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    Friday, June 24, 2005


    Song: Good Charlotte - Walk Away (Maybe)
    Maybe I'm just scared
    To face the things I fear
    It's easier to walk away from everything
    This post shall be non-work related. Finally a more general topic.


    Have you ever felt yourself being scared but you don't know what you're scared of?

    Or perhaps you have a rough idea of what you're scared of, and you know that it's alright, but you're scared of it nonetheless?

    Even if it's not a bad thing?

    If you answer no to every question above, it just proves that I'm abnormal. It's okay to tell me I'm abnormal. lol

    And I like these particular lines from Missy Higgins' The Special Two.
    And you make boundaries you'd never dream to cross,
    And if you happen to, you wake completely lost
    Just because I know how that feels :p I'm so not a risk taker, everybody knows that. As much as I don't mind changes, certain changes just make me... I wouldn't say uncomfortable? But it takes a while to adjust and adapt. And absorb.

    Well, I say screw the way I was brought up. :p Screw it badly. I hate to think I'm being such a wimp because things are not according to the 'family plan'. The family plan is to go through primary education, secondary school, jc for 2 years, university, graduate, start dating, get married, settle down, earn big bucks. Seige is aware of this. lol But the thing is, because it's been such a mindset, if anything goes out of the way it's "supposed to be", I get freaked out.

    Anyway the point is, I like things planned and if anything goes wrong I would be upset. I don't like to take things as they come. I don't like to sit and watch to see what happens. I like to be able to expect them.

    Oh well I guess that's just... life. I'm now convinced that I would die if I were thrown out into the world out there. lol

    [insane mode]
    omgomgomgomgomgomg OH MY GOD. I completed the 12 Bio essay questions. No wait, 11 cos I don't know how to do one. But I actually did 3 yesterday and 8 today. OMG.

    I copied mostly from the textbook but do I care? Do I care?

    I DON'T!!! TRALALALALA *throws confetti in the air*

    AND i studied nutrition and transport in both human and plants today. the stupidest heaviest chapters. TRALALALLALALA
    [/insane mode]


    At Fri Jun 24, 03:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    yes to both qns. i think we're all scared but maybe stepping out of our comfort zones is a good thing. that's why they're called risks, the outcome's unknown till you do it. plus i feel that freaking out is necessary n it's fine as long as you make the change in the end.

    At Fri Jun 24, 04:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    freaking out is necessary? wow that set me thinking. i suppose to an extent is it necessary. it's the only way to get harping on a certain topic or you wouldn't bother at all, if you weren't the slightest bit afraid?

    still, risks. not a risk taker. lol

    At Fri Jun 24, 05:05:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    a little bit of fear's only normal. oh n wow that's a lot of topics. i only studied atmosphere n environment today. haven't studied those bio chps.

    At Fri Jun 24, 05:12:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    lol what if there's more than just a bit of fear. and it's not for exams, that's for sure. haha

    jiayou! i haven't started on ss or lit so i'm panicking! atm & environment.. i went through it but i can't seem to recall details!

    At Fri Jun 24, 06:12:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    well then we'll have to try n overcome our fear. n i know that there's more to life than just exams. at least your sciences are done, i've started like a 1/4 of each science. whoa i commented so many times.

    At Fri Jun 24, 07:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...


    my sciences aren't done. i'm far from finishing bio. farrrrr. transport in plants is SO far from the back.

    overcoming fear. hmm.

    At Sat Jun 25, 10:36:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Contrarian said...

    Hmmm, interesting post. I think I'll keep reading.


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