Scratch the previous post. I'm feeling a lot better :)
Only complaint of the day: My granny thinks I've been sleeping a lot. WELL, ma'am, I went to bed later than you, woke up earlier than you, and I did work. Do I not have the right to sleep for like half an hour in the afternoon? My eyes are tired, my nose was blocked, I had a little headache.
I went to bed at like near 1, after watching the Wedding Planner. Woke up at 530 as mentioned (she wakes up at 7ish 8!) past few days been waking up at 6. SO, why can't I have naps, huh, huh, huh? And she thinks I should sleep earlier and not take naps in the afternoon. Like what is the difference, really? Besides, I study better when people are asleep. That meaning super early in the morning or super late at night. So I might as well rest during midday. Ugh.
Oh yeah the point of the post, I'm feeling better, yay. :)
you wake up at 6? omg. i sleep like 10 hrs a day! haha i need my sleep!
hahaha not a bad idea to sleep in and get enough rest before battling the evil o's! :p
i have to cos i can't study in the afternoon. :p verrrrrrrrrrrrry low efficiency rate. *nods self*
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