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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Tuesday, September 20, 2005

    Bad Day? Nawwwwww.

    Song: Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine

    Love this song. Especially this part, for some reason!
    When you need
    That's what you get for falling in love
    Then you bleed
    You get a little but it's never enough
    On your knees
    That's what you get for falling in love
    Now I'm addicted and your kiss is the drug

    Some people deserve to be smacked, big time. I wasn't having the best day, to say the least. Numerous reasons.

    1) I overslept on the bus.
    I hate oversleeping on the bus. Not that I know of anyone who likes it? But I get extremely panicky when I learn of missing my stop. Even if I know I'm darned early, I panick like some retarded fool.

    2) I overslept on the bus and no schoolmate had the decency to wake me up.
    I was sitting on the second half of the bus, pretty near the door. I saw a few schoolmates, whom I don't know, sitting at the back. C'mon who are we kidding? If you can't recognise the school uniform, you deserved to be slapped. Twice. Striking green like that, and you can't identify your schoolmates? I could totally kick you to outer space.

    So basically, assuming they aren't colourblind enough to miss me, they deliberately walked off, walked past me and alighted, leaving this poor tired soul to sleep alone on the bus. And when you see someone in their school uniform in those wee hours, chances are she is going to school. No, she's not gonna elope with her boyfriend to some fancy hotel, cos she wouldn't be wearing to school uniform to start off with. Common sense, anyone?

    Therefore, spotted sleeping girl + alighted happily on their own = major selfish buggers.

    3) I had to take a cab to school.
    Why is that? Huh? Why? *Eager eyes widen with wonder* Oh that's an easy question. I overslept on the bus, and ended up on Nicoll Highway. BLOODY HELL! If I hadn't woken up, I might very well end up at Kent Ridge, since that's where the bus terminates anyway! And then, I'll miss my Chinese paper 2, and then I'll fail Chinese entirely. Okay maybe this doesn't matter since it's possible to fail it even after taking the paper, but at least I won't get an F9, yes?

    And the cab driver was telling me it's his first time being flagged down on the highway cos apparently it's illegal. Oops. Sorry, this ignorant 16-year-old had no clue and she overslept. The funny part was, I was rubbing my eyes struggling to open my eyes. The cabby thought I was offended when he said stuff about it being illegal and all. He immediately apologised and stopped talking about it, and told me, "No offence ah?" before I alighted. Hahahaha I think he thought this 16-year-old's gonna cry!

    4) I had really bad papers today.
    Chinese was a complete disaster. 10 questions to fill in words, I only knew 2. 5 phrases, I knew 2. 5 sentences to construct, I knew 1. Wow, I'm truly impressed with myself. Okay, I suppose there's a possibility by some miraculous measure I'll score for some questions, but there's no way I'm gonna score well. I should've expected it, I guess.

    A Maths was really, really bad. I depend on both Maths a lot because they're the only ones I can secure distinctions through my Sec school years. So anytime it's screwed up, it pisses me off badly. I need them.

    5) Encountered a bunch of monkeys on the bus.
    Let's just say I felt like shouting, "Act your species, you retards." You're freaking homosapiens. It was this particular secondary school bus stop when the whole gang boarded the bus. This guy and girl sat on the bench in front of me. They're obviously together, guy's arm around the girl, them whispering into each other's ears.

    And what happens? This 2 guys (one of them sat next to me, the other stood) bugged him non-stop. They pulled his hair (or at least tugged it), whacked his arm, kept touching his face, poking him, disturbing every second of the couple-time they possibly could. They would then laugh and shout at each other, as they have one ear occupied while they shared their mp3 player.

    There were 2 other girls sitting on the bench in front of the couple. And when I wanted to go feminist, I couldn't because they were as irritating as the guys! The couple would bend down so they could hide behind the bench in front, continue chatting with each other. The girls were always facing the back, so they could tug on the guy's hair, shove their face into what little private space they had, trying to listen. And then the two guys next to me would do that too.

    I swear to god, if I had such friends, I would shout at them to piss off for like 5 minutes. And then I was tired, I shut my eyes for like half a minute. I could feel the guy sitting next to me bouncing on the chair. Apparently, he had his face stuck in front of mine, and was headbanging furiously in front of my head. Little did he realise my eyes were already open. He turned at realised I was staring at him. Then he got slightly embarrassed, he withdrew and looked at me. Obviously, I continued staring at him for a while, astonished by such retarded actions. He then said, "Sorry eh? Sorry, heh heh."

    Because I had two ear phones stuck in my ear, I think he thought I didn't hear it cos I went on staring at him. He repeated his apologies a few times. I then looked away. While looking away, I accidentally rolled my eyes. I swear it wasn't intentional but heck, they deserved it. So the guy next to me stopped being such an arse thereafter. Whee.

    But the other guy, standing, continued being a complete idiot, bugging the guy non-stop. And the girl. He'd grab the guy's arm that's around the girl, wave it about so it shakes the girl too. Then tug his hair, shout, try to listen to their conversation, etc. That couple sure has a heck of a tolerance level.

    They were in shorts, no surprise. Lower sec buggers trying to disturb me on a bad day? Not a chance. I refused to even attempt to sleep on the bus, no thanks to them. Why should I let them gain pleasure out of my ignorance, eh? Now, scoot off!


    Anyhow, the prelims are sooooooo draggy. I'm so bored. Not that I don't need the time to study, cos I do. It's just taking so damn long to end. UGH.


    At Tue Sept 20, 04:18:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    whoa what school's that? they do seem VERY irritating. haha think i'd glare and roll my eyes too. but they might not notice it cause i'm crap at rolling my eyes! haha

    prelims are crawling by but they're ending soon!!!

    At Tue Sept 20, 04:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    chai chee sec. most of them aren't that irritating. just my luck to have that annoying bunch next to or in front of me.

    and i roll my eyes too often i think. perhaps that's why it happened, accidentally. :p

    and crawling by is the right term.

    At Wed Sept 21, 12:39:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    at first, when i was reading about the retards on the bus, i was like, "geee." and then i read the part "they were in short pants" and immediately went, "OH." lol

    and at least the cab driver tried to apologise(for something he didnt do wrong lol). haha

    and ur prelims? 3 more days! 3 more days! 3 more days! Everybody! 3 more days!

    At Wed Sept 21, 03:47:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin seige* 2 more days now. and the last paper isn't even study-able. so sorta just one more day! yay!

    poor cabby kept so quiet throughout the journey :p

    and yea, bloody lower sec monkeys. *sigh*


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