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Location: Singapore

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    Saturday, September 17, 2005

    Home Alone

    What happens when you put me at home... alone... for dinner?

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    Main course

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    Oh pardon me I'm almost never at home alone, with no food, so I seldom get to make full use of the soaring high creativity level in me to do such stuff :p Doesn't it look good? Okay, the appetizer doesn't look good in the picture but we all know coleslaw's yummy. Main course is just bread, hotdog, omelette and lettuce. Seige thought I looked like a true American eating that. Like some gourmet competition while I tried to roll it and stuff it in my mouth. Hahahaa...

    Lots of greens, I know. I didn't know 2 leaves of lettuce was so much. Didn't look that much when I was washing it... but... I was wrong! So I had nowhere else to stuff it in my main dish so I stuffed it together with my coleslaw ;-)

    And fruits were obviously apples and bananas. Couldn't be arsed to add oranges. Bananas are so much easier to dice. :p

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go enjoy the peace at home. It's short-lived. :p

    Oh no!!! I've no lanterns for tomorrow!! And we've ran out of Mrs Fields' brownie mooncakes! (I dislike the normal mooncakes by the way. I hate the skin of it. But the brownies inside makes up for the skin :p) Oh nooooooooooooooo.


    At Sat Sept 17, 07:43:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    it looks delicious!

    At Sat Sept 17, 08:06:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    it kinda is! i'm stuffed. weird. it's not a lot of heavy food actually. but i'm fuuuuull.

    At Sun Sept 18, 04:18:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    hahahah! that was coleslaw? i was staring at it for 2 min trying to figure wad that was..i thought it was beehoon..and i was like wow huang can fry beehoon..shall ask her to fry for our class' chalet..who noes..turned out to be the main course..what was that sauce on the top? LOL!! oh and the dessert? did u have ice cream? you should have made banana split! HAHAHAH! oh man..we must so bake cookies after our o's ya..den we can go to someones house and cook a meal and invite OUR darlings over..LOL and poison them..oops..din say dat.hahaha...

    At Sun Sept 18, 05:20:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    baby! u should've added baloney eh?

    the food looked delicious through the photos. but up front... it looked even better! lol good job!

    At Mon Sept 19, 04:06:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha shut up bren. it's coleslaw not beehoon. :p i can't cook proper food. i can only cook little little dishes. hahahaa... and the sauce is KETCHUP. and i forgot there's ice cream in the freezer. so no banana split. it was a healthy meal! and i wouldn't be that evil as to poison people, unlike... *scoff* someone here.

    *grin seige* i should've! but hotdog was enough :p *grin* your ideas with mine, babe!


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