to studying. *huge yawn*


    At Wed Jun 29, 09:10:00 am GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    can't lose your 'biking balance'. you never forget how to ride a bike.

    At Wed Jun 29, 10:45:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    well, i can :) not exactly 'forget' how to ride a bike. more like forgot how to balance on one...?

    but with a bit of time i'll usually get it back quite easily :)


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