While I was flipping through Classifieds today, searching for possible temp jobs for the post-o's period, and looking through all the usual tour/holiday thingies, I found this.

Okay it's blur, I know. It says,
8/10D Santa Claus(e?)Highlights: Reindeer Farm / Arctic Circle Crossing / Lapp Lunch / Itakeskus Shopping Centre / Turku Castle / Christmas Market / Post HouseThat's under Europe. SO WE KNOW!! Santa Claus doesn't live in the North Pole! He lives in Europe! Gah, I should've known. Damn it, the Christmas Market and Reindeer Farm sounds
really inviting *sigh* And I wanna see Santa. :(
Can't wait to go Christmas shopping :p Then start getting gifts for everyone, and FINALLY meeting all the people I haven't met in ages. Yay! Tis the season for giving!
Oh yeah I forgot there's O's to get through first. UGH.
I am so random sometimes.
HOHOHO! Maybe reindeers don't live in the North Pole! If not his sled would be pulled around by... penguins or polar bears. Ooh. flying polar bears. Can you imagine what would happen once they all landed on your roof? CRASH! Anyway i'm sorry for being so incoherent but I really am going insane. Chem sucks!
i THINK santa comes from finland. haha.
yah loh... finland... if you're there, be sure to see the northern lights... it's a natural phenonemon (sp definitely hahaha)
minggie, true. maybe that's why he shifted... less disruption from the polar region. :p mm i dont think they'll manage to fly though. santa wouldn't let 'em. santa is good not evil. so he won't let them crash into our roofs and destroy our houses! awww bless santa!
audrey, OH. hm. OH. BUT BUT BUT... he's not from north pole?
melv, northern lights? what is that? phenomenon i think, if you follow the pronunciation :P IF ONLY i can go finland. lol
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