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    Thursday, December 15, 2005

    Matrix Reloaded

    I know this is a few years late but it's never too late.

    I had a slight overdose of the Matrix the other day, I'm beginning to think this might not be the real world we're in. Are we? How would you know if it's the truth? What is the truth? Can we make a choice? What is a choice? It's merely what sets the rich apart from the poor.

    What is the matrix?


    Okay I preferred the second movie to the first because there's a complete mix of everything. Action, humour, romance, and a whole bunch of complex story behind it. Action scenes can blow your minds off and the humour just sticks with me. It's such cold humour that is so my type. If there's one thing I'm gonna complain about the movie, it'd be the language they're speaking in. What? English? I KNOW. Even the Victorian English is way more pleasant on the ears. The people in the Matrix (no, I mean the movie) speak in roundabouts. They speak in circles and never, ever come straight to the point ever.

    Like the creator, for all that's holy, never ever comes to the point. Yes I'm sure you have lots of questions for me. Some of which I may have answers to, and some I may not. (WELL DUH! Without you telling me that, I already know it.) But the fundamental question, the main question that is at the top of your head that you want the answer to, is something you may not realise, but is most obvious. Translates: Your first question is gonna be rubbish, think twice before asking.

    And another thing to complain about is how it really is straining to the brain. The whole time I just sat there busy digesting everything. At the end of it, I think my brain's saturated with all its twists in the facts. Not twists in the story because the twists began right when the movie started anyway. Oh the prophecy! But the twists, well I kind of like them. I kind of like the entire story. It's so confusing, I like it. There's so much to think about. I'm learning not to question WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? in the midst of the movie pretty well because the answer lies ahead most of the time. But if I do question that at every point, I'd be pretty much repeating the question a gazillion times.

    I do really, really, really like the action though. It's so cool my belief in superman is diminishing as it is taken over by The One. What a cool superhero! He can do everything! He doesn't even need to recharge using the sun's energy. Except he can't do them in the real world. Or... can he? I need to watch Matrix Revolutions. Oh and why does everybody need a pair of shades that's entirely black? And a suit entirely black to go along with it. Those huge coats replace the red capes found on superheroes - aha! But of course, I knew that!

    I'm not very good at reviewing movies, am I?


    At Fri Dec 16, 12:39:00 am GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    FINALLY. you watched the matrix! good eh? i still think the first one's the best.

    oh did you know that this matrix concept is one of the ideas in philosophy?

    'hello mr anderson'

    At Fri Dec 16, 08:58:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    you mean it's a real philosophy?

    prefer the 2nd one. :p

    are we in the real world? *gasp*

    and yea i know, a couple of years late, but hey never too late. :p


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