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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Saturday, October 15, 2005

    My Secondary School Years

    It's been the greatest 4 years of my entire life - I've spent it in TK. Nothing propaganda-ish about it, cos it's not all about the environment, the principal. *cough* I'm sure many would agree with me.

    And yesterday was the last official school day. The last time we would ever step into that little cosy and dirty classroom of ours. The one we sat in, crying and laughing, chit-chatting away noisily in the middle of lessons, dozing off, whining and ranting for most parts of the time. It's where we had our discussions, our cheers, tons of birthday songs, our arguments, all our ups and downs. It was the last time we would sit in the hall, cross legged, not bothering if we're sitting properly anyway cos the whole world knows some of us are wearing shorts, and nobody's gonna care.

    (Afterall, the next time we're stepping into the hall would be on chairs and tables, with examination scripts right before our eyes, invigilators completely stranger to us, a very, very tense atmosphere filling the vacant, hot hall, which we always complain of for the lack of air-conditioning.)

    There have been so many issues we've complained about, of school, and right at this very moment, I've realised how much we've gone through, how much we've tolerated, how quickly we've adapted to everything we've complained about. From the new odd and even week schedule, to the stuffy hall, to the common, and extremely short, recesses, to the school being small and old, and lack of facilities, to the principal. I mean, okay we might not have accepted the principal but let's face it, we've tolerated her longer than we think we would. :p

    And of course, most importantly, the lovely people I've met during the course of the 4 years. This isn't meant to get emotional but honestly, in primary school, I never thought I'd fit in much. I only had one good friend in Primary school. One. I survived on relying on her for 2 years. The rest of it, I was just a passing phase. I dreaded the beginning of secondary school so much. I hated coping with so many subjects. I hated the stress our art teacher gives us. I hated flunking because I've never flunked anything in Primary school. I hated the beginning of sec3 too cos everybody had their cliques and I had none. I hated trying to fit in all over again. But I found friends along the way who'd pick me up whenever I'm down. They didn't even have to know I'm down, and they would cheer me up without realising it. All the humourous moments, all the caring and sharing moments, I've loved it all.

    Slowly, time passed me by. And here I am. I've survived everything I've whined and ranted about. I've tolerated everything I've cried over. Results. Stress. People. Responsibility. I don't think I would know what to do without the extended family I have. The school, without a doubt was my second home but it wasn't because I wanted it to be. It's only because I spent a lot of time in it. But second home or not, the people in there were definitely my extended family. Especially the second half of this year, I've grew to become very close to lots of people. Laughter wasn't absent any single day. Not that I can remember any, anyway.

    Apparently I have my brother to thank. If I hadn't approached him for help in Pri 6, I might've ended up in Dunman High, or perhaps Temasek Sec. And then I wouldn't have been able to touch people's lives. HAHAHA. (Just pretend I have touched your life, peeps. :p Just pretend to make me happy. lol) But seriously, what would I have become if I were in those schools!?

    And now I dread the thought of having to try to fit in again, next year. Hopefully all those invaluable lessons I've learnt through the course of the 4 years helped to mould me. I've changed a lot through the 4 years, and now I am very happy. I don't think I want me to change. And I hope those lovelies who've gone through the times with me wouldn't change much either, cos I'm gonna miss them. Bad.

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    At Sat Oct 15, 04:57:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    AWWWWWWW huang!

    I don't want to fit in all over again. ): I want to be with the usual people and laugh over maryam's nonsense. And tease cheryl about how vertically challenged she is. And how blur yet cute bixia is.

    You're right. We have went thru so many changes and challenges with this sch. Yet, time and time again, we pulled thru, because of the girls beside us. ): And i don't want to leave them anymore.

    Okay darr. Let's not get so emo here. We can all cry on prom night. And smudge our eyeliner and what not. Wakaka.

    I love you huang! Let's all sprint for the last lap. And before we know it, we'll be having the best meal ever. -Grins. You know what I'm talking about. (:

    So 18/11/2005! (: Oh yes. As cliche as it may sound, let's all be friends forever! Hope to see you in TJ! (:

    PS: Went to VJ's open house. Didn't like it. Haha. I didn't feel the sincerity I felt at TJ. (: Let's all flock to TJ then!

