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Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Wednesday, October 05, 2005

    Better Day!

    Awww everybody's so sweet!

    One immediately tells me about her friends' booboo prelim results, one tells me about forgetting to do me a 'cheer up' card, another tells me she loves me on her blog, amongst those named - her boyf, herself and her comp. HOW SWEET IS THAT? :p Very. I am so in love with the great people I know. :D

    Finally today was a better day. Finally there're papers that I was relatively happy with. Though I'm still sulking over the lack of 0.1 mark to be able to round my grade up to a better grade, I think I should skip the sulking and save time for crossing my fingers for 2 more papers I've yet to receive. They shall then determine if what I'll be the next 3 months. But I was definitely happier today. :)

    And I had an attempt at fasting today, along with everyone else. It's the first day of fasting right? Hmm, I think. Anyhow, I had later brekkie though. And earlier dinner. So maybe I was nearly an hour short. But hell, no drink is hazardous! I'm clearing my throat like every 5 minutes, with the back of the throat feeling super dry. But when I was halfway through the day I didn't feel like giving up, so I just went on all the way! Now someone's trying to make me do a proper day of fasting, ie having brekkie before 5.40am. I need to sleep till 5.45am cos my body's accustomed to that, plus my mum won't be awake before that, so if I were to have brekkie before 5.40, I gotta wake up even earlier to prepare brekkie, and then I'll just be moody for the rest of the day for not sleeping enough. Then I'll bark. And perhaps cry. So that's not gonna happen. Big no-no.

    But it's quite fun to try out. *cough* I know it's not supposed to be fun. But hey it sucks not to have food or drink for that long. I don't know what I'd do if I were in a poor country with buckets full of starvation issues. I so need my food!

    That being said, it's a good way to save up. *cough*

    Oh oh and I was told that my English essay for prelims sounded like the way I write for my blog - which I suppose isn't ideal. Shite. I still am high on believing that the marker hated my essay or she wouldn't have picked on all my statements. Ugh.

    I can't wait for the 19th of Nov. *sigh* (It's the day after my last O's paper, y'see. So I couldn't have said I can't wait for the 18th.)


    At Wed Oct 05, 11:36:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    oh the fasting. haha was wondering if you'd stick to it. wow

    *chants* nov 18!!! nov 18!!!

    At Thu Oct 06, 10:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i did afterall :)

    cannot wait!


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