The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Saturday, November 26, 2005

    Class Of 2005

    Prom. People who say all-girls prom is boring deserved to be smack. Twice. Girls have their fun when they go out together and stuff, what difference does it make if we have our own prom? Besides, if we were to combine with some random guys school, wouldn't that make it more awkward than fun, at all? I mean okay maybe some girls would be ogling at the guys and vice versa but how fun is that? Not very.

    Anyhow, the emcees kind of sucked. They treated us like little kids and were telling us they could do it the "easy way" or the "hard way". Now what is this? Military camp? Really, it's our prom, dude. Our teacher did a much better job. I think we should've gotten teachers to emcee, save the hiring of emcees cost and the money can be invested to change the venue to some hotel ballroom. :p Or give out more lucky draw prizes so that the unlucky ones like myself have more chances on winning ANYTHING at all.

    Oh okay Bren and I caught the little box the emcees threw at the finale. Opened it up to realise it was a compass. Great, now I won't get lost when I'm out at sea.

    But it was fun seeing everyone dressed up. Everyone was so pretty! :) Oh yeah Brenda's mum did my eyes so they were purple. Hahaha. Okay that's random.

    The games were kinda boring though. We were sneaking out to the toilet many times. Wasn't really intriguing. Taking pictures with one another was more so. :p

    Anyway towards the end there was the Graduation Song played (typical, but always, always appropriate) and we just went about in circles, swaying from side to side, holding one another's hands. It was sad. I was upset. I didn't wanna leave. I don't wanna graduate. I don't wanna move on. I finally got closer friends towards the second half of the year. I took a year and a half to find these friends and now they're making us split. I don't like the idea that all good things must come to an end. Not true. There're everlasting marriages. They don't go to an end! Why must these stuff come to an end?

    I like taking the lazy way out. I like things to remain the way they are - happy and merry, free of worries. I like things to remain. I don't wanna move on. I don't wanna graduate. I like the way we are now and I don't want it to change, ever. I hate the idea of an end, even if it's the end of only one chapter. Things are not gonna be the same, ever, and everybody knows that. I don't like it.

    Then we did our school cheers on our own, ignoring the emcees and teachers. We were stamping our feet with our heels. LOL. We cheered and we sang. And then a brilliant teacher's suggestion was to sing the school song once more. And everybody did sing their hearts out, very loudly and proudly. And I felt tears welling up but was determined not to let it ruin my makeup. Bren saw the tears I think. Then we went out of the ballroom and took several class photos, final hugs and pictures before we went outside. I hugged another friend and told her I was about to cry. And finally I did, smudging the eyeshadow all over. I was horrifyingly purple. I cried and I cried while I hugged her. And then Bren and Zheya came out and told me it's okay we could still hang out. But it'd be different! I just know! I don't want it to change!

    Anyway we went back, I went over to Bren's place and stayed over. I cried some more at her place before finally stopping. We talked during the night till about 2, about our entire journey, since day 1 of stepping into this secondary school to the very last. Day 1 was our allocation of classes, when we came in our primary school uniforms. I was so out of place. So, so out of place. Then I made friends, and Audrey and Elise became my bestest friends for 2 years. Actually we only got really close at Sec 2. So I took a year to find my friends. Coincidentally (or not), the three of us got split into three different classes. The only three triple science classes, yes each of us there. Ironic, everybody says. Sad too. Sec 3 I didn't really exist until later, or so Bren says. I was non-existent. Well, nearly. :p I was just sitting by myself, invisible, quiet. Until finally I mingled more and became friends with Bren when we sat together. Then we got closer, and super coincidentally we got into the same watch in OBS together. We were close. I relied on her pretty much for a lot of things. Mid sec 4, I finally got closer to Maryam, Nadine, Zheya, Bi Xia and Cheryl. I took a year and a half to find these friends.

    And now, we have 2 years of JC. How am I gonna survive there when I take that long to find my friends?

    But I'm glad, even though I took that long, I found the perfect groups. We braved through streaming and O's together. I cried after my PSLE only out of joy because of my grades but I wasn't that reluctant to leave. Now, I don't know how I've scored but I cried so much more and so bad. Perhaps when they say sec school life is the most memorable, they do mean it. I'm gonna miss everybody so bad. :(

    I hate changes. I hate it. I wish things don't have to change sometimes. I've been waiting so long for graduation. And now that I have graduated from there, I don't want to anymore. But man, we're a hell of a cohort. We're a hell of a class. We're a hell of a group. We braved through more things than we ever expected to. We thought we'd die after this and that but we always made it through. We pulled through. And now we've literally pulled through the 4 years. At least I know one thing's not gonna change. No year would ever replace the Class of 2005.

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    At Sat Nov 26, 09:20:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Awwwww! That was such a sweet speech huang! Lol.

    You still have US, rmb?
    Next yr we will still be together!
    Although it'll be different. But we're still together! We'll stick close enough:)


    At Sat Nov 26, 09:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger zheya said...

    i hate you.

    you make me wanna cry. ):

    gahh. love you loads dear. (: and i'm glad i found you too! hugshugs. like what sharon said, we'll stay close enough. make that VERY. i'm soooo keeping you by my side till my hairs turn white or grey for that matter.


    At Sun Nov 27, 07:59:00 am GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    one word.


    At Sun Nov 27, 11:38:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    Wohh! I didn't know you guys would have such reactions :p

    sharon, it'll be different!!!! what if not all of us make it to TJ? what if we don't make it to the same class, same stream or whatever? then we'll tear further and further apart. and then things will get awkward already!!! :(

    zheya, you contradict yourself. :p you hate me then you love me. but nevermind, i love you! :) yay! i'm gonna keep you by my side too. you better not run away! :p

    elise, what's the wow for! lol

    At Sun Nov 27, 09:55:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha! Huang is shocked;p

    Anyways, it's true we might not be in the same class due to the different subject combinations! But it's alright. We'll make the effort to meet up ya? For recess or sth?

    And don't you worry. YOU WILL MAKE IT TO TJ!!! You better;p

    Oh wells, I love every one of you dearys:)
    No one will run away:) (At least for another 2 years)

    At Wed Nov 30, 10:29:00 am GMT+8, Blogger hypertech88 said...

    Never mind, huang.. strong frirndships are bonded by an invisible bond.. the good thing of it being invisible is the fact that it's hard to be broken. People will definitely have a VERY hard time to break something that can't even be seen. Can you break an invisible rope? You can't even see it, but you know very well that it is there and it keeps you all together.. ya.. you ppl are being tied up! :D How do you know it's there? You just know. You just know and you know and you know that it is there. :D See you next year! Cheer up, dude! I want my smiley huang back! :p

    At Wed Nov 30, 02:54:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...


    i wish things will always remain happy and merry too...if only life works this way.

    i remember them playing the Graduation Song at my graduation. :)

    anyway, i know things will be different but keep hanging out with your friends- at least you still got them. ;)

    At Wed Nov 30, 04:52:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin sharon* you're so sweet! if you dont meet me for recess i'll make you treat me HMPF! haha

    EVELYN!!!!! DEAR GOSH!!! EVELYN!!!!! i miss you evelyn! :p i hope i see you around!!!

    thanks seige :) if only life works this way indeed.

    At Thu Dec 01, 04:40:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha! Of course I'm sweet:) Glad you realized;p


    we shall all occupy one bench during recess. that's where the tk 4/1 ppl will gather kks?
    *wide grins*


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