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Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, September 19, 2005

    Too Little Time, Too Much To Do

    Song: 3 Doors Down - Here Without You

    What do you do on the eve of a Chemistry Practical exam?
    I watch Freaky Friday on Disney Channel. *beam* That, by the way, is where I learnt of the existence of Chad Michael Murray. lol


    Anyhow, 4 more days to go, I've gone berserk. I'm madly planning time and have found out that I have too little time for anything. I'm cramming my days of going out. :p Thursday I'll be out since Friday is Physics practical and it's nearly impossible to study for that, I should think. Friday I'll be out. Saturday I'll be out after those career talks at school. Hopefully the career talks help to show me the light... So I will stop worrying about having a bleak future due to the lack of an aim.

    After this week, I have about 3 weeks of school, 2 weeks of study leave before the big O's begin. After the big O's I have a week before prom. And then I have a week before December begins. And I'm still considering taking a job for the month of December, if I manage to find anyone to hire me full-time for a month. I can be of quite some help for a month, I should think. :p And after that? First 3 months begin...

    That's if I make it to anywhere actually. I wouldn't really mind if I end up nowhere for the first 3 months. *cough* I'd be ecstatic to have 3 months spare. I can plan all day on what I can do during those 3 months. I swear I hate the policy change, of only implementing the idea of abolishing the first-3-months policy for the batch after ours. Talk about unlucky.

    And during that week before prom, and week before December, I'm gonna squish in chalets and possible trips abroad to nearby places for a holiday. And of course, going out non-stop to shop, etc, to make up for all the miserable time prior to O's. I really wanna work cos I wanna earn my own money this holidays so I can spend without worrying, that's why I'm setting aside a month. Even if it's gonna pay quite little, something is better than nothing!

    Too little time, too much to do. I want more holidays. :(


    At Mon Sept 19, 10:26:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hell, YES! there IS very little time! OMGOMG! i swear i didn't realise it till i read your entry. i was thinking i have ALL THE TIME in the world after O's! dammit.

    thanks for enlightening me thou. heh.


    At Tue Sept 20, 02:51:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha, how can there be so little time! how can, how can??? :p full fledged singlish accent. hahaha...

    you're welcome. wow i have the ability to enlighten people. cooool


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