My mum nagged at me multiple times yesterday to read the papers on the anorexic teens - 5 of them, I think, from respectable schools and well-to-do families. She reminded me numerous times as well that they look really ugly because they're all skin and bones and they actually have the money to feed themselves but they refuse to. They either starve themselves or they make themselves puke everything they've eaten - what a waste of good food. It's worse than not finishing your food. Think of the people in Africa, they would die for a pinch of those food. And here they are, eating them and puking them out thereafter!
Of course I won't deny that I don't finish my food all the time. I'm just trying to make a point.
Anyway I'm not saying screw the looks, just eat all you can. I mean we all base our self-esteem on how we look at least a certain percentage of the time. But there must be better ways of a diet. Besides..
v. di·et·ed, di·et·ing, di·etsv. intr. - To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight or control a medical condition.
And not, "skip all your meals, don't digest
anything." That would probably be under
suicide but I wouldn't know cos I haven't checked it. *raise eyebrow* I mean, hey I'd gladly pinch my flabs and whine to everybody that I need to lose weight and have someone ringing at my ears that goes "EXERCISE, YOU FAT PIG" than go through such a suicidal act. Thank goodness for these brains of mine. I love you, brains!
And seriously, when you're skin and bones like those pictures show, they actually think it's cool to post it online and encourage one another to be anorexic?
Puh-lease. Seriously, not cool. You guys need counselling.
I mean, yeah it's tempting that Jessica Alba was anorexic too.

But she definnitely has a toned body. That means she's gotten out of it, has regretted it and started hitting the gym. Otherwise there is
no way she can get that toned bod that guys die for.
And while her bod is hard to reach for me, I'm just gonna aim to be like Kelly Clarkson.

She may be flabby on the arms and whatever, but she has toned abs to show off. She's not ultra slim but she's proportionate and can pretty much carry off any sorta clothing. I'm not aiming to look like any celebrity though. Just that even role models have to be properly selected. :)
Kay, I'm done preaching.
Had some sort of a Christmas dinner on Saturday, which was superb. Went over to my mum's side's relatives' place. We had turkey ham, sausages (which were superb!), roasted chicken, etc and even a logcake which was ohmygosh-ly delicious! But as always, I found myself only talking to my brother cos I'm not close to that bunch... which was kinda sad cos for a while I used to visit them a lot, and play with the little girl. Now she's grown up a little more and probably doesn't remember how we used to play a lot then. Ah well, life goes on.
And then there's the other cousins, one of whom is of the same age as me and everybody would compare us in terms of everything. Every flippin' thing. Then again, on the other side, I get compared with anybody of any age so that doesn't make a difference. But on this side, I get compared with her a lot. In terms of academic, school, choices, height, diet... for a long time she was a heck taller than me. I think I caught up a little bit... a litttttle bit. Compare us in terms of diet cos she ate lots of greens and I was allergic to greens... or maybe not. Maybe I just detested the sight of greens but hey I eat them now. And her brothers were a bunch of monkeys and now everyone's matured and in control of themselves! WOW! Gosh, people do change.
I wonder if they think I've grown to become more antisocial...
Merry Christmas ;-)
..ive not seen that pic before,hows that possible?
A doctor once asked recently, "Are you anorexic?" sheesh! i got the impression that he wanted to write "EAT MORE" on my prescription haha
LOL at least you're naturally thin. not deliberately thin, in other words, anorexic. :P
i would so write 'EAT MORE' in my prescription for you if i were the doc. i'd prescribe some medicine to stimulate appetite, expand the stomach, etc. :D
tell me about it.
mary-kate olsen was skinny. now she's anorexic too?
anorexia's dangerous. people can die from it. starving your body makes you thin unhealthily. it's so not the right way.
exercising. now that's the best way. we just need to have the willpower and motivation to do it.
i just need the willpower and motivation to do it. heh
oh and p.s.: i would LOVE to have kelly's abs too. :)
haha, so do i. these flabs are mounting up! i'm worried! *points to stomach and thighs* and i wanna get a bikini to suntan in. god damn.
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