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    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, September 15, 2005

    Laguna Beach

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Like A Child

    I don't think I actually have 'plans' on scoring Physics tomorrow. Cos I haven't started! *applauds self* :p And I think I screwed my only humanities up! (That being said, many thanks to Bi Xia and co for giving me tips to study today. Last minute cramming did help slightly! I would've panicked further if not for them today *grin*)

    E Maths was okay, I think. Some uncertainties, but it was alright overall. Many said the paper was 'odd' though. It kinda worries me what people say about the paper sometimes. I'm beginning to think I may have overlooked certain questions. Fingers crossed!!!

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaan. I've come so far! :p Goddess of Physics, give me determination to chiong and score tomorrow. Physics is the only subject which I'm confident for the practicals. But what's the point if I scarcely pass my theories for Physics!!! Rar, okay don't lose focus. Back to studying.

    YAY tomorrow's friday! *hop!* Absolutely excited. :) *grin seige*

    PS: Was watching Laguna Beach last night. A brand new season, and my brother's hooked on that show. I think he's about to get me hooked too, but it has to be said, some people there are UNBELIEVABLY BITCHY. The bitchy level just soars into space! I can't stand it! Absolutely zero consideration. And the girl just plays the guy around, bitches about him and all that, then tries to call him up later but gets pissed off when he doesn't pick up her call. (In fact, this other girl switched off his phone for him when he showed her it was that girl who called.)

    Unbelievably cynical, hypocritical and bitchy. What an eye-opener. I hope it's not because I've been really naive not to know of such people around but instead such people are few in numbers on this Earth. I know of bitchy people but her extent is WOAH. *cringe*

    For those who watch Laguna Beach, I'm referring to Kristin. :p I have this huge grudge against her now, but my brother's blind to it cos he thinks she's hot. No wonder such girls succeed most of the time - with such guys around!


    At Sat Sept 17, 12:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    laguna beach's a waste of time.everyone's just dumb and rich. lol.

    i know there'a kristin but i cant rmb how she looks like. anyway arent they allllll bitchy? heh

    At Sat Sept 17, 12:54:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    she's the ultimate. :p

    everyone else around aren't that bitchy actually. they're all friends. except kristin. she has a problem with a lot, a lot of people.

    and before graduation, she tells her boyf she won't find another guy. and she cried and said she'll miss him through the break, wait for them to reunite after college and all that kinda thing. new season? 'i just called so you wont hear it from someone else. 'm with someone new.'

    and the guy loves her like mad. but there's this other girl, LC, who's awfully nice. whenever he's down she's around to help him. (she likes him lah but NEVER flirts with him cos she knows he's with kristin.) then there was once kristin broke up with stephen (the boyf) and went around the club hookin up with other guys, kissing 'em. stephen got pissed off, he started flirting with LC, and from then on kristin hates LC to the core. bitches about her like nuts.

    whose fault is it? we wonderrrrrrrr.

    At Sun Sept 18, 05:22:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    ooh i think i rmb LC!

    :O i watched laguna beach before?

    shhhhh. lol

    At Mon Sept 19, 04:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    :p I'm getting hooked on it, no worries.


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