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Location: Singapore

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    Tuesday, December 20, 2005

    Bunking Out

    A point to make. I usually get disappointed when it's something I've done, or something I organised or suggested that didn't turn out as good as I wanted it to be. Yes, me me me. When it's something that is someone else's responsibility, I usually don't have as high expectations as I do on myself, thus I usually don't get disappointed otherwise. Even though I aim low most of the time, I do actually have high expectations of myself, it's just that people can't tell sometimes. Okay I'm done with the point I needed to make.

    Moving along, I was bunking out last night away from the comfort of my bed - oh the soft cushions and mattress, the abundance of clean water, the isolation from strange creepy people and places. No doubt it wasn't as fun as I hoped for it to be, it was a really nice experience sharing time with people. I had a lovely time lying on my back, gazing at what is supposedly called a starry night in Singapore with an extremely golden yellow glowing moon. (Don't correct me, I know we see the moon cos of the reflection of light. I choose to call it the glowing moon here.) It was a pretty sight. It was creepy though cos I'm a wuss when it comes to hanging out outside when it's extremely dark and there are lots of trees around. My imagination can kill. If I'm to go to the toilet alone, I imagine looking at the mirror and seeing more than just me in the reflection. When I'm in the cubicle, I imagine some random door clicking open or close though nobody seems to be the culprit of the actions. When I turn on the tap, I imagine something creeping up from behind with a rope to strangle me while I wash my hands.

    Second point to note, I should never ever watch horror films.

    So there, I am a wimp. :)

    Anyhow, I had about an hour or so of sleep tops. I had a hard time making my eyelids not shut back immediately when it's open. I was yawning away, somewhere between the conscious world and the unconscious one, somewhere between dream and reality. But by the afternoon, I was like *snap* awake. I still am right now, and it's almost like I had double shots of espresso or something. Thing is, I didn't. So it's extremely odd that my body isn't screaming at me for depriving it of sleep. Hmm. I think I should sleep for 12 hours straight tonight. :p If I were studying and had only that little amount of sleep, I would so be grouchy right now and demanding sleep right away. Funny how holidays twist your body reactions.

    Last night was nearly like how it felt on the last day of the O's, crashing at Brenda's place. It was that bad, wide awake. I think I suffer from insomnia when I'm away from home. Or maybe I just can't live without my bed.

    And I never knew Pasir Ris beach forbids swimming in the sea. Hmm.

    Despite the slightly uneventful night, it was so laidback, it's almost like I haven't been out and feel this laidback in ages. It feels good. It feels like I'm on a holiday, and I haven't truthfully felt like that since the holidays began. While it really was a lovely night and I truly liked the feeling of it last night, I just wished it'd been better. Still, even though I was so deprived of sleep, I would do it again... it's just gonna need a whole lot more planning. :p

    And when I returned home today, I found 3 cards lying on my table. Oh bless! I LOVE receiving stuff by mail. Heh. I'm just gonna have to rush through this stack of unwritten christmas cards. So gonna reach everybody late. Erp. And in 5 days advance, Merry Christmas!


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