The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, November 17, 2005

    Thunderstorm - Pros And Cons

    I'm scared of lightnings.

    To make matters worse, I left home this morning while there was a thunderstorm. Thunder kept booming, lightnings kept flashing and striking non-stop. I'm not afraid of lightnings that way. I don't care much about lightnings. I do want to be able to snap a picture of a lightning some day. I just am terrified of it when I'm walking about under a measley foldable umbrella with the smallest of plastic handles.

    It's one of the situation when you feel sort of isolated. There isn't many places you could run to. Anywhere under nowhere was dangerous. Even void decks flats aren't entirely safe, let alone bus stops. Lightnings strike anywhere and everywhere they want and I am scared of them. I do not want to be struck by lightning. That's the worst way I would ever want to die.

    It was pouring madly this morning and my granny had suggested going to school by cab, except I have too much pride for my own good. I told her I could make it to school by public transport on my own. She said well okay could get my mum to fetch me to the bus stop with the huge umbrella we have. I said no, I'll be fine.

    Six-thirty in the morning, dark and gloomy, lightning strikes once... twice... thrice... I was terrified! I was half walking as quickly as possible, half praying the lightning would strike far far away from me. And then I saw this flash strike down across the street. I do not like lightnings when I'm out.

    Midway through the carpark, I saw this lady almost strolling under her brolly towards shelter. How on earth do people stroll in such weather? I walked as quickly as I could, I just wanted to get onto a bus. Later, before I crossed the road, there were 3 ladies standing under their brollies in that terrifying weather with lightnings striking again and again, but they continued standing there waiting for their company bus to take them to work. Imagine how silly it'd feel for you to be praying and muttering about the weather while those middle-aged ladies stood there under the dark, dark chatting merrily. How do you do that with lightnings flashing every 20 seconds?!

    Anyway I got on a bus safely, in one piece, unstruck. At the interchange, there's a route to the train station that's fully sheltered. However, it was under construction so the alternative route had to be taken and it wasn't sheltered. Audible sigh. I was about to take the drenched umbrella from the plastic bag I dumped it into when this lady next to me said it's alright, and offered to shelter me to the train station. Unembarrassed as I was lazy, I was more than happy to agree, thinking that perhaps it's about time to stop being discriminitive against Singaporeans. Some people are nice after all!

    She later revealed that she was from my school. Ex-tkgian. Ah, I see now. So, we just started chatting. What was meant to be a shelter to the train station became company till the train station near my school. Apparently, she graduated about 6 years ago. Tall, tanned, confident looking, it's almost everything I've aspired to be. :p And she was brilliantly nice. She was going for a pilot interview this very morning. I wonder if I'd bump into her again. I'd love to find out if she did make it after all. I was in awe when she said she was going for a pilot interview. How many people in Singapore do you know are that young, and one step closer to soaring the skies literally? There was some sort of oddness when I alighted at my stop because it's weird to know someone, once a stranger, and not know if you'll ever see that person ever again. But I sure hope she got the chance to fly planes.

    So yeah, I made friends with a stranger today.


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    One of the sweetest things I've ever gotten. I've been listening to this for a couple of nights now. It's such a pretty song to listen to alone in your room, in the dark, blasting it slightly. You just feel like snuggling up a little corner, cuddle your cushion and wish away... I don't wish for much. I only have one thing on my wishlist. :)

    It's one more day to this.
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    It is so tough to start studying. So, so tough. I wanna sit around the computer, watch tv all day, listen to music, call up random people and say, "BOO!" then hang up. I wanna read my storybooks that have been lying on my shelf for ages without feeling bad for not studying for whatever's due soon. I wanna cycle to the interchange and buy a couple of stuff. It's tough to face my Chemistry books. Soon... in about 27hours time, I'll scream out for joy.

    Till then... au revoir!

    I take back what I say about the BOO! part. This ever innocent nut rang me up to say BOO! and hang up. Well not exactly BOO! but the gist is there. :p (OI YOU! I haven't seen you since you left for Edinburgh like agessssss ago. HELLO??????)


    At Fri Nov 18, 04:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    eh. that uncle sam song hor is like the first song in my itunes.LOL.

    whennnn i seeee u smilleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... *trills

    At Fri Nov 18, 11:03:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    wah freedom!

    world peace!

    At Thu Nov 24, 02:33:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    cool blog.... but make sure you do your homework before going and playing in the lightnings... :)


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