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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, November 10, 2005

    Weird Bus Encounter

    Today was crazy. Bio was alright. I seem to be the only one comparing its standard with the prelims paper. Which is no wonder why I'm saying it's alright. Doesn't say much though, since I screwed up the prelims paper so bad. But I'm hopeful!

    On the bus back though, it was funny. I completed Bio paper 2 with a headache so I attempted to catch some sleep on the bus. Unfortunately at this particular stop, a whole bunch of people who look like they were just doing Hari Raya visiting boarded the bus.

    Thing is, it was a double decker bus, so the first level had the 2 rows of benches facing each other, and this short bench perpendicular to them at the back. I was on one of the bench facing the other, while the short bench was to my left. So anyway, I was in the middle of the bench, so everyone filled up the seats on the short bench, on my left and right and the bench in front of me. (Yea, it's a big group.)

    So I continued shutting my eyes attempting to block out the noise, blasting my ipod, trying not to get irritated or bothered by them. Then one of the dudes in front of me began snoring aloud. Sounded kinda like he was mocking me but you know, I won't jump to conclusions. lol

    The next thing that happened was, he tried to reach out to the guy on my right, as in like whack his knees to get his attention cos he wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Accidentally, however, he touched my knees instead and got super embarrassed. My eyes opened then, and he was like grinning the sheepish grin, apologetic. And I just smiled and said it's okay. (It wouldn't be if he didn't apologise but he did, twice.)

    And then this dude on the short bench spoke to him something in malay then said to me, "Hey, can you give me your number?" and grinned.

    How're ya doin? (Think Joey Tribbiani.)

    I was like. *blink* Um, hello? I just gave him an absurd expression. He had his phone ready in his hands and repeated the question.

    I'd give you mine if you gave me yours, baby.

    I just laughed assuming they were kidding, and proceeded to just fiddle with stuff in my bag.

    Then, while exasperated trying to talk to the guy in front of me because it was a little far, he came and sat on the empty space on my left and continued talking to him. Then, he looked at me, adjusted his shades like it was a cool move, then said, "Hi!" and smiled at me again. Er. I smiled. Then before he returned to his seat, he turned to me and smiled again. So, so odd.

    Finally, they alighted the stop before mine. And before he left, he looked at me and grinned and then said, "Bye!" and waved.

    Do people do this to girls in uniform a lot? I wouldn't know, it's the first time I witnessed something like that, let alone on me. I mean, wouldn't guys try that, joking or not, on girls who are NOT in school uniform? Like on cute tops, mini skirts perhaps, etc? lol

    How absolutely retarded. But it was funny. And no, the italics weren't true. I'm just being my retarded blogging self.


    At Thu Nov 10, 10:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    hahaha. haha

    you're a babe

    At Fri Nov 11, 06:21:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Kiki said...

    Some guys I tell ya...

    At Fri Nov 11, 04:28:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    its not whats with girls in uniform lah. its just that u r pretty lah!
    if its me, i dont think they will do that.. lol. -_-

    At Fri Nov 11, 05:24:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger adora said...

    hilarious! they said bye too! ahahahhahaha

    At Fri Nov 11, 06:14:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    come on, Esther. it's not like i'm a babe or anything. they were just poking fun of the situation i guess. they probably have done it many times before.

    like kiki said, some guys.. geez! :p


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