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    Sunday, October 09, 2005

    Why I'm Weird

    Song: The Ataris - Boys Of Summer

    It's finally hit me. I'm an odd breed. Hmm. The following are reasons why I'm weird.

    1) I love boybands and am not afraid to admit it.
    I absolutely adore boybands. I love the sappiness in their songs. I love the whole, "Here we go, one more time, everybody's feeling fine, here we go now. Yes yes yes, here we go! 'N Sync has got the flo'!" I have this huge playlist of boyband songs. I love their ballads, the whole I love you till the end of time, nobody can ever take you away from me stuff. I love sychronised dancing, I love the sychronised swaying from side to side.

    (It doesn't help I'm listening to Backstreet Boys' songs non-stop, and Westlife's first album. Love, love, love it. And of course, a1.)

    2) I love muscle aches.
    I adore waking up after a day of activities, having my arms and legs aching. Refreshing feeling, in a way. And you know you've worked the muscles out. I love feeling that. Pity I haven't felt that in a while. My legs are aching a little bit, cos I was squatting down a lot yesterday. lol

    3) I like the smell of medicated oil.
    Ok, this is pretty freaky, isn't it? But if I were told to put medicated oil on my mosquito bites, or rub it on my tummy cos I'm having a tummyache, I would gladly do it. I like the smell of it. It clears my nose. :p Too much of it is obviously a no-no. I thought it smells alright until my brother said it stank yesterday when I put some on my bites. Then I realised, okay I am weird.

    4) I like painting.
    I like painting walls. Heh. Anyone needs to paint their room or something, I'd gladly help! It's fun. It's just a little tiring but it can be fun! I liiike painting. Oh, I suddenly have an idea of what to do in case I drop out of school. Haha

    5) I like brocolli and salted veg. I hate hard carrots and potatoes.
    I LOVE salted veg soup my mum makes. Love the sourish taste. Slightly spicy. Tangles everything in your mouth up and is VERY refreshing. I like the crunchiness of salted veg, and the taste of it. So not tasteless like a lot of the other greens. I like brocolli when it's cooked with the right gravy. And I like them soft. Yum yum yum.

    My bro absolutely loves hard carrots so I'm not sure if I'm the one weird or my brother is. But those western dishes that serve little servings of greens at the sides usually have baby carrots that are darn crunch and tough? I hate them. :p

    I hate hard potatoes but I love mashed potato, potato wedges, fries and potato chips. I don't mind potatos that are soft (normally the cubes of it found in soups) but I hate the ones wrapped with aluminium foil, also found as little servings with western dishes. They're tough and yucky. Eew.

    6) I judge a movie by the way it makes me cry.
    Under normal circumstances, those that make me cry a lot are good movies. I actually enjoy crying while watching a good movie sometimes. (Enjoy crying? hmm.)

    7) I love Christmas though I don't celebrate it.
    I love the warm and fuzzy feeling. I love the rainy season cos it finally gets cool. And I can wear jackets even at home cos it rains so much I'm so cold. The tops I own with long sleeves are practically only worn during this time of the year. And I love spending it with Seige, high on caffeine, singing Christmas tunes (slightly off-tune). My family doesn't even celebrate it but I still follow the practice of exchanging gifts and all. I loveeeee Christmas. Can't wait for it! Ugh!!

    8) I rather pay more to watch live performances than pay less to be able to listen to the CDs again and again.
    I love watching live performances. I rather be at the event itself to catch it live than watch it at home comfortably or even be able to record my favourite performances so I can watch them over and over. I'd rather have a feel of the atmosphere there and then. I won't mind queuing and all that as long as I enjoy the live show. And if I really like the band I would rather save up to watch their gig live, than to save up for their album. Actually I'd do both. But you get the pic.

    9) I love singing when people least want me to.
    Heh. No comments.

    10) I always blame it on the unfairness of life when I know of people performing much better than me.
    This includes super talented kids way younger than me. And people like my brother being able to play the guitar with ease when I struggle with songs. And people who sing so unbelievably well like Kelly Clarkson, Joss Stone, etc. And super rich people. And people who travel widely... and the list goes on. Unfairness of life.