    At Sat Oct 15, 07:11:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i'm assuming this is zheya cos it sounds so much like you :P and teasing cheryl is just PURE EVIL, you! tsk tsk! ;p

    but i'm gonna miss all thatttttt. the whole gang of us during every math block period. RAR. :p for prom, we should snap every possible picture before anything happens. and then after that we can start bawling our eyes out, so we don't look terrible in pictures. HAHAHA. :p but im so darn sure i'll cry :(

    the best meal ever shall come. :p with a price to pay (LITERALLY) LOL but i can't wait for it!! :p

    and i hope we can all flock to TJ... if i can make it there :S let's hope!!!

    At Sat Oct 15, 09:06:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    hey you! guess wad..i'll go to tj if i can make it after o's? since jon has been so cute in beggin me to go there..heee..the auzzie thing..all depends on tatya..and to tell u the truth kinda liked tj..and yes zhe ya..vj is foreva VERY insincere..VERY..that's y i hate vj to much now..=)

    At Sat Oct 15, 09:14:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Since when it isn't Zheya's duty to be pure evil to Cheryl! Lol.

    Yesyesyes. Prom night we'll all cry. But before that I agree we should snap photos! Like loads loads. Everybody must bring camera! Haha. WITH EXTRA BATTERY! Lolx. I'm sure it'll run out with us snapping everywhere we go! =)

    Everyone's going TJ!

    And now MY Dad is asking me to go there!

    He was like all about it over the phone (he's in US) Haha.

    He say wanna go AC ok. But will be very tired blah blah blah. To and fro too far and tiring. Somemore it's everyday for 2 whole years!! Bah!

    Now he's psycho-ing me to go there. I know!! There we'll all be together again! Yeah. And all GREEN together again. Lolx.

    Now I'm in a dilemma. Again. All thanks to my Dad...


    At Sat Oct 15, 11:01:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yes yes! that was me!

    hahahahaha. goodness me. how can i forget well, my BEAUTIFUL name?! and yup, bren. i don't like vj too. if you're not the kind that only wants prestige and image and nothing else, then go vj lor.

    but that's not what i want.

    so yes! let's all go tj! and quoting sharon, be green all over again! after all, it's been OUR colour for 4 long years. kinda hard to part with it. ahahhahaha!


    At Sat Oct 15, 11:44:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey girl

    all the best for your Os! (:


    At Sun Oct 16, 12:04:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    brendy, yay! hahaha. and why do i have a feeling your perspective on vj is biased? :P anyway my friend said this year's vj openhouse was not as nice as the previous years. hmm.

    sharon, yes yes!! :D i will bring camera and lots of spare battery. and spare cards for larger capacity so we can snap till the sun goes down. and then start crying. :P as much as i dont like the colour of the uni, i don't care much bout being green for 6yrs :P

    zheya, its easy to part with it LOL. but rarrrr i want to meet everyone somewhere!

    hey thanks kenneth!

    At Sun Oct 16, 05:01:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha. Zheya!! Stop being so EGO!!

    Your BEAUTIFUL name ehs?? haha. Someone gotta flatten that ego of urs! Haha. But nvm. That's why we love u so much right? Lolx.

    Huang! We DID take photos! Or at least ONE. -grins-

    The one with Tatya and Stephanie one in it rmb?? Haha. Yeah just one. But NVM!! We'll take LOADS during prom ya? When everyone is looking pretty;) Hehs..

    I don't mind being green for another two years. What's the diff? Haha.


    At Mon Oct 17, 10:49:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    oh yea when i was looking through the photos i saw that ONE. :P i've marked down PROM NIGHT on every calendar i own. hahahhaa i'm excited!

    and yes, no diff being green, or not, for another 2 years. makes no difference to me! :p

    At Mon Oct 17, 11:14:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    On my journal? It's in PINK! Hahaha. Can't wait! But first, gotta go thru the tortures of 'O's first. Sighs...

    Lol. Anyways, what are we doing online? Haha. Supposed to be studying bio right? Sians la...

    Oh ya you got photos! Haha. I want that one send me!!=)


    At Mon Oct 17, 05:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha. it's in red on the calendar sitting on my table, its in super bright pink on the schedule thingie that's hanging from my cupboard. woohoo! lol

    when you see me online, get me to send you the pic! :)


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