    At Sun Oct 09, 05:04:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha. You're not THAT weird.

    Hey I love broccoli too! It's NICE! Especially when my mum cooks it=)

    She oftens cooks broccoli soup. Which is delicious! Haha.

    And plus! I like boybands too! What's wrong with liking them? Haha. My sis is totally in love with a1 that's for sure. And I nvr get sick of listening to their songs..

    Yeah Westlife's first album is nice right? It's my fav Westlife album. It's just that touch of innocence. When the songs are all so sweet and melodious. Haha

    So yups. You're not THAT weird...=)


    At Sun Oct 09, 05:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    you're getting me all excited for christmas. we ARE going to be caffeinated. period.


    At Sun Oct 09, 05:50:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    boybands are ok. i was a huge westlife fan haha! cheesy lyrics are actually not bad sometimes.

    i don't like brocolli! and i hate brussel sprouts! bleargh... n i love baby carrots! and potatoes, especially with cream and bacon bits. mmmm... but i'll agree on salted veg.

    Christmas!!!!!! *goes hyper*

    live performances. definitely.

    At Sun Oct 09, 06:56:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hahahahahaha! your entry cracked me up! cos if you're weird, i am too!

    one. i love brocolli and salted veg too! and yes! muscle aches! i like i like! and duh, i rather pay more to watch live performances than pay less to be able to listen to the CDs again and again. (:

    at least you're not somone who loves bitter gourd.

    i think i'm from mars. (:


    At Sun Oct 09, 11:04:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    sharon, hahaha havent tasted broccoli soup! hmmmmm... and i don't know. some people thinks it's embarrassing to like boybands, hahahaa. i was a huuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a1 fan. ;p

    *grin seige* yesssss. cant wait. coffee. christmas. coffee. bus home. christmas songs. what lovely tradition! :D

    yesh elise. im so into cheesy lyrics these days. hahah i like the bacon bits. i need neverending supply of them to eat my hard potatoes :p

    hahaha zheya, good to know it's funny! :P i haaaaaate bitter gourd. eewww. at least im not completely abnormal ;p aww hi fellow martian!

    At Mon Oct 10, 08:57:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hahaha. Wells, join my sis! Haha. She was so crazy about them a few yrs back! She bought EVERY of their single!! Ya..That bad. Lolx

    Now toned down a lil' la huh? since they have separated already. But she still has their poster up on the wall in frame. Hehs. And yeah she basically nvr gets sick of their songs=) Me neither..

    I LOOOOOOOOOVE Walking in the Rain! Haha. Love it.

    Anyways, yups you must taste broccoli soup! it's totally delicious=) Haha. Blend the poor broccoli(s)=)

    Haha. Zheya! If you like bitter gourd...YEAH U ARE FROM MARS!! Lolx. Wait. Why Mars? Haha. What about Pluto? Ahaha


    At Mon Oct 10, 10:16:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* i have 3 of their posters squashed up on one wardrobe door. :p

    i LOVE walking in the rain too. and heaven by your side. and do you remember. ahhhh. lovely a1 days.

    At Tue Oct 11, 03:13:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    lol. yeah. i rmb i wasn't exactly crazy over them. but their songs are really nice. and somehow there's just something in it which makes them unforgettable. haha and u'll nvr get sick of their songs=)

    my sis was totally crazy over ben a1! haha


    At Tue Oct 11, 04:55:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    hey you're not THATTTT weird...

    boybands.. i'm ok also.

    medicated oil is fine with me too...

    i love brocolli too...

    i love christmas too...

    so you're not that weird...

    hmmm muscle aches? errr.. haha

    At Tue Oct 11, 05:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. sharon i was a huge huge HUGE ben adams fan. :p my first ever crush. or celebrity crush. you get the pic. :p

    melv, but.. you celebrate christmas right? i -love- the feeling when my muslce aches cos it's suddenly worked when it's been inactive for a while. not the kind of sprained aching. :p wonderful feeling!


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